What is the latest good film you watched ?

The City of Ember

If I were a young teenage girl, perhaps I would have liked it. I thought it sucked.

Would have worked just as well, if not better, as a made-for-tv movie or miniseries on Hallmark.
I've watched "The Bourne Supremacy" today... That's good action and very interesting for me, to look at Moscow in the American film ;)
Death Proof

Still digesting it. Certainly has the hallmarks of a Tarantino film and a long and impressive chase scene at the end.

Just not quite sure I liked it.
Saw Children of Men a few weeks back. Amazing film. The director must have put a helluva lot of effort into choreographing those long, long action sequences that have no cuts whatsoever in them. Wicked stuff. Probably could have cast someone better than Clive Owen though. Not the most versatile actor.
Death Proof

Still digesting it. Certainly has the hallmarks of a Tarantino film and a long and impressive chase scene at the end.

Just not quite sure I liked it.
  • Annoying self-indulgent pastiches of & references to deliberately obscure cult exploitation films.
  • Crap dialogue (why does everyone in a Tarantino film talk like Tarantino?)
  • A general sense that he makes films for himself & his geeky mates.
  • Tarantino films are the modern day equivalent of The Emperors New Clothes!
Deathproof was even worse than Kill Bill! 3 annoying characters talk rubbish for 45 minutes, then there's a 10 minute car chase, then Tarantino hits the repeat button! :sleep:
I am quite sure I didn't like it!!! :mad:
^^^They're not all bad. Pulp Fiction is one of my favourite films and I thought the part 1 of Kill Bill was brilliant. His other efforts haven't been as good, but I'm quite looking forward to Inglorious Basterds.
^^^They're not all bad. Pulp Fiction is one of my favourite films and I thought the part 1 of Kill Bill was brilliant. His other efforts haven't been as good, but I'm quite looking forward to Inglorious Basterds.
His top 3 films in order
Jackie Brown
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction.

Mark Kermode hit the nail on the head recently with his comments on Tarantino
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zItF0ZpWGZ0 :)