Of course it's good business. When I worked, the company was a heat treating facility, and I saw more ordinance pass through the door, then I can remember. You also have to think about the manufacturing facilities, and of course medical, and petroleum industries, especially petroleum.
The only people that don't make out in a war, are the people fleeing and fighting. In other words, the guy that already has nothing, gets to have less,
Personally, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Trump put that fucktard up to this shit, or the fucktard himself wants to see how far he can push Biden around.anyway you look at this, it's going to do no one any good. I just rolled past a Shell, and a Sunoco, both were $4.09 a gallon. I know Shell used to get Russian crude, and Sun got there's from S. America, Venezuela, I believe. Or at least when I hauled it, that's where it came from.