Uh, just watched The Nightmare on Elm Street (original) for the first time in years. It's funny...I remember this being so scary as a kid, but today, besides the creepy hopscotch chant and a few jump scares, this just didn't live up. I have no way of judging, but I'm assuming my initial fright was due to my age, not content. We're a jaded lot in 2010, but I don't think that's why this revisit was a disappointment.
Some of the effects come off as hokey and could have been done so much better with a better budget and exploration (not CG)and the end was the biggest disappointment of all. Craven put so much thought into justifying the final battle, so it's sad to see the last ten minutes amount to junk.
I dunno, movies like Halloween, The Exorcist, Hellraiser and Poltergeist still bring me back to my childhood reactionary mode. Nightmare does not.