What is the latest good film you watched ?

Heavy Metal (1981)

I can't believe how awesome this movie is.


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Haven't had a lot of time lately to see many movies - but I DID go see the Ugly Truth the other day. I thought for sure it would be too much of a chick flick, but it wasn't too bad. It was pretty funny. By far though, out of all the "new" movies, I LOVED Hangover.
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi - An Indian movie I ended up watching with my family. And I gotta say as much as I abhor Indians and Indian movies and songs and food and stuff, that was a very good movie. Unfortunately I didnt understand a thing they said but thank god for subtitles.:thumbsup:
Beneath The Planet of the Apes

Up to now had only seen the 1st one.

Talk about an unhappy ending.
Its pretty good, but they went for a Chuck Heston clone for the leading man. Linda Harrison is gawjus! :D
Escape From The Planet Of The Apes is probably my favourite sequel, has a few plot inconsistancys compared to predecessors but has a great plot that starts off as a more lighthearted reversal of the original then gets darker as it goes on.
Its pretty good, but they went for a Chuck Heston clone for the leading man. Linda Harrison is gawjus! :D
Escape From The Planet Of The Apes is probably my favourite sequel, has a few plot inconsistancys compared to predecessors but has a great plot that starts off as a more lighthearted reversal of the original then gets darker as it goes on.

Definitely planning on watching the rest.