Re: U.S. talk show host who used the 'N' word 11 times to a black caller on the air q
She suggests it's okay to use an epitaph in a racist context because others use it in another context.
It would be no different from her making light of rape just because there are some who act out rape fantasies with their consensual sex partners.
Do you get it now?
What was wrong is that Laura immediately disregarded this woman's accounts of being blatantly stereotyped and called a ****** by White in-laws. In this snarky, condescending, angry and pompous tone, Laura insisted that this woman is basically part of the problem because she doesn't like being called a ****** or answering for Black people.
Sure there's hypersensitivity in our culture and sure there is race card shenanigans going on all over the country. But this mad woman is justifying the blanket use of the word "******" before the caller could even finish her account of being called the term. It's un-fucking-real.
You're rigid, man. It won't kill you to bend a little every now and then. Admitting that Laura was wrong doesn't mean you have to amend your beliefs. It just means that she was wrong. She doesn't represent White people, Jewish people, women or Conservatives...she represents only herself and calling bullshit on her is a reflection of nobody. Maybe you genuinely don't think she was out of line, but I just can't imagine that anybody could hear that call and not understand why it evoked some hostility.
but the conversation really went no where.
the lady first said some person always asks her "how do blacks feel about that?" alot.
the host said in her usual aggressive demeanor " so what, thats not racist, lighten up" something to that effect.
ok, no problem so far i think.
then the caller said "how about the n word" and the host then repeated the word a bunch of times
the caller said the word also, several times.
then the caller started actually getting somewhat racist by saying its not right when whites say it but its ok when blacks do.
the host could have handled it differently, but more so the caller could have not began to make a big deal out of it considering the context was in no way name calling.
but she got offended because the word came out of a whites mouth.
I just don't think its a big deal, i think people need to lighten up.
what really bugs me is the media's report of it , "racial rant" just to stir the pot, make money at the price of promoting more racial divisiveness in the country.
and of course the bad guy is always..............who?