What Will Give You Diarrhea Every Time You Eat It???

For me, KFC and Korean BBQ are slam dunks for many sessions of mad diarrhea. As far as beverages, a hard night of whiskey drinking will bring about a following day of spraying butt juice all over the bowl. Also, for some reason, apple juice gives me diarrhea.
White Castle.
If I haven't eaten anything all day then I eat a lot of fast food, it's pretty much a certainty that a couple of hours later I'll have bad diarrhea.
For me, KFC and Korean BBQ are slam dunks for many sessions of mad diarrhea. As far as beverages, a hard night of whiskey drinking will bring about a following day of spraying butt juice all over the bowl. Also, for some reason, apple juice gives me diarrhea.

Nice.:facepalm: (Amazing the power of a bad visual.)

I used to be able to eat White Castle. I could put down fifteen of them. Last time I ate any of it I only ate five and the next day it was a ferocious attack on the porcelain city.
Be envious I have four around me and I never go to them. They are just sitting wasting away... wishing for you, Dino...
I have a diarrhea once a month it seems. Don't know what causes it though. I've been told that I don't get enough iron and some other nutrients.
Prune Juice! I had a stomach exam which had previously caused me severe constipation so I decided to drink almost a litre of Prune juice after (assuming it was like any other juice) to help with my bowel movements. When my stomach started rumbling I knew something wasn't right and I spent the whole day shooting dark liquid out of my backside which ended up so sore I could barely wipe myself, thankfully I was at home for this ordeal. If anyone wants to alleviate constipation, pure Prune juice will do the job with overtime


what the fuck you lookin at?
taco bell with dairy queen for desert. Only made that mistake once, but I'm sure it would work every time!