Yeah... I know EXACTLY how hard it is to find a job nowadays, XanderJack. I've been unemployed now for a little over three months. I hustle every single day, looking for someone - anyone - to take a chance on me.
I'm even willing to shovel shit for a living just so I'll have a paycheck coming in every week or so. I don't care WHAT it is... I just want to work; to feel as if I'm a productive member of society again instead of some social pariah with a stigma attached because I am "unemployed".
See... I was laid off from a NATIONAL company - an alarm company, as a matter of fact. I was making well into the high mid-digits every year. Been with 'em for FIVE years. Prior to that, I worked in retail... just as I posted. I've held virtually every imaginable job in retail. Luckily, I played it smart and SAVED my money just for such an occurence. Therefore, I'm not in as bad a shape as some of the people I've encountered while searching for jobs.
And while I agree with some of the posts on here, I stand behind everything I have said thus far. If you don't like what you are doing, get out, and find something you DO enjoy.
As for working in a customer service-oriented industry (which is my chosen career field) I FIRMLY believe that an employee needs to be empathetic, compassionate, and willing to go out of his or her way in order to help the customer. PERIOD.
If you don't subscribe to the "The Customer Is Always Right" theorem... well, this is your choice and I'm not going to chastise you for that. But, given your stance, am I to assume then that you NEVER complain or have questions when you are on the opposite side of the counter?? Do you never ask someone for assistance?? Have you NEVER walked in somewhere and NOT asked questions of the staff??
You see where I'm going with this, y'all?
Work Ethics.
And, as a customer, it's not up to ME to read "the signs" at all times. Signs are in place to subtly ADVERTISE and PROMOTE and INFORM, not proactively sell, answer questions, or ring up my purchase. If I have questions, you are damned straight I'm gonna ask 'em. YOU are a representative of the company I am patronizing. YOU represent THEM. YOU are there to assist ME. MY money ultimately pays YOUR salary. Consequently, I am YOUR boss. Therefore, I AM ALWAYS RIGHT.
Again, none of this is personal. I'm actually enjoying this dialogue. Bring it on, people!!! Hats off to you, XanderJack for an extremely eloquent and well-written post. :hatsoff: