What games do you really want to see a sequel or updated?

Two excellent suggestions.I was a fan of both games,especially Excitebike in the arcade.

I mentioned I wanted to see an updated version of Red Faction,and I just saw today while I was in the store,Red Faction Guerrilla.Don't know if it's any good,but I'll have to check out a rental of it.

Hey BTW,has anyone played the new updated version of Bionic Commando?It looks pretty cool,but is it any good?

Red Faction is a great game. Only problem is the single player is good but gets old fast and the multi-player is suprisingly fun. Second problem however,for some reason with multiplayer there would always be 2 or 3 people dropping out mid match. Its only 5 on 5 and the servers would never fill the empty slots like they do with call of dookie.

After that kept happening over and over I traded it in after I got my fill on it which was kinda short lived compared to other good games.....

Twisted Metal 4 would be epic.

According to some info scattred around,its gonna be announced at this years E3.
Yes, I have been clamoring for a sequel to Twisted Metal: Black for years now. That game was awesome and extremely difficult but not to the point where you would just give up.

I would also love to see a sequel to Viewtiful Joe (not a misspell), Oddworld, another Jet Grind Radio, Powerstone and Chu Chu Rocket.

I'd like to see a remake to FF7, Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica. I would be a happy camper
A remake of Metal Gear 1, 2 and Metal Gear Solid 1

MGS1 got a remake on gamecube that was extremely disappointing, I thought. The developing team took the realistic action and completely Matrix-ed it out so it looked gay. All of a sudden Snake can move faster than lightning and shit. :(


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
love to see an updated version of the N64 classic, Goldeneye. Keep the main game code the same along with the characters & weapons & levels, add a bit of havok physics, re-vamp the graphics & itd be awesome :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've always wanted to see Star Fox 2 released on the Wii.
MGS1 got a remake on gamecube that was extremely disappointing, I thought. The developing team took the realistic action and completely Matrix-ed it out so it looked gay. All of a sudden Snake can move faster than lightning and shit. :(

Yeah. That was kind of a what the hell kind of game. It was great to see it all redone and looking sleek. It just really took away from the game when they added all the over the top action sequences to it. The flipping, jumping, faster than bullets thing going on.

They should of just remade the game and left all the super human agility and abilities out of it. At least on Snake's part.
A bunch.

Shadow of the Colossus

Chrono Trigger (Yes, they made a sequal called Chrono Cross but it wasn't as good imo. I'd like to see a new game with the original characters/game design).


Twisted Metal

I'll play pretty much anything they decide to remake of Resident Evil or Silent Hill.
MGS1 got a remake on gamecube that was extremely disappointing, I thought. The developing team took the realistic action and completely Matrix-ed it out so it looked gay. All of a sudden Snake can move faster than lightning and shit. :(

Then Kojima should get his hands on a new remake again


what the fuck you lookin at?
MW2's akimbo shotgun bullshit. They need to just remove it from the game all together. Shotguns are powerful enough without having 2 that can kill someone across the fucking map! They fixed em somewhat. So they don't shot across the map, but they are wicked at mid range still, which is still bullshit. ALSO very unrealistic to be carrying 2 at the same time.
Honestly what they need is a true Sequel to KOTOR. I don't want this mmorpg. KOTOR games were about being the Big Damn Hero. But now its gonna be just another shmuck .I agree the game looks great and even sounds good from an mmorpg prospective.... But its not KOTOR worthy if you ask me.
I think it's about time that we saw a new Siphon Filter game.

And does anyone remember Vagrant Story? Time to update that one too.
Parasite Eve III

A true sequel. I miss advanced biology lessons in a game, what can I say? So kick ass :D
I think it is time to update golden girls. Only this time I think it should be about young, hot women, and they should have pillow fights in their underwear.