Clayton Bigsby says STFU!! I
...oh and WHITE POWA!

...oh and WHITE POWA!
the white guilt that they taught me in school is not gonna make me make excuses for anyone.
face it, blacks, especially youths, have a giant problem with crime in the usa.
a lot of mexicans too.
whites have a small crime problem, very small.
(and i'm talking percentages here, not about individuals.
so thats not stereotyping, scapegoating or labeling.)
but we disagree on the crime part.
when one group commits violent crimes against another at a rate of hundreds of times more than vice versa, i'd say its a little beyond "crimes of oppurtunity"
the white guilt that they taught me in school is not gonna make me make excuses for anyone.
face it, blacks, especially youths, have a giant problem with crime in the usa.
a lot of mexicans too.
whites have a small crime problem, very small.
(and i'm talking percentages here, not about individuals.
so thats not stereotyping, scapegoating or labeling.)
even if you concede to that fact we will disagree as to why i'm sure.
you'd say its societys fault ( meaning white peoples), and i'd say its what has become of their culture.And the reason i even bring this up is because i care about the country and want to see things get better, not worse.
but if people and society can't even admit to a problem, it ain't gonna get better.
dude what planet are you on?
first of all theres been plenty of black serial killers and rapists.
but really, what percentage of white guys are serial killers?
maybe uh .00000001 percent of the population, give or take a few 0's.
and what percentage of white guys are catholic priests? and of that percentage how many rape children?
YOU are the one stereotyping here.
and you want to watch a tv show that shows the real thing? the first 48 hours.
or do what i did and experience life in the real world to form your opinions.
you misunderstood..
i said what percentage of white guys are serial killers?
maybe uh .00000001 percent of the population, give or take a few 0's, and that was a sarcastic guess.
not 0000001 percent of serial killers are white.
and i never questioned the intelligence of blacks as youve implied.
i,m not the one here saying they cant compete with white students in school.
just said that in the category of young blacks today there is a serious crime problem.
this is fact.
its not an insult and its not implying anything or condemning anyone.
and if anybody thinks that is being racist then they are a pea brain.
and why does it bother so many people to hear it, but the reality of it doesn't?
its because too many have be trained like animals about who you can and can't talk about.
i really don't want to debate this anymore, i think i'll stop now
Man, what douchebags.
Well if you're going to just look at a circumstance like crime focusing on race...the question becomes why do you think there is a crime problem with black youth (as you imply)? Because of skin color? Now if you do believe that you obviously live in a pretty naive world IMO. As I pointed out previously there are populations with virtually no blacks or hispanics with high crime rates.
And what does that have to do with this thread? Sociopaths and miscreants advocating criminal activity, violence and constitutional overthrow are right in pointing out the shortcomings of other races here in the US???![]()
Most people irrespective of race who commit crimes have a proclivity for committing crime because of disparate financial circumstances.
Yea and today it's quite fashionable for lefty goons (not all left wing thinkers just the extreme ones) to voluntarily adjoin the ranks of the "disparate" via their anti capitalist sentiment, no ?
Get em off of their butts and have 'em learn a trade and do something resourceful instead of making excuses for their criminal behavior.:2 cents:
No, you're not smarter than a 5th grader..or at least you don't pay attention like a grown up.
6. Use Ridicule and Mockery
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
First, satirists have known for centuries that humor, satire, and mockery can cut through a lot of BS and reveal truths that would otherwise be covered over by needlessly complex arguments. Getting your message across quickly and simply counts for a lot. Second, the more you encourage people to laugh derisively at some organization or institution, the less they will take it seriously. This will reduce that group's social, political, and cultural power over time. Third, it's difficult to effectively counter ridicule. It's not amenable to logical counter-arguments. Finally, ridicule might make your opponent lose their cool, scoring you sympathy points in the court of public opinion.
Alinsky taught :
You ^ :thumbsup: :tongue:
I believe anyone should be able to speak their mind, no matter how moronic their thoughts may be.
Next time "uncle" will do.
You may have had a point if my response was only ridicule.
I have to strongly disagree.
These fascists are not just sharing their opinions. If they wan tto do that, they can get their event on at some farm and people who want to share with them can go there, too.
But leave parts of the city to these people? Not going to happen if i can help it.
This is worse than the Westboro Church - you guys need to wake up.
I believe anyone should be able to speak their mind, no matter how moronic their thoughts may be.