White supremacists, demonstrators square off in LA

Here is what I don't understand. By protesting anything you are giving them free publicity. Let these idiots have their rally, a few people that already think like them will listen and then go home. Protesting just gets their message to a wider audience. If nobody shows up, there is no rally. This is a simple concept.

Lets take a couple of examples. "The Passion" is a minor movie that very few people are going to watch. Some people are upset with it's tone and message, start protesting, and wham it does huge bank. Andrew "Dice" Clay is an annoying fringe comedian that can't sell out a comedy club. Some womens groups start to protest his act and all of a sudden he is selling out arenas. If you let them be, no one cares.
The extremo lefties will use ANY strategy to advance their cause. Seriously now, how in the fucking world would a gaggle of honkey supremos further their agenda assembling in such a fashion . . .in LA of all places ! :popcorn:

guarantee ya that these clowns are having an orgy amongst themselves tonite :1orglaugh


Here's the strategy : After today, anytime someone has an objection toward ILLEGAL immigration, they're automatically associated with white supremacy, get it ?
Sheesh, a kindergartner could fig'r that out.

Ya gotta ask yourself one question ~ Who benefits ?

...this, and...

yes if you speak about illegal immigrants, the crimes they commit, black neighborhoods where murder and violent crime happens everyday, black on white crime statistics, ect ect you are automatically a hater and a racist.

if someone attacks you for speaking your mind, they are doing what needs to be done and are by no means haters.

well, thats the pea brained mentality of most.

so cower and be afraid white people. be afraid to walk the street, be afraid to speak, be afraid to think.

also, these people are not supremists, they are separatists, and truthfully i don't blame them considering the day after day actions of way too many non whites in the usa.
all these white people who have opinions should try taking a walk through any black or mexican neighborhood some day, look around, and see what happens to you. hell bring your wife, your gf, your sister or daughter along too.
maybe that reality is better left unknown.
i also wish these white groups would cut the nazi bullshit out and maybe they might be able to send a valid message out.

I'm white, i'm proud of it. my ancestors created beautiful art, music, citys, churches, buildings. invented so many things, discovered medical treatments.
they have advanced, unlike many other groups.
but i better not feel that way because i may be called a supremacist.

and i will say this: i believe completely that if the white race is to survive this century, the only way is to separate, geographically, governmentally , economically.
that to me, is as clear as as can be.


Lefties? Since when are white supremacist left wing liberals? You're on the wrong side of the political spectrum there buddy.

Haven't been keepin' up on current affairs, have ya there pal:


Boy, this is kinda like a gray area really. On the one hand they do have the right to assemble and to shout the most idiotic and and retarded things that can come to their small, under developed cavemen cranium of theirs. As long as it remains peaceful, then no one can enact any laws stopping them from doing such. On the other hand though, we who are a little more gifted in the higher thinking department know full well that it is only a matter of time before they turn things violent. History loves to repeat itself. It is never in the same form, but the fashion in which it does is relatively the same. The Ku Klux Klan, The Nazi party, and many other extremist groups all started out as a group of non-violent idealist exercising their right to assemble. We all know where those brick roads eventually led to.

How does one go about handling a situation like this without compromising the very thing that makes this place what it is? A perplexing problem whose very solution is going to be cut and dry with no middle ground. This ultimately means that one or more of the parties involved are gonna get their little feelings hurt and throw a temper tantrum. Gray areas, You know I love em!

Extra credit for acknowledgment of complexity ("gray area") - something that isn't done nearly enough these days...


(I woulda rep'd you if I could)

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Sure these ignorant fucks have the right to assemble and spew there ignorant gibberish mostly @ protesters, but I say if a city or township allows fucktards like this too assemble and basically incite a riot in the middle of there city. The citizens of the hosting community mine as well make sure there city has too pay overtime to half the police force/ and make them think twice before they agree too protect a bunch of gay drunk hillbillies who come to do nothing but piss everybody off and cause chaos and mass destruction / property damage and spark the peoples resentment towards there own community for allowing these events. in the end it costs tax payers $$$ and accomplishes NOTHING.

Its also embarrassing that This White Supremacists group claims too be from Detroit. :rolleyes: yet they've never assembled within the CITY of Detroit. maybe a outlaying suburb of Detroit that's 50 miles away from the closest black person or for that matter any other minority, simply said there a bunch of inbred REDNECK HILLBILLIES that live in a city with a population of 304 people and there prolly all related!
i agree with the fact that protesters and protester protesters :D have the right to protest. however, if those counter-protesters hadn't gotten violent nobody would have even known about this story. that's where i fault them, they made a relatively minor story into a national one. i just love how these jackasses are protesting immigrants and yet barring being a native american everyone is an immigrant.


Why is it that the police are beating people up and arresting them at a sports rally, or humanitarian aid rally, but they don't do anything to stop the Nazis?


Beating the head outta greenies and G8 protesters is alot easier as they are usually a mild lot really whereas the skinhead fucks thrive on violence and it would explode into a full scale riot pretty damn fast.
The Klan and the Nazis were never a non-violent group that assembled to protest. The Klan terrorized and murdered people form day one, that was their whole purpose. The Nazis also aimed to seize power from their very inception. They attacked people from rival political organizations and staged a coup against the government, which was why Hitler was arrested and sent to prison.

What I meant wasn't the actual groups themselves, but the roots in which they started. The Klan sprung up from 6 former confederate soldiers meeting up weekly in a den in Tennessee.
and you think black panthers or nation of islam demonstrating vociferating their hate against whites isn't as bad as white supremacists? Look who is involved and enrolled in the nation of islam or black panthers: a bunch of ghetto scumbag criminals that are unworthy of their american citizenship and that should be jailed for life.


Hiliary 2020
Sure these ignorant fucks have the right to assemble and spew there ignorant gibberish mostly @ protesters, but I say if a city or township allows fucktards like this too assemble and basically incite a riot in the middle of there city. The citizens of the hosting community mine as well make sure there city has too pay overtime to half the police force/ and make them think twice before they agree too protect a bunch of gay drunk hillbillies who come to do nothing but piss everybody off and cause chaos and mass destruction / property damage and spark the peoples resentment towards there own community for allowing these events. in the end it costs tax payers $$$ and accomplishes NOTHING.

Its also embarrassing that This White Supremacists group claims too be from Detroit. :rolleyes: yet they've never assembled within the CITY of Detroit. maybe a outlaying suburb of Detroit that's 50 miles away from the closest black person or for that matter any other minority, simply said there a bunch of inbred REDNECK HILLBILLIES that live in a city with a population of 304 people and there prolly all related!

so much hatred.

man people hear the word White supremacist and they react like a pavlovian dog.
some i believe even get sexually aroused.

don't worry people, very few are listening to these guys.
they pose no threat to you.
no threat whatsoever.

oh, is redneck hillbilly a racial slur?
or is it cool to use?
i just want to know, ive been away for a while now.


Hiliary 2020
and you think black panthers or nation of islam demonstrating vociferating their hate against whites isn't as bad as white supremacists? Look who is involved and enrolled in the nation of islam or black panthers: a bunch of ghetto scumbag criminals that are unworthy of their american citizenship and that should be jailed for life.

dude you can't say stuff like that!
don't you know what year it is?

you know, i wish we could all get along, live in perfect harmony.
but wake the fuck up people.
look around any city in the usa.
look at the crime stats, look at a lot of shit.

it ain't getting better, its getting worse, and fast.

i think people need to begin to realize and accept that an interracial utopia is not gonna happen.
once they do that they can perhaps identify why and just maybe figure out a solution instead of just bullshitting themselves every waking day.
I love these stories. It always saddens me to see reactionary dolts get violent and give these white supremacists EXACTLY what they want. You know what these Supremacists were truly afraid of? Nobody showing up. No headlines.

When you engage an antagonist, the antagonist wins. Reason and logic cannot be carried by muddied screaming.
The extremo lefties will use ANY strategy to advance their cause. Seriously now, how in the fucking world would a gaggle of honkey supremos further their agenda assembling in such a fashion . . .in LA of all places ! :popcorn:

guarantee ya that these clowns are having an orgy amongst themselves tonite :1orglaugh

Here's the strategy : After today, anytime someone has an objection toward ILLEGAL immigration, they're automatically associated with white supremacy, get it ?
Sheesh, a kindergartner could fig'r that out.

Ya gotta ask yourself one question ~ Who benefits ?

Prolly the stupidest thing you've posted so far....Certainly the goofiest.

Anyone with an understanding of the mere basics of how White Supremacists operate know their whole reason for breathing is to attempt to instigate a circumstance catalyzing some wider race war.

Any circumstance where violence prevails, they are looked as having their rights trampled or they are seen as being "victimized" plays into their agenda.

The only thing is...the dumb shit only works on people who think like them to begin with so it's not the multiplier they think..dummies...

To the point of this story....

Irrespective of what they preach legally...they have the right to do it and shouldm't come under attack from thin skinned ninnies....

The idiots attacking them should have staged their own larger rally someplace else..if they're inclined to voice their opposition.

Americans have a right to their own beliefs and opinions and if you feel you need to stone people saying things you don't like...stay the fuck home (or party someplace else).
on the whole grand scale of things, who really hates who?

:cool: Pretty simple...White Supremacists hate everyone else...including those they determine are pacifist whites. Would kill, burn or maim if and where they could.

The protesters protesting them..only (presumably) hate White Supremacists.:2 cents:
:cool: Pretty simple...White Supremacists hate everyone else...including those they determine are pacifist whites. Would kill, burn or maim if and where they could.

The protesters protesting them..only (presumably) hate White Supremacists.:2 cents:

I would replace the word protesters by members of the nation of islam and black panthers as well as any ghetto gang member who are demonstrating to show that they like to dominate and oppress white people.
Let them have their say as long as it's peacefull. If they go to neighbourhoods where they are likely to provoke violence then why should the police and your tax money go towards protecting them, let them defend themselves. If the media don't show up they'll get bored and go home. Whole situation reminds me of a programme i watched last night on Eugène Terre'Blanche and his AWB movement.
I would replace the word protesters by members of the nation of islam and black panthers as well as any ghetto gang member who are demonstrating to show that they like to dominate and oppress white people.

Uh yeah, Georges...not that a fact will matter to you but the opposition crowd was mostly latinos and Jews.
so much hatred.

man people hear the word White supremacist and they react like a pavlovian dog.
some i believe even get sexually aroused.

I don't think so meester unless you are implying that all men are secretly homosexual. What would be the object of the sexual arousal in this situation?

Again, let's consider the dusty, irrelevant document known as the Constitution. Is the point of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights meant to protect someone from speaking out against gov't or "power" and to assemble "peaceably" or was it meant to protect mobs of racists from assembling with NO INTENTION OF PEACE. :dunno:

There is no need to "protect" white supremacists or minority-based proto-racist groups. We do not need their viewpoints to "grow" our society.

It's really that simple.

Groups like these should be arrested under "Hate Crimes" statues, heavily fined and monitored. That's what I want my gov't to do. Protect me from them.


Hiliary 2020
man i'm not defending these guys, i think they are too extreme.
all the hitler shit, c'mon, talk some sense, make some points and maybe someone will listen.

but protect you from them?
spend some time looking up crime stats in the usa, then seriously ask yourself if these
are the guys you need protecting from.
(keep in mind that mexicans are considered white in most crime stats)
or just take a walk in any poorer or even middle class city neighborhood in the usa after dark.
see how many white supremacists bother you.
consider it an experiment.

and tits you really want people charged with crimes and fined for using words?