Trump's "She's too ugly to rape" defense

With this (literally) decades old allegation from Carroll that trump tried to rape her, POTUS' response was:
"I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type. Number two, it never happened"

Basically it's the defense that she's so ugly he wouldn't rape her even if he had the chance. He's taking a lot of flack for that response, but was it really that bad of a retort in terms of legitimacy?
I get why it's a horrible thing to say and it alludes that there are "types" of women that he would rape. But as a criminal allegation defense, and coming from this guy, it almost seems like the best, most believable thing he could say to prove his innocence. If anything, coming from him, I think I'd believe him now over any other excuse he could have made.

Again, for most people it's not a defense. But in his particular case, given his character, history etc, it actually feels legit. And that's also scary.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, it was more polite than what a lot of guys would be thinking: "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick!"

Course, if Trump had said that to Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper, not only would the feminazis be on his ass, the LGBTQABCDEFG crowd would be on him too. :D That poor old woman is a nutcase. It's a shame that in their zeal to hammer Trump (who definitely is a vulgar person) on something else, the left-leaning media elites will put any deranged hag in front of a camera and mic. Didn't one of the networks have to cut away from her after she started yammering on about "sexy, rape fantasies" or something like that? Hell, her convoluted story makes Jackie Coakley's Rolling Stone fantasy look credible.

I feel genuinely sorry for women who've actually been raped. But unfortunately, IMO, the #MeToo'ers and the Rape Culture proponents are hurting the cause of actual rape victims by propping up these storytellers. Even when it's obvious that these women are just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame or make money from a book deal (like this old goof), they're still made out to be "victims of the male dominated society". As [NOBABE]Alyssa Milano[/NOBABE] has said, any woman who is crazy has been made crazy by men. Real genius, that one. :rolleyes: But folks, that's what PC is all about: not having to take responsibility for yourself or your actions. You're always the victim. Someone else is always to blame. You couldn't help yourself. Boo hoo. Whoa is me. Rinse & repeat. IMO, that growing attitude and belief is degrading our society.
With this (literally) decades old allegation from Carroll that trump tried to rape her, POTUS' response was:
"I'll say it with great respect: Number one, she's not my type. Number two, it never happened"

Basically it's the defense that she's so ugly he wouldn't rape her even if he had the chance. He's taking a lot of flack for that response, but was it really that bad of a retort in terms of legitimacy?
I get why it's a horrible thing to say and it alludes that there are "types" of women that he would rape. But as a criminal allegation defense, and coming from this guy, it almost seems like the best, most believable thing he could say to prove his innocence. If anything, coming from him, I think I'd believe him now over any other excuse he could have made.

Again, for most people it's not a defense. But in his particular case, given his character, history etc, it actually feels legit. And that's also scary.

I'd normally say that it was a bad way to respond, but let's be honest, nothing that he could have said would have satisfied those who hate him.

His accuser was a kook who essentially said that a ton of Mexican men at the border are rapists and rape is only serious enough to go to the police for if your rape is extremely violent and you're in a "marginalized" group. Her claim and follow up was so bizarre and unbelievable that a flippant and snarky reply was probably the best way to dismiss it.
Just confirms for the thousandth time what a complete piece of garbage our middle school minded president is.

That's the very first thing you say about an allegation like that? "She's not my type"?

Well gee Donny then I guess by implication we are left to wonder what might have occurred if she WERE your type. I mean, that WAS stated as your first priority, and we already know from your own words you have a history of being the pussy grabber in chief. "when you're a star they let you do it. you can do anything you want."

The guy is a complete disgrace.

On the plus side, his support among women, which is already dismal, will take an additional hit from this, and completely appropriately.
Even when it's obvious that these women are just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame or make money from a book deal (like this old goof), they're still made out to be "victims of the male dominated society".
This part is why it's really hard to take her seriously. If she was legit raped, at the very least she should have come out when all the other women made their accusations. But she goes public just before releasing her book? How can anyone not take it as a publicity stunt?
Well gee Donny then I guess by implication we are left to wonder what might have occurred if she WERE your type. I mean, that WAS stated as your first priority, and we already know from your own words you have a history of being the pussy grabber in chief. "when you're a star they let you do it. you can do anything you want."
But that's just it. We know he has no filter, and given the simplistic way he thinks do YOU believe he didn't assault this particular woman? Again, for any other accused and for anyone that was his "type", that's another discussion. But the way he said this makes me believe that it was the most credible, legit statement he could have given. He genuinely sounds like he would not touch this woman with a 10 ft dick. And in a perverse way, that honesty makes it believable.