Whats up with these shootings?

Freedom entails responsibility, and responsibility entails consequences. There is no reason to punish EVERYONE for the actions of the few (when it comes to guns, cars, whatever, it doesn't matter). You just have to enforce the law and punish the ones who DO commit crimes.

Ideas like breathalizer ignition systems are just entirely retarded.

I don't even drink, but I'd be willing to to deal with the inconvenience (sp). Hey, it could be my mother that is killed by a drunk driver next.
I don't drink either, but I don't think they can create a system that's foolproof against drunk or otherwise intoxicated drivers.

What about drugs, have a syringe hooked up to the ignition to do an on the spot blood test?
Chicken Little Syndrome. It seems to have effected quite a few members on here as well - they may not go out in a blaze of glory, but they seem just as convinced that the eminent apocalypse is coming.

everyone always thinks that because things are bad, it means that the world is ending. newsflash: shit happens and it has always happened and it will always happen as long as humans exist, and it never caused anything more than a temporary delay in society.
PS. and on the subject of drunk driving, you are looking at it in black and white terms. It should be about driving impaired, not driving drunk. For most people it requires about 2 or 3 beers to be drunker than the legal limit, but most people who drink have built up an alcohol tolerance to the point where they are not effected by that amount. I know a guy that polishes off a 12 pack every Friday and drives home and he's never been in a car accident or even gotten a traffic fine, because he's used to drinking that much and it doesn't impair his ability to drive. So why should he get a ticket simply for consuming a product which is his legal right to do so?

what if you crash your car when you have drank less than the legal amount? who is to say what level that alcohol contributed to it? studies have shown that talking on a cell phone while driving impairs you as much as being drunk, but many states still have it legal to do that. How about driving while you are tired? that's just as bad, but how are you going to enforce that? and what if you just straight up are not paying attention while you are driving, which is perfectly legal and no less dangerous.

Police can't stop people unless they have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a crime. If someone is driving perfectly fine, then there is no reason to pull them over and check if they have been drinking. That is why required breathalyzers in cars should not be permitted, they are presumed guilt. that's also why we have a law that says the police can't install a camera in your house to watch your every move. would it catch some guilty people? of course, but it would violate 99% of innocent people in the process. If you are innocent, then you should not be treated like a criminal.


Yeah, because that never happens. ;)

How hard is it to stop a knife wielding maniac? Not that hard, especially when he is some untrained nobody who is just pissed off because he lost his job.

Now, replace that knife with a gun. What happens? Dozens dead, hostages taken, international headlines are made.
I don't drink either, but I don't think they can create a system that's foolproof against drunk or otherwise intoxicated drivers.

What about drugs, have a syringe hooked up to the ignition to do an on the spot blood test?

a syringe??? I'm sorry but i don't like sticking anything in me -especially needles.

you know Lucky i wouldn't be surprised if you prefer the world to be hooked up to the matrix.:thumbsup:
Now, replace that knife with a gun. What happens? Dozens dead, hostages taken, international headlines are made.

In most of the mass murders that have taken the most lives in the U.S. (including serial killers) not a single bullet from a single firearm was ever fired.

If people are committed to taking a bunch of people out before they off themselves there's not much that can be done about it.

There are just too, too many soft targets in our society and there is no practical way to protect everyone from the prospect of some loser or losers willing to take out a bunch of people.

If we've learned anything from the laws of supply and demand is that the black market never fails. Banning firearms won't eliminate or even reduce mass murders IMO. Too often there is the false assumption that absent a firearm people intent on taking life en mass are limited to only knives or broken glass bottles as an option.

The only way to prevent mass murder is to harden every soft target in our society....again, not practical or even possible.

:2 cents:


In most of the mass murders that have taken the most lives in the U.S. (including serial killers) not a single bullet from a single firearm was ever fired.

Serial killers are a different subject.

Fuck it. I give up. It's no use talking to Americans about guns because they love them too much.
we americans have a strong sense of violence as acceptable, sex as naughty, and guns as great...what could ever go wrong? mass murderers almost always use guns or explosives...serial killers kill over and over again usually killing individuals (with exceptions like Son of Sam and the Zodiac Killer who did kill couples) whereas a mass murder is a single event where multiple people are killed
Serial killers are a different subject.

Fuck it. I give up. It's no use talking to Americans about guns because they love them too much.

As far as I know serial killers are sociopaths who set out to murder many people (how are they different??). They don't use "firearms" in most cases because firearms tend to be traced easier and potentially leave more clues than most other methods.

For whatever reason our society has many more wolves than most other societies...the prospect of these wolves knowing that they have an easier access to firearms than the average person because they are illegal is pretty frightening to me...much more frightening than the prospect of me dying at the hands of one as the laws stand today.

I personally don't love firearms as much as I love the protection it affords potential victims of crimes.
Attention to all potential immigrants. Learn English and don't expect anyone to care! This dude from 'Nam felt a victim because of his piss-poor English...WHAT THE F DOES ANYONE EXPECT?. If I went to live in Vietnam I'd not leave before attaining some solid understanding of the language first and foremost. Hell I feel isolated and not living my dreams but that's my fault and my choices only.

I appreciate every fucking day and as a member of the top 5% living standard community I and all you others already won the lottery when we were so fricking lucky to be born in these great nations. Sure I want all sorts of things, but I know that will never cease no matter my wealth. We're spoiled rotten really, so can we please enjoy this good life FFS?!


As far as I know serial killers are sociopaths who set out to murder many people (how are they different??). They don't use "firearms" in most cases because firearms tend to be traced easier and potentially leave more clues than most other methods.

You're either disagreeing because you're looking for an arguement, or you're an idiot.
What's it gonna be?
i'm pretty sure serial killers don't use firearms because it's not personal enough. it won't satisfy the psycho-sexual nature of their addiction.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yesterday in New York, and today in Pittsburgh. Guy gets laid off from his job and goes ape shit with a gun.


The guy in Pittsburgh heard about the guy in New York and thought it was a good idea :1orglaugh
You're either disagreeing because you're looking for an arguement, or you're an idiot.
What's it gonna be?

If you re-read my reply...how can YOU disagree??? The mass murders that have killed THE MOST people in the U.S. at one time didn't involve a single firearm. That is simply a fact.

Secondly, serial killers ARE sociopaths as is ANYONE who's psychosis allows that they murder someone. Committing murder IS anti-social sociopathy. Now in some cases their psychosis may be acute or temporary as opposed to chronic or clinical as with serial killers but it's the same psychosis, they objectify their victims...It's not my rule but anyone who knows anything about psychology can tell you that.

The bottom line is people hell bent on murdering allot of people don't need a firearm and history has shown in the cases where the most amount of human life has been taken by an individual or small group of individuals it wasn't done with a firearm

On 9/11 over 3000 people were murdered at one time..not a single bullet was fired. Timothy McVeigh killed hundreds at one time in Oklahoma City, not a single bullet was fired...those are the two largest incidents of murder in American history and not a single bullet was fired. Those are facts..what don't you like about facts?
You could ban guns and maybe the body count would be lowered but by then the government would just go total tyranny from the soft-tyranny being seen today. The good people must stay armed to keep the elite in check, simple as that IMO

Firearms are just convenient and who doesn't get warped by the power of the gun when they first dream of fucking shit up. It's a weapon from God to these cowards.

If some dude went the business in Mr Bill style mass killing he'd be a legend and worthy of the term pure evil.

These shooters are all just cowardly scum and not even worthy of the name gifted to them by their parents(who may be partly to blame, who knows?).


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't drink either, but I don't think they can create a system that's foolproof against drunk or otherwise intoxicated drivers.

What about drugs, have a syringe hooked up to the ignition to do an on the spot blood test?

It won't be long until every car that's manufactured in the US will be constructed with a built in breathalyzer of sorts.

In most of the mass murders that have taken the most lives in the U.S. (including serial killers) not a single bullet from a single firearm was ever fired.

Name one time that a man with a kitchen knife stabbed 30 or more people at one time. You can't, because it can never happen. But, with a gun, 30 people can die in 2 seconds.

As far as I know serial killers are sociopaths who set out to murder many people (how are they different??). They don't use "firearms" in most cases because firearms tend to be traced easier and potentially leave more clues than most other methods.

They don't use firearms because most serial killers like to torture their victims, as it is a twisted way for them to get off. If they kill people with a gun, by shooting them, there's not much torture. So, they use things like knives, ropes, fire, etc. It has nothing to do with being traced. In fact, most serial killers actually want to be caught.
I don't see it as meaningless. What makes you feel that way?

I dunno. We live, we die. I do anyways. I'm not trying to come off as some suicidal depressed guy, because I'm not, I have a fairly awesome life. I just don't need "meaning" to get me through it. There is no higher power guiding me, or helping me through life. There is nothing I'm supposed to do, or become. I just wake up, do whatever I have to do and go to sleep.

And if there was a meaning, it would be to produce platinum records and tour the country.
Name one time that a man with a kitchen knife stabbed 30 or more people at one time. You can't, because it can never happen. But, with a gun, 30 people can die in 2 seconds.

They don't use firearms because most serial killers like to torture their victims, as it is a twisted way for them to get off. If they kill people with a gun, by shooting them, there's not much torture. So, they use things like knives, ropes, fire, etc. It has nothing to do with being traced. In fact, most serial killers actually want to be caught.

Like I said in a previous reply, people who want to kill allot of people at one time wouldn't simply settle for a knife if they couldn't get their hands on a firearm...see 9/11 and the Oklahoma City.

Name one serial killer who wanted to be caught??? If so, why not just turn themselves in?? Some enjoy the chase but don't confuse their guilt over their actions with the desire to get caught. They have one desire and that is to fulfill whatever exploitation of their victims their need calls for. Often times, the murder of their victims is merely to cover the initial crime they're exploiting their victims for in the first place.