What is the latest good film you watched ?


Postal Paranoiac
I'm watching District 9. It's kind of like Alien Nation plus Aliens, sprinkled with The Office.:rolleyes:
I was expecting The Goods: Live Hard Sell Hard to be a big piece of shit, but it surprised me and was actually pretty fucking funny.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Armored was pretty good, predictable, but good performances.

Can someone actually explain why they think Terminator Salvation sucked. I see a lot of people hated it but I haven't really seen a reason. I thought I was good and I'm looking forward to the next one.
I was expecting The Goods: Live Hard Sell Hard to be a big piece of shit, but it surprised me and was actually pretty fucking funny.

Yeah,I sneaked into that one after I payed for another movie in the theater.I thought it was kinda funny.

I saw Splice earlier today.Not great,but it was decent.I thought the end was forced and totally predictable,but everything before that was pretty good.

I will say thought,I had a very uneasy feeling while watching this movie,and there hasn't been a movie to make me feel that uncomfortable in quite a while.
Toy Story. Just realized that movie came out 15 years ago. Im fiending for Toy Story right now thanks to ABC Family got the 2nd on on my DVR for later and plan on watching the 3rd with my little brother when that comes out. Nothing wrong with an adult enjoying children's movies? Right?
High Kick Girl

This was a fun little surprise. Basically it's about this Japanese badass karate student/ schoolgirl who wants to prove how tought and powerful she is so she goes around to local dojos, beating up all the blackbelts. She eventually gets involved with this gang of killers shit gets real bad real fast.

I won't give away any more of the plot, but really, that's not the point of this movie. Karate's the star of this one. Not wire work, not acrobatics, but actual karate. All the fight scenes (which there's a ton of) are choreographed so well that many of the more powerful blows are replayed in slow motion right after. The actors definitely make contact and it's the most realistic looking and sounding fight choreography that I've ever seen. Some of it's just plain ol' brutal, and not in an over the top kind of way.

In an era when traditional martial arts have fallen due to the popularity of hybrid MMA styles, this film goes out of it way to not only champion the effectiveness of karate, but to promote the supposed philosophy of it. And while that and some other aspects will remind you of The Karate Kid, it's really an entirely different animal.

Good, fun stuff and seeing a cute Japanese chick in a schoolgirl uniform kick ass is never a bad thing. I'd kill for a Gogo Yubari movie to be made!


30 Days Of Night

That was actually a very decent horror/vampire flick with a good cast, not moo much dialogue and some really gory splatter elements.

Saw Cloverfield again last night as it was on TV. I know some people didn't like the 1st person perspective and shaky camera but I thought it was brilliant, gritty and realistic and as close as you can get to actually being there and experiencing the journey. :thumbsup:

Was prodded into watching "Best of Show" by the gf, which I didn't have high hopes for, but it was actually halfway decent comedy.