US Soldier Waterboards 4-Year-Old Daughter For Not Knowing Alphabet

Judging by the amount of texting abbreviations used where there's no need it seems that quite a lot of people don't know their alphabet.

Quite a different slant to that version, though. It just says the father dunked the girls head into the sink.

As horrible as that's not the same as waterboarding.


Most probable is the case where the story used by the other references cites statements from the formal charges filed by prosecutors and this one doesn't.:2 cents:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Tabor, a soldier at the Lewis-McChord base in Tacoma, Washington, was arrested after being seen walking around his neighbourhood wearing a Kevlar military helmet and threatening to break windows.

Yeah, that sounds like totally normal behavior.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
This is terribly sad but yet again has nothing to do with the fact that he was a soldier.. I mean had he been a construction worker would you have titled it "Construction worker Waterboards 4-Year-Old Daughter For Not Knowing Alphabet"? No it simply would have been 'Man' or 'Father' Why is the need to put out his occupation when it has nothing to do with it? Is it to stereotype and try to make the military seem like the big bad wolf and the reason he did it to his daughter? Obviously the guy was unstable but kept it hidden well enough to where no one could see he was that bad off.. A judge gave him custody 4 weeks prior, so he obviously could put on a pretty darn good show. It's sad, but it's no ones fault but his own.
This is terribly sad but yet again has nothing to do with the fact that he was a soldier.. I mean had he been a construction worker would you have titled it "Construction worker Waterboards 4-Year-Old Daughter For Not Knowing Alphabet"? No it simply would have been 'Man' or 'Father' Why is the need to put out his occupation when it has nothing to do with it? Is it to stereotype and try to make the military seem like the big bad wolf and the reason he did it to his daughter? Obviously the guy was unstable but kept it hidden well enough to where no one could see he was that bad off.. A judge gave him custody 4 weeks prior, so he obviously could put on a pretty darn good show. It's sad, but it's no ones fault but his own.

Hmm well not quite. The relationship is suggested because it's been alleged our military uses it.

No different from the circumstance of a cop tasering his/her child. They would be correspondingly reported as a police, etc. who tased their child...not simply Billy from West 1st street.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Hmm well not quite. The relationship is suggested because it's been alleged our military uses it.

No different from the circumstance of a cop tasering his/her child. They would be correspondingly reported as a police, etc. who tased their child...not simply Billy from West 1st street.

It says its a tactic that the CIA uses, not every day regular soldiers.
It says its a tactic that the CIA uses, not every day regular soldiers.

Has been employed by military and OGA. Some military servicemen are subject to it as well as a part of training.:2 cents:

Him being a soldier may not have any bearing on his abuse of his daughter but it's pretty far-fetched to think the fact that he is a soldier wouldn't be mentioned under the circumstances.

Will E Worm

You need a license to drive a car, get married or practice medicine but any asshole can be a parent.

No one really needs a license to do any of those things, people just accept things because they don't think.

Also, if you are married Biblically you don't need any paper work . ;)
i knew people crazy but this takes the cake
I bet she won't graffiti on school desks though when she gets to school though.
This has nothing to do with the military or this guy being a soldier. Those things are circumstantial and irrelevant to the point, and that point is that this insane dickwad is a menace and should be skinned alive. What the fuck is wrong with the world when Fathers are torturing their four year olds? Makes me sick. I hope he's fried.


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What i wanna know is what judge gave custody of the girl to the dad, and will the decision come back to bite him in the ass? You cant make poor decisions like that and expect not to get any blame when the parent you ruled in favor of ends up torturing the kid.
hellraiser youre so fuckin brainwashed its disgusting.
post an article for once that isnt anti white, christian, republican or american.
youre a sheep dude, you follow the herd.


Um....okay, so what about this story makes it "anti white, christian, republican or american."???


Is there anything specifically white, Christian, Republican, or American about waterboarding or child abuse? Speaking for myself, I don't know what the suspect's skin color, religion, or political affiliation are. (I haven't seen pics or read THAT much about it yet) I'm assuming he's an American.

Actually, what I think is exhibiting of sheep-like behavior is taking a simple-minded "My team hooray, right or wrong" approach. That eliminates the thinking and the principles and just makes it like the dumbest kind of team sport.

:2 cents:
This has nothing to do with the military or this guy being a soldier. Those things are circumstantial and irrelevant to the point, and that point is that this insane dickwad is a menace and should be skinned alive. What the fuck is wrong with the world when Fathers are torturing their four year olds? Makes me sick. I hope he's fried.

Perhaps he felt that waterboarding - since it was endorsed by his Commander-In-Chief and Cheney (or vice-versa, as one may see things) and described not as torture, but merely as an "enhanced" way of getting needed info - was an acceptable way of getting his incorrigible daughter to fess up??

To proclaim right off that "this has nothing to do with the military or this guy being a soldier" strikes me as more than a little naive.




Um....okay, so what about this story makes it "anti white, christian, republican or american."???


Is there anything specifically white, Christian, Republican, or American about waterboarding or child abuse? Speaking for myself, I don't know what the suspect's skin color, religion, or political affiliation are. (I haven't seen pics or read THAT much about it yet) I'm assuming he's an American.

Actually, what I think is exhibiting of sheep-like behavior is taking a simple-minded "My team hooray, right or wrong" approach. That eliminates the thinking and the principles and just makes it like the dumbest kind of team sport.

:2 cents:
Yep, that pretty much describes your approach to most every subject that you post as a "News Flash", as well...doesn't it?
Like this story, Hellraisin didn't post it as an example of over reaction and misinformation, but as a totally true horror story to rag on the Military and anyone who thinks "waterboarding" isn't ok for interrogating terror suspects.
He has earned his famous summation designation, to whit: "...mostly I think of you as a helmet wearing booger-eater." JS
Waterboarding is a technique using, usually, a hard surface (hence the use of the word "board") and at least 2 guys holding said perp or the perp being restrained before the process begins; then, as i understand it, a towel is placed over the face, and water is poured on the face until the subject begins to experience the terror of drowning. Repeat process after a brief respite...
The sick fuck pushed her little 4 year old face into a bowl of water, terrifying her before contact and after contact with the bowl of water.
According to all the posters who referred to this as Waterboarding, dunking someone in a swimming pool is grounds for school suspension, or arrest for terroristic actions.
Dumping a cooler of Gatorade on a coach after a big win would also qualify as waterboarding, as well.
Unless cooler heads (translation: people who aren't "dumb as a rock" and think about things rationally) prevail and waterboarding is recognized as itself, and dunking someone in a water container is seen as...well, dunking someone in a container of water, pool or bowl all the same, everyone in a pool this coming summer is at risk of arrest and detention for waterboarding!:rofl:
When HorrorDad is put away wherever he belongs, he will be dealt with for child abuse, not using enhanced interrogation techniques.
Not waterboarding...!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
To proclaim right off that "this has nothing to do with the military or this guy being a soldier" strikes me as more than a little naive.


I think he was saying that in the sense that his military status had nothing to do with the story itself. Just as in a lot of stories that involve police officers, their profession usually has nothing to do with the story. It's just thrown in there to grab attention and gain readers. I'm willing to bet that if this soldier got a DUI, robbed a bank or stole a car (all situations of which have nothing to do with his military status), the news would still plaster his profession all over the story, just to gain readers.

:2 cents: