Wal-Mart, China, and The Bill Clinton Lie


Admitting you have a problem is just the first step, Failbert, you're off to a good start but I don't have any expectation that you'll be able to follow through.

Has that ever worked for you?:facepalm:
I admit...I do have a problem enjoying it so much, watching you melt down...shame on me.
You are just so close to MustBeStupid's level now; I feel the love between you two.



Another phil major Fail: http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?778104-Does-anyone-speak-Spanish&p=8362901#post8362901

Any thread, any board and anytime, the Phil I'm mad high on weed dumb shit.
I love it...you can barely speak English, and you got nothing to say about Spanish.
An economics major who can't get a simple thing like WalMart.


After 6 idiotic posts on WalMart, bobjustbob demolished your entire rant with a few FACTS, and you immediately started groveling and admited you were doing a Sgt. Shultz (I know nussing!) .

Recant post. Apology to Bob.

When you asked me on .... Am I a American because of the pic. I just thought it was a stupid comment and I interrupted it as America, love it or leave it.

Also when you called me a tree huger. You are not a Stupid American.

Another MustBeStupid major Fail!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The one thing that evil bitch, Hillary Clinton, did that everyone should know is that she served on Wal-Marts board for several years. Whether or not she actively participated doesn't matter. They (The Clintons) received a pretty hefty salary for a noshow type job. Kind of like Dear Leader's wife receiving a job on a hospital's board of directors while he was a senator. And do you know how important her job was? It was so important that they didn't even replace her when he became dictator. Every asshole in D.C. does shit like this, even *gasp* Ron Paul. It's crap like this that makes me hopeful for another revolution.
I love it...you can barely speak English, and you got nothing to say about Spanish.
An economics major who can't get a simple thing like WalMart.


After 6 idiotic posts on WalMart, bobjustbob demolished your entire rant with a few FACTS, and you immediately started groveling and admited you were doing a Sgt. Shultz (I know nussing!) .

Another MustBeStupid major Fail!


You can live with that, and that.

Really, Bob does explain what sells move. But no labor rate, overhead and the stockholders cut with their cheap products. 70 % made in china which is the problem as the Clinton getting them into WTO was the final domino with American manufacturing going off shore.

The company says its inventory of products made in China was expected to hit $18 billion in 2004, the second consecutive year the inventory grew by more than 20 percent. More than 70 percent of the products sold at Wal-Mart are made in China, according to the China Business Weekly.

Remember I'm stupid! We don't make shit in here for Wal-Mart and when Bob says Wal-Mart buys so it sells means the supplier better find the cheapest price for them as they have jungle cost of manufacturing variables to keep Wal-Mart, their stockholders happy.

You should climb a mountain because like the Spanish guy was trying tell you the phrase variations can be many as your whack ass researched the American version of it. You know, slang.
The one thing that evil bitch, Hillary Clinton, did that everyone should know is that she served on Wal-Marts board for several years. Whether or not she actively participated doesn't matter. They (The Clintons) received a pretty hefty salary for a noshow type job. Kind of like Dear Leader's wife receiving a job on a hospital's board of directors while he was a senator. And do you know how important her job was? It was so important that they didn't even replace her when he became dictator. Every asshole in D.C. does shit like this, even *gasp* Ron Paul. It's crap like this that makes me hopeful for another revolution.

Second worst thing she did was political correction.

Turn this nation into a bunch of cry babies.
Of course you are, the proof is there every time you make a post. MBG nailed you like a cheap hooker, lame ass sitcom. Being as dumb as you are you don't understand what he said, pitiful and stupid motherfucker.

I really need to do is stop giving this Tea Party cheap trick attention.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Has that ever worked for you? I admit...I do have a problem enjoying it so much, watching you melt down...shame on me. You are just so close to MustBeStupid's level now; I feel the love between you two. Awwwww.

Stop confusing any camaraderie between myself and MBG with the burning Brokeback love you share with Sam Fisher. You are so far beneath contempt that flattering yourself with the delusion that I'm "melting down" over some shucking and jiving bullshit you're spewing isn't even laughable, it's just pathetic. No one gives a fuck about anything you post, you're merely background noise convinced that if you bleat louder someone will care, but that's not going to happen. Perhaps you should repaper your room before you become too fond of the wallpaper.
Last thing on Phil.

He loves to use in his arsenal bag of insults and smileys with the one as a Grammar Nazi.

When this is a porn board and not using your computer for a school assignment as a reason to add on to his whack ass sitcom that is nothing but hijacking threads and getting off on it.

What a weed smoking loser. No use saying get a life, that is never going happen.


I really need to do is stop giving this Tea Party cheap trick attention.

Misfire the Clown said:
Stop confusing any camaraderie between myself and MBG with the burning Brokeback love you share with Sam Fisher. You are so far beneath contempt that flattering yourself with the delusion that I'm "melting down" over some shucking and jiving bullshit you're spewing isn't even laughable, it's just pathetic. No one gives a fuck about anything you post, you're merely background noise convinced that if you bleat louder someone will care, but that's not going to happen. Perhaps you should repaper your room before you become too fond of the wallpaper.
Were you staring at the wall in your room when you posted this deep riposte? Are you waving your arms around and not blinking for minutes at a time?:hairpull:
I feel your crazy...it's painful. You and your virtual buttbuddy can share this subtle advice I have for ya...

Here's your song...

And......................................Did you really think I was going click on it as your whack ass post it twice to make sure it will be on the new page so you can get off on your hijacking threads with one sided bull shit?
Were you staring at the wall in your room when you posted this deep riposte? Are you waving your arms around and not blinking for minutes at a time?:hairpull:
I feel your crazy...it's painful. You and your virtual buttbuddy can share this subtle advice I have for ya...


Just cut and paste the lyrics.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Can I get a few words in before the shit slinging continues...thank you.

3rd shift babysitter? You were not the lowest on the totem pole, you were what the totem pole shits. 3rd shift cleans up the store and keeps the shelves full. Take in trucks and do the resets. Let's not forget about the lists handed to you as the manager walks out the door. Do these day managers try to fill your staff when there are call outs? Hell no. You get the morning walk from the opening managers with Dunkin Donuts in one hand and the other hand pointing to end caps that need to get changed before you go home. Every department manager becomes a Little Hitler and refuses to acknowledge that you are the same level as them.

This situation is not unique. I've retailed for decades. Turnover is huge on all levels. You will never make money staying in one place as a manager. Move, move, move. Those that are grown from within become threatened and intimidated by higher ups as if you can't live without them. I'm not going to say that Walmart is any different since I've never worked for them. But I will say that such goings on would not be isolated to just them. After all, they get their managers from the same pool.

On the other side there are those workers that just don't produce. New people need to be trained and it is understandable that time needs to be spent. However, there are those that just suck money out of the payroll and these are veterans. Here's a typical example. 3 older women that worked as a team. 1 had been working 16 years and making near $20hr. Most of her time was spent looking for people to complain to and getting help. Another was a former manager that took the step down because she didn't want responsibility but still was more concerned about other people's jobs rather than concentrate on her own. The third was an unorganized flake that would always be out of her department "helping people" and never getting her shit done. Between the 3 of them they were raping the payroll of overtime. Nothing could get these 3 out the door on time. Send extra workers over, shut their projects down early, nothing worked.

Why was this allowed to happen? Weak/lazy management. This trio had management convinced that they couldn't live without them. So even when business was slow they would tell the management what needed to be done. Shit that the day managers could do during the day but to keep their overtime flowing they would stay to do these tasks. Their 30+ hours of overtime each week would have given the store 2 more full timers. When pressure came down from the home office to cut overtime, those still couldn't get out on time because they couldn't get acclimated to it. They would continue to half start projects and leave the place a mess. It was THEM that would volunteer to work off the clock to finish their tasks. Weak/lazy management allowed this since they didn't want to finish up the work. Gradually the 3 would start grabbing the overtime back to their comfortable level.

Like I said before, I've never worked at Walmart but I'm sure the same shenanigans goes on there. Bj's was sued twice for overtime violations. Salaried office people were pulled to the floor regularly and had to take work home to process scheduling and payroll by the week's deadlines. A few years later, overnight salaried managers sued because their unpaid overtime duties were not administrative tasks. Others have been sued too but Walmart will always get the headlines.
Can I get a few words in before the shit slinging continues...thank you.

3rd shift babysitter? You were not the lowest on the totem pole, you were what the totem pole shits. 3rd shift cleans up the store and keeps the shelves full. Take in trucks and do the resets. Let's not forget about the lists handed to you as the manager walks out the door. Do these day managers try to fill your staff when there are call outs? Hell no. You get the morning walk from the opening managers with Dunkin Donuts in one hand and the other hand pointing to end caps that need to get changed before you go home. Every department manager becomes a Little Hitler and refuses to acknowledge that you are the same level as them.

This situation is not unique. I've retailed for decades. Turnover is huge on all levels. You will never make money staying in one place as a manager. Move, move, move. Those that are grown from within become threatened and intimidated by higher ups as if you can't live without them. I'm not going to say that Walmart is any different since I've never worked for them. But I will say that such goings on would not be isolated to just them. After all, they get their managers from the same pool.

On the other side there are those workers that just don't produce. New people need to be trained and it is understandable that time needs to be spent. However, there are those that just suck money out of the payroll and these are veterans. Here's a typical example. 3 older women that worked as a team. 1 had been working 16 years and making near $20hr. Most of her time was spent looking for people to complain to and getting help. Another was a former manager that took the step down because she didn't want responsibility but still was more concerned about other people's jobs rather than concentrate on her own. The third was an unorganized flake that would always be out of her department "helping people" and never getting her shit done. Between the 3 of them they were raping the payroll of overtime. Nothing could get these 3 out the door on time. Send extra workers over, shut their projects down early, nothing worked.

This was a decade ago. I was making $35K and my position was important. I was transfer often staying at one store for about a year to 18 months because I had a key eye on seeing what sold, as you mention and is right about products that sell move, what customers wanted and during weekly ad movers the store sold what would bee anticipated from customers habits. Other stores had failing night managers was the reason they transfer to stores that needed help keeping expected volume and low after sale backstock.

For the lazy part it what I encounter at two stores that where in the suburbs with the work habits I described. Not a knock on all white people, but what I described was over whelming to deal with. At the mix stores I worked for no problems as they where happy to making 14-16 a hour stocking, a job that takes 5 hours with a crew of 6-8 with 3 hours to mess around. It was what I tried to teach the suburb kids, but they where not hearing that.

Quit after the explain union contract troubles because of Wal-Mart and where I live Jewel-Osco closed shop and is no longer here. But I have a great job in a adult book store under the manager helping order and using my grocer skills to make sure we stock the porn stars customers fav. Also work at a home security company making cold calls for new customers.

Happy making 10K less from a decade ago. Less stress and that is why those emotions show up in my posts.


MustBeStupid said:
The company says its inventory of products made in China was expected to hit $18 billion in 2004, the second consecutive year the inventory grew by more than 20 percent. More than 70 percent of the products sold at Wal-Mart are made in China, according to the China Business Weekly.

This source is over 10 years old...are you TRYING to be as dumb as possible, or is this just normal for you?
If there are NO American suppliers pricing low enough to compete, are Americans supposed to eat less or pay more and have much less of everything to keep non-competitive companies in business? WalMart helps make our Demotard Party Economy Dollars stretch so much further.
I know you disapprove.

MustBeStupid said:
You should climb a mountain because like the Spanish guy was trying tell you the phrase variations can be many as your whack ass researched the American version of it.
The American version of the Spanish Language? Really? Folks, you jus can't make up stuff this dumb...it's so unbelievable.:rofl:

My favorite :

MustBetupid said:
Did you really think I was going click on it as your whack ass post it twice to make sure it will be on the new page so you can get off on your hijacking threads with one sided bull shit?

The pot calling the kettle black.


This Thread:
MustBeStupid- 20 posts offtopic/ flames , 18 flaming at me and 1 coflamed bobjustbob and me.
Mongo - 5 flaming offtopic posts (none on topic)
Mayhem - 7 flaming offtopic posts.
Misfire the Clown - 6 flaming offtopic posts.

This thread has around 100 posts, so the usual gang of idiots managed to hijack this thread to death.
A total of 39 offtopic posts, all flames, by the posse who accuses others more often than ANYONE else of hijacking, flaming, and trolling.

My posts were either on-topic, or offtopic responses to the 39 attacks ; I made 20 off topic posts and this one...

just sayin"...