What is the latest good film you watched ?


Closed Account
Says I got to spread the love around. :(

I agree that TCM 2 is a great sequel. Initially, when I first saw it, I wasn't too hot on it due to the fact that with sequels you generally expect more of the same. And TCM 2 was anything but more of the same. But over time, I grew to appreciate the film on it's terms. As it's quite evident that Tobe Hooper definately did not want to repeat himself, and thus made essentially a dark comedy. The poster makes this VERY clear as it's a parody of The Breakfast Club only with the Chainsaw clan filling in. I agree it's very unfortunate that Cannon edited the way they did due to the simple fact that the script appears to have been much more of a satire of the 1980's than what was ultimately presented in the movie itself, but for all intents and purposes it's still a damn good sequel to one of the greatest modern horror movies of all time.

Dennis Hopper with chainsaws battling Leatherface?

That's just fucking awesome! :bowdown:

No problem about the Rep. I feel I'll survive, but it's the thougth that counts mi amigo. :)

Indeed: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 came at the tail-end of Hooper's long sour deal with the assholes behind Cannon Films, the legendary wonderful super-cheese makers of very early '80s onwards Cinema. First there was Lifeforce, and then his redux of Invaders from Mars (oddly enough I've a big Tobe Hooper fan and supporter, but I haven't had time to watch either in years--maybe when the Blu-Rays are eventually released? Who knows). Given all compromixes that they never should have made (seem's like many film Producers, Mr. Globan and his brother in business didn't really know they were making a mostly dark-comedy filled with gore, according to cult favorite screenwriter L.M. Kit Carson on one of the special features interviews on the awesome Gruesome Edition). But even with that, if people go back and look over the first Chainsaw on Blu-Ray with it's ported over Laserdisc commentary track from early 1996, Hooper points out a lot of the splendid dark-comedy there as well and makes many mentions to it.

Indeed you hit the mark as a lot of his agreeing to quicky direct Chainsaw 2 was to let others see he has a large sense of humor, and to make sure that shines through in the finished film. Mean while that now legendary Breakfast Club spoofy and intentially goofy poster I've always dug. I found a nice, cheap re-print and got it off eBay last year, along with some more genre film posters, as I've finally gotten around to framing them a few months back and now they're all in my den with my home theater equipment, the serious Cinephile that I am. Too cool & amusing enough how we're talking about actually one of my top five film posters of all time--and I'm being very serious here. ya just gotta love those images and the tagline on it: "After a decade of silence, the BUZZ is back!". :D

Just one minor complaint: I've always wodnered where is the extra footage of some other the other stuff they shot that is not even in the piss-poor not even fully transfered "Deleted Scenes" that we got from the old Laserdisc that was ported on over to the Gruesome Edition DVD, and where they all might be to this day (the footage that is)? Sadly only God knows, as Tobe Hooper said in Part 1's Dark Sky produced documentary on mainly the first one. But it is indeed a damn good sequel. I'll forever remember re-looking over it around late 1998 with MGM's re-issued VHS tape and totally falling in love with it all over again. So glad that film get's love to this day. fuck it's haters! It has a lot of enjoyable, totally whacked out and surreal aspects.

And the ending is oddly enough even better on the cropped off, television version: All those trucks and a few cars pass by, reminding us that dispite all of the afore mentioned whakced out, totally "out there" violence and oddball hilarity we've just witnessed, that it's actually only a stone's throw away from the perverbial "real world" that isn't so cartoon-ish. But because it's below the letterboxing frame, it was apparently not really meant by Hooper to be included in any Widescreen. Ah well. **shrugs**

Exactly what I thought upon viewing "Never Sleep Again". Hell, I'm not really a big fan of redheads, but thought, "Damn! She's aged VERY well." when I saw Kim talking about her experiences on Nightmare 2.:thumbsup:

Heh heh, I'm a genuine Redhead fanatic myself, even though I'm about to marry a traditional Indian girl in my age gorup, and I was impressed with the bulk of them that showed up and with how well they all hold up, looks wise. And Lisa Wilcox from Part 4 & 5--when the series truely took a nose-dive to Turdsville, if ya ask me--truely has also maintained a very healthy look and remains even hotter then she did in the late '80s, if you wanna knnow my true feelings about it (check her out: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0928244/).

But indeed: Kim Myers has easily aged the nicest. I was SO taken aback as a had such the big time genre film fanatic fanboy crush on her back in the old clunky Media (Home Entertainment) VHS tape days of renting & finally owning Nightmare 2 from 1985. Such a damn fine, another oddball film form only one year earlier in '85. Always loved her voice and her line dlivery, even with limted roles like this and Hellraiser 4 (urgh). Too bad aside from these and that obscure Babysitter film and Letters from a Killer with Patrick Swayze and the like that she never truely got to do much. She's a smokin' hottie.
Looks great!

Yeah, "The Host" is one movie I heard some good things about but have yet to see. I remember the Angry Video Game Nerd guy mentioning it along with showing some clips from the film during his Giant Movie Monster countdown and it looked great.

Wait a sec, ... I just got paid today...

I'm going to Amazon and ordering that fucker NOW! :hatsoff:

Honestly, that's a good idea. There's no need to rent this if you're a giant monster movie fan. It's a modern classic.

I was skeptical of the CG seeing as it's a Korean movie and not some Hollywood blockbuster, but they delivered the goods big time. I hesitated putting the trailer up because the YouTube stream doesn't do it justice.

Anyway, yup, always trust The Angry Video Game Nerd..... dammit, now I'm gonna have, "He'd rather have a buffalo....take a diarrhea dump in his ear" stuck in my head for the night.
Tropic Thunder. Damn that movie is funny
Inglorious Basterds.

I just FINALLY saw it. The one bad thing about NetFlix is that this movie has been on the top of my queue since it came out. In 2009. But that's rare.

Yeah, I liked it a lot, but strangely, the most Tarantino-esque part about it was the soundtrack. There was a ton of dialog, but the fact that much of it was in French or German, and not based on contemporary pop culture, didn't give it that obvious QT vibe. And I think it worked best that way.

The actual Basterds unit was underdeveloped and acted as more of an assist to the story...which means this was overall a story driven piece. A first for Tarantino.

My only gripes are that some of the gore was way too hokey and I don't believe that was intentional. Mike Myers' part was a completely unnecessary distraction and, although Brad Pitt's character was written perfectly, he was a distraction as well. I finally played along towards the end, but the initial Basterd scenes seemed forced. Brad Pretty is not a great actor. He's pretty.

BTW, Christoph Waltz should have won the Best Actor Oscar. Not Supporting Actor. He was the fucking movie and he was brilliant in it.
^^^ I agree, the little Nazi General mastermind dude was the star of that film. Just saw Bruiser and it was okay but they had the Misfits playing in it and that was awesome. And earlier saw Groundhog Day which is always great.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Watched the remake of the Wolfman, not to bad. It's kind of cool how Benecio Del Torro kind of resmbles Lon Chaney Jr. a bit


Closed Account
^^^ I agree, the little Nazi General mastermind dude was the star of that film. Just saw Bruiser and it was okay but they had the Misfits playing in it and that was awesome. And earlier saw Groundhog Day which is always great.

Ah Bruiser: George Romero's last halfway decent for what it is and fairly entertaining movie in a direct-to-DVD (although meant for a few Canadian theaters, and even still roughly new on saw it, poor guy) sort of way. I'd give it a solid C+ and I even turn it on for a Romero fix from time to time. And yeah that one new track the Michale Graves-era Misfits did ("Brusier": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GEXVEYeSS8) is indeed awesome. It actually make it's way to CD form in the Cuts from the Crypt disc. Cool little movie, dullard very slow parts & all aside. I really wish he had a better final shooting script and more of a budget, though. But man oh man, I'm a HUGE genre film fanatic & collector and lover of Mr. Romero's work, but all of his Zombie epics after that (Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead and I've heard NOTHING short of pure-shit things about Survivial of the Dead from the good ol' boys at deadpit.com that I listen to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=togBzRTHvXs) he's been making ever since are pure shit. Sorry if it hurts his or anyone's feelings. I love the guy, but he just needs to quit while he's ahead and do the whole genre film celeb convention circuit if he's going to keep doing these and ruin his once good name. Someone need's to whisper in his ear that there are several other ways for an infamous horror film writer/director to make money aside form making sub-terrible low budget Canadian-shot movies, ya know.

People shit all over Bruiser but I actually thought it was his last halfway entertaining picture. Go figure.

Mean while I've been on sort of a Karate Kid trilogy kick lately (no pun intended) with showin' my youngest nephew the first two on the fine enough issued Blu-Ray's that Columbia/Tristar put out at the end of last month, and as well I DV-R'd the 3rd extremely goofy installment (albiet it's miles ahead of the best left forgotten fourth one with a certain star who went on to somehow win double Oscars, go figure *shrugs*) from Encore Wam, so check your listenings if you don't have it on DVD. I really don't see why Columbia didn't also issue the other two on Blu-Ray but your guess is as good as mine.

So some of the last great films I've saw are of course:

The Karate Kid [1984] (and I honestly believe this is an entire pop-culture decade-defining feature film and both leads desurved Oscars--again I am not kiding about this. Sadly the late/great Pat Morita was only nominated for the first feature, and neither of the sequels I feel gave him much to do or "moments to shine".:( May he RIP)

The Karate Kid Part II [1986] (say it with me now: "Live or die, man?!" "DIE ..." "Wrong answer. HONK!" :1orglaugh:confused: :rolleyes: Now let's all sing Peter Cetera soundtrack lyrics! Cause we, did it all, for the Glory of LOVEEEEE)

And decent enough for what it is, albiet very flawed and even goofier then the second: The Karate Kid Part III [1989] (and until recently when I checked the Internet Movie Database Trivia section and the English language Wikipedia.org part of the web for this movie, I honestly had NO idea that Ralph Macchio was a full year older then the new lead-villian/badguy of Terry Silver whom we all remember form John Carpenter's last halfway decent flick of 1998's Vampires, and that both we're so close to 30, and here was Ralph playing a barely 18 year old kid!)

And funny enough someone should mention Transporter 3: the 3rd installment of that dumb-fun franchise from executive producer and co-writer Luc Besson is interestingly enough that all three are of course co-written by Robert Mark Kamen who of course wrote Taken and all of three Karate Kid films. I personally enjoyed the shooting locations for Transporter 3 the most, and the lovely Ukrainan hottie with freckles reminds me of why I love the Slavic lands with the accents and gorgeous beauty so much. I'm actually good friens via e-mail with a Ukrainian woman--although we're JUST penpal friends--and she is highly intelligent and culture-filled. God bless'em.

And dispite the horrid reviews I honestly felt Part 3 had nice little quirks & eccentricities going for it, if I must list them some other time. For example I loved the Ukrainan-born beauty as the lead actress, dispite the somewhat obviously shocking age difference betwee the two leads. And I actually liked that a fellow American was the lead bad guy who a much less-Xenophobic chnage instead of a foreigner to North American shores for a change. Please don't ask me why; it's just a deep-down little personal issue I have. *shrugs* Plus the usual implausible stunts in that one were (as always) the most amusing to chuckle at since the the second one, of course. I would welcome a 4th one, should the film makers choose to make it.