What Are You Reading These Days?


I'm watching some specialist videos
Jasper Fforde - Something Wicked - A Thursday Next book - very funny.
Murdered to Death - a play by Peter Gordon


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'Thief of Time' - by Terry Pratchett

After that I will read 'The Associate' by John Grisham
Nor do star wars novels

Damn, are you telling me the last 25 books I have read aren't going to count in my total lifetime number of books read? :(

BTW...I'm reading all the pre-1999 Star Wars books in order they were published, with the exception that I sometimes read a full series before I move on to something else. In fact I'm reading them while waiting for pages on the Internet to load. After that I might go read some of the Del Ray books that take place before the movies. Right now I'm working my way through the Han Solo Trilogy.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
A Gathering Of Crows by Brian Keene
Awesome. Pornophiles and a bunch of "readers". At the moment, all of my fav authors are between novels. Consequently, I'm starving for a good read and have been in re-read purgatory for a few days now. Just finished "Once a Spy" by Keith Thomson. Quite good.


first non-fiction in awhile... by Grosserman: On Killing.
Saw a plebe reading it at West Point graduation.
Postulates most firing by soldiers in war is done unintentionally ineffectually... That only a fraction of the population can actually pull the trigger up close on another human being. Some solid evidence and points, so far. Not perfect.

the sub point is that the techniques we use to 'desensitize' soldiers & police are VERY similar to those of the first person shooters kids are using for fun. While his point regarding Virginia Tech & Colombine being examples of our kids learning to kill WITHOUT the controls that police & soldiers have put in place bears consideration, it was the most salient point upon which I disagree with his conclusion... most if not every guy at those schools has played an FPS game, so claiming they are the cause for 3 individuals going off the reservation when none of the others did seems... biased.

still a solid read, specially since i'm mentioning it when my usual reads are strictly fiction.

Pax! RA
Robert Englund: Hollywood Monster
Awesome. Pornophiles and a bunch of "readers". At the moment, all of my fav authors are between novels. Consequently, I'm starving for a good read and have been in re-read purgatory for a few days now. Just finished "Once a Spy" by Keith Thomson. Quite good.

Why is "readers" in quotes? :dunno:
Can we merge this thread with the much larger one? No sense in having two semi-active threads going at the same time.

Well, this is FreeOnes, so I guess the above statement really makes no sense. So fuck it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Hobbit and The Return of The Shadow.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Awesome. Pornophiles and a bunch of "readers". At the moment, all of my fav authors are between novels. Consequently, I'm starving for a good read and have been in re-read purgatory for a few days now. Just finished "Once a Spy" by Keith Thomson. Quite good.

So, we on this website are pervert pornophiles, you on this website however are an intelligent, articulate and erudite individual.

I'm reading the soldiers who say no by peter laufer.
I'd highly recommend it to anyone.