001 said:
I was going to make my post longer, but got tired! Anotherguy however has maded one point I was going to - we have been being ripped off by the big companies for too long. I am not saying the artists deserve it, but its the middle men, the people who are purely in it for the money, that have stitched the industry up, and thank fuck FINALLY they are realising it and doing something about it, even if it was only to save their own skins from piracy as opposed to doing something decent for us lot!
:thumbsup: Same point I made earlier, and just as valid. We're getting conned for software & DVD's and at least P2P's been a wakeup call for the industry. I don't agree with copyright theft, but it's the consumer getting the shaft. At the end of the day they're only interested in making as much money as possible.
I'll quote software packages as an example:
Even with different taxes etc., I know I can get some computer design packages shipped from the US for half the price they are in England. It's about time companies stopped conning people, and gave everyone the same value for money.
Wtf's that about ?? The cost of a CD or DVD's the same, so these companies are just giving the finger to those of us who buy their product.
Another good idea would be to have simultaneous release dates for films - I know films premier in the US and are sometimes out on DVD BEFORE their cinema release in England.
I'm not condoning it, but of course real film fans are going to download the film if it's available before a general cinema release.
And of course, some DVD's have better US packages than the English releases - all the time this is going on, piracy & file sharing will grow and flourish.
So instead of these companies bitching & whining about how they've only made xx amount of billions of dollars, how about giving the consumer a fair deal ?
I don't use pirate software, but I find it very hard to shed a tear if Bill Gates loses a few licenses to piracy (give us software at a reasonable price).
The only people I feel sorry for are those small developers, who really do rely on the money.
Sorry to post another rant (I'm not spamming - honest) - but it's a subject I feel strongly on. If these companies treated their consumers with respect, maybe we'd have more respect for both them and the copyright laws.
Finally, why the f**k do we need to keep putting the original cd's in to play games ? Pirate copies don't need them, so again we're getting shafted!!
I know you can download patches & fixes that modify the coding, but this is also illegal - a real pain when you've got loads of games on your system.
Anyway, rant over - and I've probably gone off topic, but I feel it's related to the whole P2P thing.
Btw - great idea for a thread, it's a topic that always prompts debate. :thumbsup: