If that's really the case, then the employees who are let go need to go to their respective state employment agency and file official complaints to have the company investigated.
I don't know how it is elsewhere, but Texas is an "at will" state; meaning that both the employee and employer can terminate the employment contract ant any time for no reason.
Maybe you should check into this, TheCaptain.
And as for the other comment I read about taking it out on employees...
No offense, slackercrumbs, but hey...I've worked some SHIT jobs in my lifetime for minimum wage, too. I STILL took pride in my job and did exactly what I was supposed to do and what was reasonably expected of me. It's called "work ethics". If you are HIRED to do something for a specific amount of pay, you do it... or you move along and find another job. This whole "blame them" attitude that is prevalent in the generation(s) below mine reinforces my impression of said generations... a "gimme / owe me" attitude.
Let's face it: even MY generation is full of people who have no solid or credible work ethics.
What I don't understand is why people don't stand up and go to their respective employment agencies and file complaints. The more negative attention a company receives, the more likely they are to overhaul their human resources department.
Workers have rights. If you people who are sitting here bitching and complaining about how unfairly and poorly you're being treated would speak out to the proper agencies,
You Might find that changes WILL indeed occur... otherwise, if you sit on your thumbs and bitch about it, all that's gonna happen is you get made fun of by people like me for being unappreciative of the fact that you DO/DID have a job.
All i'm hearing are excuses. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.
"They" did this. "They" did that.
"THEY" are in the business to make MONEY... y'know, that green stuff that people spend like crazy?? I don't care WHO you are and how much you get paid - even if it's PENNIES on the dollar - if you AGREE to do a job, you do it. No exceptions. After all... didn't "they" discuss pay, benefits, etc. whenever you were hired. Didn't "they" also advise you of the Employee Handbook/Manual? Didn't "they" take a chance and hire your lazy ass when no one else would?
You can't blame it ALL on the the "evil" corporation and their goverment lackeys. All that is, is an excuse... and it falls on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned.
Trust me, from the moment I turned fifteen (twenty years ago, folks) I've held a job in some shape, form, or fashion. I've worked in a landscaping / nursery for minimum wage; twelve hours a day in the fucking hot sun. I've worked for Wal-Mart under Sam Walton. I've worked for UPS. I've worked for Blockbuster Video; Omaha Steaks, MCI Telecommunications, Protection One, Barnes & Noble. The list goes on.
None of you can tell me how shitty it is to work for corporations that don't care about their employees. If you do the job you were hired for, you will EARN money... regardless of how little or much it is. If you goof off, fuck off, or whatever - and get penalized for it - that's YOUR fault... not theirs. They are in the business to make money... not spend it on immature, lazy people who are only there to collect a check and fuck the rest.
I'm in the customer service business, people. I've managed upwards of two hundred people plus; PERSONALLY making sure that my employees KNEW what was expected of them and what they could expect of ME in return. So please... don't hand me this juvenile nonsense about how "they" are evil and mistreat their employees. What it boils down to is WORK ETHICS. If you do the job that's expected of you, the company WILL reward you. If you FUCK OFF, the company has EVERY right to nail you up the ass anytime you expect them to drop everything and cater to your needs.
But again... documentation is the key word. If you feel you are being unfairly treated or targeted, document it, and then contact the appropriate employment agencies. It WORKS. I've seen it work.
Otherwise... all that I have heard are EXCUSES.