Wal-Mart, China, and The Bill Clinton Lie


Misfire the Clown forgets again to separate me from him (in his mind); you like to use words like fag and gay, drag queen etc as insults; I NEVER use homophobic slurs in any discussion, while that's your major source of insult.
I know you're homophobic, and I've pointed that out many times.

Keep trying to excise your perennial butthurt, you only fuck it up and look stupid. Over and Over...:rofl2:


Wow...you have no limits to what you randomly post, huh?
Sad and pathetic.
Not that I feel any pity for you or those who have to deal with you on a daily basis.
Just for the record...just what do you call "self-loathing" that I've ever posted? I know it's probably more of a made-up adolescent "you're a doo doo head" type of response, but just in case you actually have a point could you link or post something I have said that qualifies as "self-loathing" ? And while you're there what do you think is "crybaby" that I've posted as well?
Your posts get pretty out there, but this is pretty specific and you should be able to back it up.
Maybe not...it could cut into your huffing or drinking time, and I know that's major time spent in your life...:facepalm:

Try on some Big Boy pants for a change...:crybaby:

Your history is right there in front of everyone. Your insistence on coming up with your little pet names for everyone. The fact that you can never address the topic and always get hysterical at every single other person on the board. Your need to overuse the smiley function to further your personal attacks on everyone and everything. Everything about you screams "massive inferiority complex". But it's ok. You are inferior, so you have every right to have a complex about it. You are just smart enough to realize that you are too dumb to add anything meaningful to these discussions. So you have to lash out at us "Demotards" and "libtards" because you don't know what the hell the rest of us are even talking about. Post #2 on this very thread: Calling names, the usual moronic dropout language, personal insults (and calling the President "OTrama"? You reek of stupid.) This is all you have, this is all you will ever have, this is why we will once again laugh at you when you get shoved the next time it happens. And this is why you are a continuous nominee for Asshat. Hmmm...funny how I never am.
your history is right there in front of everyone. Your insistence on coming up with your little pet names for everyone. The fact that you can never address the topic and always get hysterical at every single other person on the board. Your need to overuse the smiley function to further your personal attacks on everyone and everything. Everything about you screams "massive inferiority complex". But it's ok. You are inferior, so you have every right to have a complex about it. You are just smart enough to realize that you are too dumb to add anything meaningful to these discussions. So you have to lash out at us "demotards" and "libtards" because you don't know what the hell the rest of us are even talking about. Post #2 on this very thread: Calling names, the usual moronic dropout language, personal insults (and calling the president "otrama"? You reek of stupid.) this is all you have, this is all you will ever have, this is why we will once again laugh at you when you get shoved the next time it happens. And this is why you are a continuous nominee for asshat. Hmmm...funny how i never am.


Plus posting smileys all the time is something that belongs on a kids forum.
Back to the subject. Wal-Mart images that sums up the Un-American company.

We clung to the adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
The world began to work on extensive automation and complex interlocking manufacturing partnerships long before the US admitted it was using outmoded technology and sustems to compete, along with overhigh Union salary structures and odious contracts that locked up most of the big plants to slow and expensive production, inability to restructure to meet competition , etc.
We tend towards complacency during good times, and we paid a price.There's always another reason or 2 for these kinda cycles, but it set us up for a loss of market and dominance that usually doesn't come back.
Cat's outa the bag, it opened Pandora's box kinda thing...

Well, I'm as shocked as anyone that this moron managed to make a seemingly coherent and on-topic post, but it seems a little ironic that a hard line conservative is arguing that the problem is lack of progress. Should we be surprised that in possibly the only legitimate post he's ever made, failbert contradicted his entire philosophy?
Wal-Mart's real cost of labor
By Jai Ghorpade

Beginning as a small retailer in Rogers, Ark., in 1962, Wal-Mart has grown to be one of the biggest corporations in the world, employing 1.3 million workers worldwide in 2003 in over 4,300 stores with sales around $256 billion. It sells everything: clothing, tools, toys, electronic goods, appliances and groceries.

Besides being big in size, Wal-Mart has revolutionized retailing in a fundamental way. Traditionally, retailers have shopped around and bought merchandise that was available on the market, capitalizing mostly on volume purchasing to negotiate favorable prices with sellers. Wal-Mart, on the other hand, is now in a position not only to negotiate price, but is also able to dictate quality, quantity, packaging and style. Because of its size and influence in the industry, sellers who do not honor Wal-Mart's demands can suffer adverse consequences.

Many reasons account for Wal-Mart's financial success and growth. Clearly, a major force behind its success was the vision, enterprise and daring of its founder, Sam Walton. He pioneered the "super center" retail phenomenon by capitalizing on the latest technology (e.g. bar code price scanners). He also instituted a supply chain policy that required stores to reorder stocks only as needed instead of keeping large amounts of goods in warehouses. And he mastered the art of low pricing.

While its "everyday low prices" shopper-centric business model makes Wal-Mart an attractive place to shop, it has a troubled history as an employer. Over the years, Wal-Mart has been accused of discriminating against minorities and women in hiring, wages and promotions, employing undocumented workers through some of its subcontractors and cheating hourly workers of overtime pay.

A massive class-action lawsuit by six women, who accuse the company of systematically paying women less than men and offering them fewer opportunities for promotion, is making its way through the courts. This lawsuit covers 1.6 million current and former employees and is the largest bias suit in U. S. history.

This dark side of Wal-Mart as an employer has been known for some time, but has been overshadowed by its financial success. Wall Street has not only cast a blind eye toward complaints by employee groups, but it has seen Wal-Mart's low-wage strategy as a plus, viewing the company as a shining example of a capitalist entrepreneur who squeezes productivity from its employees while paying them as little as it can get away with. In fact, this feature has been singled out by prominent Wall Street analysts in recommending the company's stock.

While there is widespread agreement that Wal-Mart is a low-paying employer, there is disagreement about its exact cost structure. To put this issue into perspective, it is useful to fall back on a distinction made by labor economists between labor rates and labor costs. Labor rates consist of the wages, salaries and benefits that are actually paid to employees for their services. Viewed from this perspective, Wal-Mart truly is a low-wage-rate employer. One estimate places Wal-Mart's average wage at $8.23 per hour, yielding an annual income of $13,861 which is below the estimated poverty level of $14,630.

Wal-Mart's famous low-wage structure was a significant issue in the recent strike by grocery store employees, with the employers claiming that they needed concessions from their employees in order to be able to remain competitive with the new Wal-Mart stores scheduled to open on the West Coast.

But the fact that Wal-Mart pays low labor rates does not mean that its total labor costs are low. In order to get an accurate count of its actual total labor cost, it is essential to take into account not only the labor rates but also the employee behaviors that it provokes and the resulting expenses that are incurred.

Specifically, it is essential to take into account cost of labor turnover and loss of productivity. In Wal-Mart's case, the facts are as follows: The company employs over 1 million workers. Its annual turnover in employees was estimated to be 70 percent in 1999. The company claimed that it was down to 45 percent in 2002.

Given this record, in order to find out Wal-Mart's true cost of labor, it is essential to calculate what it spends in servicing turnover, and also the cost of loss of productivity. Specifically, it is essential to calculate: separation costs (exit interviews, administrative costs, separation pay), replacement costs (advertising, interviewing, testing, travel/moving, processing new employees, medical examinations, staff time), training costs and reduced productivity.

One estimate given by Wal-Mart sources places its cost just to test, interview and train at $2,500 per new hire. If that is the case, and setting its annual turnover at 50 percent, Wal-Mart is spending about $1 billon on simply servicing some aspects of its turnover. When that is added to Wal-Mart's wage rates, its total labor cost becomes less appealing. And this estimate does include loss of productivity that can be attributed to a constantly changing work force.

A good indication of the dynamics of the interplay between a company's employment policy and its actual cost structure can be had by comparing two companies with widely divergent attitudes toward their employees. Business Week magazine recently assembled some data that compares Sam's Club, Wal-Mart's warehouse unit, with Costco, a company that says it is committed to an employment policy of high wages and good treatment of employees.

Sam's Club, following its parent company's model, paid lower hourly wages ($11.52 vs. $15.97), and covered fewer employees under its health plans (47 percent vs. 82 percent). But there were glaring differences in the operating results. Employee turnover at Sam's Club was higher than at Costco (21 percent vs. 6 percent), as were its labor and overhead costs (17 percent vs. 9.8 percent). With regard to financial returns, Sam's Club employees sold less merchandise per square foot ($516 vs. $795), and earned lower profits per employee ($11,039 vs. $13,647).

So, when Wall Street analysts praise Wal-Mart for being a low-wage-rate employer, they are only partially correct. Wal-Mart does pay low-wage rates, but it is by no means a low-labor-cost employer. In fact, the reality may be that Wal-Mart is paying much more for its labor than it appears on the surface, perhaps even more than it needs to, and getting less than some of its competitors in return.

Ghorpade is a professor of management at San Diego State University.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to



Don't worry folks, they're open till midnight.



Min wage
Highest Vermont $9.00 hr only state this high.
On average most use Fed rate $7.50 hr
A few states have $8-$8.50, most use Fed rate or small amount above it.

$7.57 hr Avg $9.00

Sprint Sales
$10.73 hr

$13.80/hr Install tech
$11.38/hr Cust rep

$8.56 cashier
$8.83 sales assoc
Avg wage $12.83

Target mirrors WalMart...unskilled gen labor employees

start $11.10 hr
avg $20+ hr
(Charges all customers $55 a year to join)

Aside from what we all know...MustBeStupid is dumber than dirt, and most of the WalMart bashers (who mostly are also WalMart shoppers) just bandwagon what smarter folks w/agendas tell them)...WalMart keeps a lot of folks in the labor market that can't do anything useful except basic grunt work.
Dish trains it's workers and it's a complicated job, constantly changing, and dangerous from injury and property damage perspectives. At 40 hrs a wk, 50 weeks no taxes removed is $27,800. Full benefits makes it a good job for low end workers.
Benefits make up for wages for families, as most families have 2 or more wage earners. No skills , expect to work for low wages.
(Pay da rent, now lets get the rugrats to da doctor.)

Recently, a visit to the ER complete with ambulance ride and 5 hours treatment (non-life threatening) ran about $13,000 before standard discounts Hospitals have with Insurance Companies and Medicaid, etc brought it to 11,500...with some smaller charges added later (radiologist, etc).
Just making $10 a hr for 40 hrs a week for 50 weeks with no taxes removed is $20,000.
Forget 2 wage earners making twice that gross amount, benefits make life possible.

I eagerly await the lame "*******" is an evil retailer, too! let's all strike against "******", and also "*****", "******", and "*****"! posts from MustBeStupid, and his twin brothers from DMs .

Hey, striking workers ...
I have a solution...just don't work at WalMart. Problem solved.
Walmart and Costco follow different business models and each fulfill a certain niche but both are successful. It's the free market at work.
Yeah, my experience shopping at Walmart is that the customer service is lacking but it's hard to beat those prices, whereas Costco has happier employees with better service but you get what you pay for.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You seem to use the term "stupid Americans" a lot. Are you from USA?


But why did our manufacturing base was quick to move overseas.
But from your post, sounds like that BS trickle down economics that Republicans keep claiming he is posting on.

Conclusion: Voter ID laws are racist and throws poor people under the bus for their rights.

Voter fraud is a myth and the punk ass racist Kochsuckers could take their money for something that helps the poor instead of supporting voter impression.

What a country! With "Stupid Americans" who go along with this obvious attempt to limit votes for one party while they support the new Nazi regime witch is called the Tea Party.

Anything else is just BS voter suppression so the Kochsuckers can finalize their NAZI type of dictatorship style government in Washington, that keeps the influential White Men control over government.

Or volunteer for something, might find someone who has with the cause the same interest

More theme songs for Stupid Americans being pulled to believe in bull shit pounded out by the racist Kochsuckers:

But Rey soon on this thread will come the fact twisters on some Kochsuckers counter bull shit that was done by AFP tittle, "YOUR VOTE REALLY COUNTS FOR A VOICE AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL"

Has nothing with being a troll.

Has more with a want a be Bill O'Riley loud mouthpiece for the Kochsuckers.

Now lets talk about that Hispanic sell his people out corpo blowing knee pads having Rubio and the fat man in New Jersey who had nothing to do with the lane closures in Fort Lee by the GW bridge.

More racist pecker woods. or in the front line to blow the Koch Bros.

Def of a idiot. Keep drinking JD, with a blunt redneck Phil, and remember, any Kochsucker follower can use any net disinformation as PROOF that the many TEA Party arms that Kochsuckers support like AFP and NSP for example.

And America's new national anthem: "FAITH. HOPE AND TREACHERY"

Not news, just opinionated bull shit so called news playing on the fringes that believe TV shows are real life to put them as hardcore voters.

But the problem, that is over 90% of Americans.

You know what Americans, but not you guys here.

But of course, Kochsucker influenced, the twisting will go on.
Just like the Germans that suck up to Hitler and the Nazi! :)

Stuff from this month...no cut n paste...this is the real deal.
He reminds me of Latka. :rofl2:
Walmart and Costco follow different business models and each fulfill a certain niche but both are successful. It's the free market at work.
Yeah, my experience shopping at Walmart is that the customer service is lacking but it's hard to beat those prices, whereas Costco has happier employees with better service but you get what you pay for.

Yes they do.

But Wal-Mart also forces American suppliers to cut their cost for their goods that end up in their stores. And these suppliers are force to cut labor.

Costco doesn't the reason their prices are a little higher, but at least their suppliers don't have to supply them paying welfare wages.

It is all about the multiplier effect. More money in the middle class gives them more disposable income to buy everything they need without doing a what we need and we can't afford. This leads to increase spending that drives the economy.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
But Wal-Mart also forces American suppliers to cut their cost for their goods that end up in their stores. And these suppliers are force to cut labor.

Costco doesn't the reason their prices are a little higher, but at least their suppliers don't have to supply them paying welfare wages.

Did you just say that Costco and Walmart have separate suppliers? They both sell the same stuff which means that they both get it from the same place. And how do you know how much either store pays at the wholesale level? Please also tell me about the arm twisting that forces any supplier to do business with Walmart.

I'd still like to know if you are from USA because for the record, this isn't the only country that has Walmarts.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Let me give you a little more information about retailing. Most stores make a supplier pay a fee for shelf space just like real estate. Contracts are detailed. X number of dollars per foot and adjusted for aisle location. Off-shelf promotional areas and end caps are also written in and charged to the supplier. Stocking fees may also be included in these contracts. These fees can be for stores within a region or chain wide. Either way, these fees are large and need to be renewed on a regular basis. It's pay to play. Sometimes the retailer makes more money on the rent than on the product sales. Small guys struggle to compete under these conditions.

Walmart DOES NOT or EVER HAD these contracts. The merchandising of the stores are solely based upon sales. Give them shit that sells and it goes into the right places. If it doesn't move then it gets replaced by something else that the customers will buy. Let me give you an example. Frito-Lay is owned by Pepsi Co. They have more money than God and buy the prime space in almost every snack aisle in the world. Not in Walmart. In Pennsylvania, Herr's and Snyder's operate smaller plants with only regional distribution. Walmart did not let Frito-Lay squeeze these regional brands out with shelf space pay offs. The local customers buy these local brands and that is what is going to be packed out into the aisle. The same with Hatfield Meats. All of these locals expanded before Walmart was even a vision and could very well stay in business without them.