Whats up with these shootings?

Attention to all potential immigrants. Learn English

The security guard who killed his five children In Washington State spoke perfect English, he killed his own blood by pumping multiple shots to all his five children making sure they are DEAD ! The Most Tragic Execution in last 2 week !

No one picked up the news of the Oakland shooter who gunned down 4 California cops, the "cop killer" confessed to his relatives he could not find a job, no one will hire him. He wouldn't want to go back to prison.

Once again the Pittsburgh "cop killer" lost his job and laid around at the house, fussed with his Mom over the cat urinated on the carpet and led to 3 cops being killed.

No one single group can claim all the recent shootings including the immigrants, the unemployed, the rural white in pennsylvannia, the criminal on probation, or the security guard.

The majority of immigrants are law-abiding citizens and we should not point fingers at one ethnic minority group responsible for the recent mass murders !
I dunno. We live, we die. I do anyways. I'm not trying to come off as some suicidal depressed guy, because I'm not, I have a fairly awesome life. I just don't need "meaning" to get me through it. There is no higher power guiding me, or helping me through life. There is nothing I'm supposed to do, or become. I just wake up, do whatever I have to do and go to sleep.

I understand what you're saying. If you genuinely don't need meaning in your life that's a whole different deal. Usually though, people who make that claim are just trying to rationalize a sense of emptiness in their existence. From my perspective you did something of meaning just by writing the post above. You induced thought, and thought can produce meaningful action, or interaction, which can compound into more of the same. I think anyone who regularly brings useful thought or joy to the lives of others is leading a meaningful existence. And aside from that, I'm sure you have family, close friends, perhaps a significant other, who find your existence deeply meaningful.

Having said that, if the Lakers blow it and don't win the championship this year I will join you in agreeing that life has no meaning :D