this is not about tna..but i wanted wrestling fans to know...bruiser brody was in my top 5 all time favorites..i hear he got stabbed and dies..shit happens o well..but after hearing tony atlas interview about the event i am Shocked to say the least according to atlas that man laid on the floor struggling for his life 2 hours before the rescue squad got there..finally got him to the hospital they told tony he was stable to go call his folks..when tony got back..brody was dead..he said the doctors was ordered to stoP! the surgery by security..i dont even care for wrestling anymore..its all about muscle men and barbie dolls that never get their hair messed up..they cant act..they cant wrestle..most of the women belong on a porn movie if they dress any more like a slut they will be in a thong. the fabulas moolah would have beat any 3 in a tag match. brody has been dead 20 years,,and i never knew this one of the best entertainers in wrestling RIP brody!