Wal-Mart try to look good for the medias !

Actually, I rarely ever need help when I'm in a store and when I do I just ask for a general direction, I don't expect them to actually come with me and show me exactly where it is. I am always super nice to all employees and waitstaff when I am out somewhere because I know what it's like to be treated like crap by customers. I always tip well and make sure I say thank you after they check me out and I go out of my way to be courteous. I often get weird looks when I'm nice to them and that shows that they're not used to be treating that way. You have to remember that the one who is there is serve you is a PERSON, regardless of what they're job is. I would be more willing to be courteous and go out of my way for customers if they reciprocated but they usually don't, especially in a place where Wal-mart.
I disagree. If you want someone to "suck your customer cock" the moment you walk in the door, then you're not being realistic. Prices would SKYROCKET if people walked around aimlessly expecting a personal attendant while they shop. YES, it IS up to YOU to do your own damned shopping and to read the signs, but yes, if you cannot find something, you should receive courteous service. That's just good business sense.

As to this "the customer is always right" theory, that's bull. Business would have you BELIEVE that, as a customer, but in truth many customers are often VERY VERY wrong. They try to return used or stolen things for cash refunds. Thye try to get fees reversed from their credit card companies when they pay late habitually. They get one waiver and they're done. Escalate the call all you want...the fee's NOT going to be waived, and "no ma'am, I cannot waive this late fee because you were on vacation in Egypt." Pay your bills on time, don't try to connive and jerk around with vendors, and be honest as a consumer. If you have a legitimate concern, then be respectful in raising it. But NO, the customer is NOT always right...

Sorry, Q. You're not Pope on this one....lmao ;) :)

QBall1970 said:
...And, as a customer, it's not up to ME to read "the signs". YOU are a representative of the company I am patronizing. YOU represent THEM. YOU are there to assist ME. MY money ultimately pays YOUR salary.

Consequently, I am YOUR boss. Therefore, I AM ALWAYS RIGHT.

If you work with the public that pays your wages you must remember you will never get a second chance of a first impression.

From the moment a customer enters the shop or venue, as they browse for products, ask questions, make purchases and obtain support, you are responsible for ensuring that the whole customer experience is a positive one. A positive experience means that the customer will be more likely to return to buy again.

Good customer service actually involve a number of skills added together.

The first skill is the ability to communicate, including non-verbal communication such as looking someone in the eye when they talk to you, smiling to put people at ease or looking concerned when they are explaining a problem. Another skill is listening, which includes being able to mirror back to the customer to show you understand. Good eye contact is also important.

If you can solve a problem without fuss, then do it. Even when you are not sure of what to do, do something. Just telling a customer that you don't know (or don't want to know) is unacceptable. Customers should be empathised with, imagine yourself in the same situation and being able to relate to the way the customer is feeling. The use of your initiative is also important.

That's my two cents :2 cents:
Absolutely, Cheeky. I've written manuals about this. We were talking about abusive and demeaning customers, lazy customers who want to be ass-kissed, though. I mean, people need to make an attempt to be a normal customer, and not walk into every store thinking they are royalty! lol

But when they need help, they should be serviced with the highest quality of service available. Also, depending on the budget/type of store function you're running, you should be proactive in enhancing their customer experience, as you mentioned. But that doesn't usually happen at Wal-Mart, which is what we started off with earlier...lol
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Cheeky Monkey said:
If you work with the public that pays your wages you must remember you will never get a second chance of a first impression.

From the moment a customer enters the shop or venue, as they browse for products, ask questions, make purchases and obtain support, you are responsible for ensuring that the whole customer experience is a positive one. A positive experience means that the customer will be more likely to return to buy again.

Good customer service actually involve a number of skills added together.

The first skill is the ability to communicate, including non-verbal communication such as looking someone in the eye when they talk to you, smiling to put people at ease or looking concerned when they are explaining a problem. Another skill is listening, which includes being able to mirror back to the customer to show you understand. Good eye contact is also important.

If you can solve a problem without fuss, then do it. Even when you are not sure of what to do, do something. Just telling a customer that you don't know (or don't want to know) is unacceptable. Customers should be empathised with, imagine yourself in the same situation and being able to relate to the way the customer is feeling. The use of your initiative is also important.

That's my two cents :2 cents:



:hatsoff: :thumbsup:
fucking right y'all. Qball and Cheeky are on the ball. As much as people generally suck, if you work in retail then those same stupid suckwads with their dirty screaming kids PAY YOUR SALARY. Without those annoying wastes of space, the lights would be off and the door would be locked and you got no job.

Back to Walmart. The most evil business entity the world has ever seen. Walmart devalues American produced goods, sends jobs to Mexico and China, closes American factories, drives competitors AND SUPPLIERS out of business, and places downward pressure on the wages of the American worker, i.e. MAKES YOU GET PAID LESS or lose your job altogether.

Remember Vlasic Pickles? Drove them to Bankruptcy
Hoover Vacuums? Forced cuts in employee health benefits
Carolina Mills? Closed 10, yes 10! factories

Take 3 minutes out of your day and read this article http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3046wal-mart_pricing.html , it may open your eyes and it is only the very TIP of the iceberg of their fascist practices.

Walmart is the scum of the business earth. When people outside of America say our country is fat, lazy, abusive, all knowing elitist, redneck, loudmouth, bullies - Think about it, THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT WALMART AND ITS CUSTOMERS!

Someone posted earlier "Don't shop at Walmart, they are the evil empire" to which someone else posted "I know, but I just can't stop, their prices are just so low" You're missing the big picture here. For all the soap, paper towels, and pillow cases you save $1.19 on, you send jobs to china and drive Mr. American Small business right into bankruptcy court. And if all that isn't bad enough consider this: Most Walmarts are dirty and full of dumb redneck employees and even dumber redneck shoppers with 7 year old kids with mullets, shitty fucking huffy bikes, crappy everything else, AND - it's way too fucking bright in there when you're high.


I respect what you all are saying about customer service and everything, but if someone pisses me off I am not going to be overly nice to them. I don't care that they pay my salary, or keep me in a job, if they are bitches to me, I will be a bitch to them. They are more then likely going to come back anyways, so why should I care. I will take care of people if they respect me and use some goddamn common sense. But people that want me to appease their stupidity, it just isn't going to happen.
Yeah Dan....it'd take someone 30 minutes to read it all if they had not kept up! LOL And we're only on page 3!!! :) :nanner:


Yes, there have been some lenghty posts on this thread. I am just glad to see that is has stayed intelligent and respectful.
Another thing, a customer who uses any store or facility may be dyslexic or partially sighted. You have to take that into consideration if they don't (and can't) read the signs that are there to help them. It's not fair on those customers if it were to be assumed that just because a sign does not help them that they are being "lazy". :2 cents:
QBall1970 said:
Yeah... I know EXACTLY how hard it is to find a job nowadays, XanderJack. I've been unemployed now for a little over three months. I hustle every single day, looking for someone - anyone - to take a chance on me.

I'm even willing to shovel shit for a living just so I'll have a paycheck coming in every week or so. I don't care WHAT it is... I just want to work; to feel as if I'm a productive member of society again instead of some social pariah with a stigma attached because I am "unemployed".

See... I was laid off from a NATIONAL company - an alarm company, as a matter of fact. I was making well into the high mid-digits every year. Been with 'em for FIVE years. Prior to that, I worked in retail... just as I posted. I've held virtually every imaginable job in retail. Luckily, I played it smart and SAVED my money just for such an occurence. Therefore, I'm not in as bad a shape as some of the people I've encountered while searching for jobs.

And while I agree with some of the posts on here, I stand behind everything I have said thus far. If you don't like what you are doing, get out, and find something you DO enjoy.

As for working in a customer service-oriented industry (which is my chosen career field) I FIRMLY believe that an employee needs to be empathetic, compassionate, and willing to go out of his or her way in order to help the customer. PERIOD.

If you don't subscribe to the "The Customer Is Always Right" theorem... well, this is your choice and I'm not going to chastise you for that. But, given your stance, am I to assume then that you NEVER complain or have questions when you are on the opposite side of the counter?? Do you never ask someone for assistance?? Have you NEVER walked in somewhere and NOT asked questions of the staff??

You see where I'm going with this, y'all?

Work Ethics.

And, as a customer, it's not up to ME to read "the signs" at all times. Signs are in place to subtly ADVERTISE and PROMOTE and INFORM, not proactively sell, answer questions, or ring up my purchase. If I have questions, you are damned straight I'm gonna ask 'em. YOU are a representative of the company I am patronizing. YOU represent THEM. YOU are there to assist ME. MY money ultimately pays YOUR salary. Consequently, I am YOUR boss. Therefore, I AM ALWAYS RIGHT.


Again, none of this is personal. I'm actually enjoying this dialogue. Bring it on, people!!! Hats off to you, XanderJack for an extremely eloquent and well-written post. :hatsoff:


Q, have you ever thought about starting your own Business?
He's going to be my partner when I open up my daytime cafe/nightclub/strip club in Amsterdam!!! LOL!!! :nanner: :nanner: :nanner: :D


jdb67 said:
Q, have you ever thought about starting your own Business?

Actually... I have.

I once had this idea for an upscale Sports Bar/Pool Hall/Italian Bistro. Two floors.... a sports bar & pool hall on the bottom floor and the Italian bistro on the second floor. I even drew up the blueprints for it... it's just a pipe dream, though. I have about as much chance of ever doing that as I do winning the lottery. :rolleyes:

It combined my two loves: Pool and cooking.


Insightful observation, jdb67... nice job, man! :thumbsup:
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Nightfly said:
He's going to be my partner when I open up my daytime cafe/nightclub/strip club in Amsterdam!!! LOL!!!

I'm adding a pool hall into that equation, old man. You install me as Executive Chef of the cafe... and grant me the pool hall, obviously... and I'm there.


You know I can't go without my pool hall. It's a package deal, bro. "Q-Ball's Pool & Billiards" comes with me!!


:hatsoff: :thumbsup:
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