Legzman said:
I live one state down from you and I look forward to winter. Not the snow, but the cold! Snow pisses me off.
I'd be happy with living somewhere that the temperature is 50 year round.
Living one state down is a pretty big change. Not only is it warmer and often significantly warmer, but you don't get as much snow (And that probably doesn't even count lake effect snow.) The temperature sure isn't around 50 or 60 degrees here for that long either. The brief periods of time in the spring and fall where it's nice are often sandwiched tightly between the winter which is cold, snowy, is a complete pain the ass for the people here, and basically sucks in almost every way, and the summer which get a lot hotter than probably a lot of people think it does. Michigan and a lot of the northern part of the country can get surprisingly warm during the summer at times, and it's almost never a dry heat where I'm at either.
It's made even worse during the short time when it's nice because you almost think about the ominous approach of winter that always comes and is always close at hand. Somewhere where you are it's nicer because the cloud of winter isn't above you the whole time in the same way. I don't go out during the autumn and just think, "Oh look at the nice leaves and pretty colors" I think more along the line, "Look at the nice and pretty colors. Soon it's really going to suck being here for the next six months."
It's called a stalled dome of high pressure not a conspiracy and not global warming.
Of course you're right in the sense that no one day of weather or local temporary system can be attributed to global warming with any accuracy, and one can't just look outside, see it's hot, and attribute it to global warming with any certainly so you have some logical basis to go on...
...but I wonder. As a proponent of the reasoning that global warming either doesn't exist or that it's not caused by humans, are you, once it gets cold again and the people out there start using the same nonsensical reasoning of using immediate and very temporary anecdotal evidence to try and justify it not existing, going to stand up and proclaim how wrong their reasoning is just as vigorously as you are now? From what I remember when subjects came up on that in the past on this forum you were conveniently silent on calling people out on it.