I know some people that do. maybe someday i'll get around to watching it. I'm a big fan of Alan Ball.
I watched the first half of the first episode and it was pretty confusing, like they were trying to throw in too many ideas at once. It has all these premises that you are just supposed to accept without explanation, and I suppose it will be revealed later on, but the plot at the moment is contingent on them, so I was just like huh?
Like the girl is psychic. Ok, so what does that have to do with vampires? what does that really have to do with anything? so far it seems irrelevent.
Humans get high off of vampire blood? once again, what is the relevancy, other then creating a situation where a vampire has to fend off human attackers.
and since the show is about vamps, the one thing that really should be clear is the mythology of the vampires. Why are there vampires? since apparently getting bit by a vampire and drinking vampire blood doesn't neccesarily cause people to become vampires.
Yeah, maybe it's a bit much to expect these things to be explained in the first five minutes, but I don't like the way they are just throw out there and you are supposed to except them and then dismiss them for what is going on with the characters. But how could you? All I wanted to know was about these things and I didn't care what happened to the characters, because the mythology was more interesting than the lives of a bunch of rednecks in the south.
Also starting off the show with several different character storylines that aren't at present related, but presumably will be later on, doesn't help at all. Like I said, too much stuff going on, not enough time to really develop any of the ideas. A pilot is supposed to sum up everything that a show is about and get you interested in the series. It should just introduce the characters and the background story and that's it. leave the plot up to further episodes.