Top 10: Kick-Ass Native Americans


My Penis Is Dancing!
Of them all, only one is not known for killing a bunch of people. Yeah. Not going to help the "we scalp 'em" stereotype.


Yes, cause only one was not know for not butchering a bunch of people.

Will E Worm



Lord Dipstick



^ I think I threw a big mac styrofoam comtainer at him before.
I’m sure you believe you are, but you almost assuredly are not. I don’t have the time to explain it all today but, there is “white folks who are wannabe Indians especially Cherokees” syndrome developed in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and has been passed down for generations through family tradition.

Will E Worm

I’m sure you believe you are, but you almost assuredly are not. I don’t have the time to explain it all today but, there is “white folks who are wannabe Indians especially Cherokees” syndrome developed in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and has been passed down for generations through family tradition.

:rolleyes: Believe any lie you what. But, you're wrong.

First you have never met me and second you don't have a clue about the history of my family.

Maybe, you're just racist towards the natives of this country.
Not racist towards Native Americans whatsoever. You probably think you are, but you almost assuredly are not Cherokee.

You almost certainly are what anthropologists call a “pretendian.”

Will E Worm

Not racist towards Native Americans whatsoever. You probably think you are, but you almost assuredly are not Cherokee.

You almost certainly are what anthropologists call a “pretendian.”

I am and you're a racist.

You're just trying to cover your...:booty:

How is thinking you are full of shit in anyway racist? Logically Challenged.

Are you from a reservation in the Smokey Mountains or Northeast Oklahoma?

There are about 25,000 Cherokees in the United States and millions who falsely claim they are.


How is thinking you are full of shit in anyway racist? Logically Challenged.

Are you from a reservation in the Smokey Mountains or Northeast Oklahoma?

There are about 25,000 Cherokees in the United States and millions who falsely claim they are.

None so truly ignorant as those who refuse to see the truth...

"With a 1990 population of about 370,000, the Cherokee, while scattered, are by far the largest Native American group in the United States."
None so truly ignorant as those who refuse to see the truth...

"With a 1990 population of about 370,000, the Cherokee, while scattered, are by far the largest Native American group in the United States."

As I said before, I'm kinda busy tonight, so we'll have to carry on this debate tomorrow, but

In 2000 the U.S. census report 729,533 people self identified as Cherokee Indian, more than twice the population of the second most populous American Indian group, the Navajo people, who numbered 298,197. This figure is also more than twice the population of current estimates of all three federally recognized tribes combined.

Self IDs particularly with wannabe Cherokee are not really reliable for many reasons, most of wich I wall cover tomorrow.


As I said before, I'm kinda busy tonight, so we'll have to carry on this debate tomorrow, but

In 2000 the U.S. census report 729,533 people self identified as Cherokee Indian, more than twice the population of the second most populous American Indian group, the Navajo people, who numbered 298,197. This figure is also more than twice the population of current estimates of all three federally recognized tribes combined.

Self IDs particularly with wannabe Cherokee are not really reliable for many reasons, most of wich I wall cover tomorrow.

As usual, lame mixing of unreliable BS sources used to claim a correct point that has no basis in reality...
Self proclaimed Cherokees ancestry has nothing to do with fact based records on Cherokee population, in spite of the Dawes crap labeling only Territory-resident Cherokees as eligible to claim membership in the Nation.
The article I posted has references, anyone can check and see not one reference to a user-compiled information source...either Wiki or the US Census.
Will E could be a bona fide tribal Elder for all you know...not that that matters to you, I know.