I regret to say that, like the economic downturn, the craziness is just getting started. We're entering into an autocratic form of government.
The trouble is that young people have largely been deprived of the essential U.S. historical education needed in order to identify a governments' going out of bounds. All they seem to know is that bush sucked (which I agree with BTW) and, cool people don't "waste their vote" on lowly "secondary political parties" e.g. Independent, Libertarian etc.
Vote Democrat and only democrat because all of my professors fiercely insist that there will be no harmony unless we get a democratic president elected ! "We need to begin to repair the environment no matter what the cost". "If we have to sacrifice our home, I would hope that my two mommies would acquiesce to the idea that if we don't surrender the home, the earth would eventually become 98 % water mass !":eek: Besides, "rage against the machine demands that that we "fight the power" and vote democrat."
The deeper that we enter into the Obama cavern, the darker, the more challenging and the less dignity. Take away a good man's dignity,a man will usually appeal with letters (to his congressperson) in an attempt to reacquire said dignity, if not, it's flyin' knuckles, flyin' lead, steel or otherwise.
It's too much for some people to take, thinking that, last year at this time a man had his home, his family and his job in tact, in spite of the economic woes going on around him. Today he looses his career, his pension, his healthcare, his wife, his house, his children . . . and those assholes that he had elected are still assembling for their daily gourmet catered hot lunches and are still offering nothing specific about what has happened or what will happen.
So people snap