Yep, that pretty much describes your approach to most every subject that you post as a "News Flash", as well...doesn't it?
Like this story, Hellraisin didn't post it as an example of over reaction and misinformation, but as a totally true horror story to rag on the Military and anyone who thinks "waterboarding" isn't ok for interrogating terror suspects.
He has earned his famous summation designation, to whit: "...mostly I think of you as a helmet wearing booger-eater." JS
Waterboarding is a technique using, usually, a hard surface (hence the use of the word "board") and at least 2 guys holding said perp or the perp being restrained before the process begins; then, as i understand it, a towel is placed over the face, and water is poured on the face until the subject begins to experience the terror of drowning. Repeat process after a brief respite...
The sick fuck pushed her little 4 year old face into a bowl of water, terrifying her before contact and after contact with the bowl of water.
According to all the posters who referred to this as Waterboarding, dunking someone in a swimming pool is grounds for school suspension, or arrest for terroristic actions.
Dumping a cooler of Gatorade on a coach after a big win would also qualify as waterboarding, as well.
Unless cooler heads (translation: people who aren't "dumb as a rock" and think about things rationally) prevail and waterboarding is recognized as itself, and dunking someone in a water container is seen as...well, dunking someone in a container of water, pool or bowl all the same, everyone in a pool this coming summer is at risk of arrest and detention for waterboarding!:rofl:
When HorrorDad is put away wherever he belongs, he will be dealt with for child abuse, not using enhanced interrogation techniques.
Not waterboarding...!