Re: U.S. talk show host who used the 'N' word 11 times to a black caller on the air q
Yeah, but you don't live in America. I've known many Black people who don't use it regularly or don't use it at all. And I know/have known a great deal who use it the way some people use "dude" or "man". I know/knew a lot of Puerto Ricans who used it too. This wasn't invented by hip-hop. Go listen to some old Redd Foxx or Richard Pryor. It goes back a long time.
In high school I had Black friends who would call me "*****". It was just habit. These friends weren't "gangstas" or what have you. It was just a normal thing. At the same time, I saw the mom of one on my Black friends smack him upside the head because he said it. That was a no-no in her house. Especially in front of company. But it really isn't just some assumption or stereotype that it's commonly said by some.
Why do so many people assume all black people use the N word? I've met so many black people throughout my life and I've never heard any of them once use the N-word, just because a few dumb rappers or street gangsters use it doesn't mean it's socially acceptable for all black people to use it amongst themselves, most of the black people I know would be embarassed or even angry if they heard another black person use it. That's just a UK perpective.
Yeah, but you don't live in America. I've known many Black people who don't use it regularly or don't use it at all. And I know/have known a great deal who use it the way some people use "dude" or "man". I know/knew a lot of Puerto Ricans who used it too. This wasn't invented by hip-hop. Go listen to some old Redd Foxx or Richard Pryor. It goes back a long time.
In high school I had Black friends who would call me "*****". It was just habit. These friends weren't "gangstas" or what have you. It was just a normal thing. At the same time, I saw the mom of one on my Black friends smack him upside the head because he said it. That was a no-no in her house. Especially in front of company. But it really isn't just some assumption or stereotype that it's commonly said by some.