Top 10 Shameful Events in American History

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The Matthew Shepard murder

Really? It was proven that the murder wasn't motivated by prejudice but robbery. But since the movement needed a martyr, a little spin on the truth is A-Okay.

I think judicial legislation should be right up there on the list.

The celebrity status and emulation of twats like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Now that's shameful.

The reelections of Clinton, FDR, LBJ and Nixon are pretty bad, too. I wonder why Watergate, the escalation of the Viet Nam war or the whole Lewinsky thing didn't garner any mention.

While I agree with the argument that the racist policies the U.S. employed and embraced at certain points were awful, I wouldn't apologize for the western expansion. The damage has been done and I didn't take part in any of it. Come to think of it, I didn't take part in anything listed here, so I'm good.

As a matter of fact, my ancestors came over from Ireland and were indentured servants. Where are my reparations?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
to name a few democracy.
that's shameful?
whats better then, communism, dictatorship, monarchy?
democracy has its problems but to call it shameful is ..........shameful.
and the lib who wrote the list probably has everything he/she has thanks to living in a democracy.

I most certainly agree with your criticism of parts of the list MP but I want to make sure to point out that being a "lib" doesn't connote a lack of patriotism. I'm about as "lib" as you can get on social issues but anyone who dares to question my patriotism is in for a serious street-fight (figuratively, that is :D).

I do think there is a certain segment of the left (a minority) that considers itself to be the moral conscience of America and therefore spends way too much time fretting about the things we do wrong than celebrating the things we do right. There are also anti-American groups on the right that do the same thing (American Nazis, skinheads, survivalist nutballs, etc) and they too are in the extreme minority.

Really? It was proven that the murder wasn't motivated by prejudice but robbery. But since the movement needed a martyr, a little spin on the truth is A-Okay.

Sorry johnny but any website with an article that has a subhead that reads "Liberals Go For Jugular Vein" is certainly less than credible as a authoritative source. I am aware of the robbery motive but that does not take the prejudicial element out of the equation by any means.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
OK, I'll play :) My grandfather was in the Dutch resistance during WWII and he helped save the lives of a lot of American soldiers so America should be thanking me

On behalf of all my fellow Americans....thank you, BB, for your grandfather saving the lives of American soldiers during WW II. :clap:
Dear rest of the world,

We apologize for not being able to get those sticks out of your asses. We recommend fire, and lots of it.
We also apologize that it seems the only way you can find pride in your own much older country is by pointing out the flaws of a another much younger country that is still finding itself, yet offer no real constructive solution. Perhaps something was lost in translation and your solution was clouded by your smugness. Let it be known that there is much land available here, should you wish to grow a pair and take over.
Remember - Whether you think you can - or can''re right.


P.S. - Fuck you.
Slavery? Racism? Organized crime? Witch hunts? Europe has copyrights on all of them.

The only things of which Americans should be ashamed are Ford Motor Company and General Motors.
OK, I'll play :) My grandfather was in the Dutch resistance during WWII and he helped save the lives of a lot of American soldiers so America should be thanking me
Thanking you?? Are you serious....??? I'm not sure what they teach there but the Dutch Resistance guys WERE invaded. It certainly was nice that your forefathers did help if we were coming there to rid you and the rest of Europe of your Nazi problem.:rolleyes:

I mean honestly, our forefathers GO TO Europe to help rescue yours but we should be thanking you because you helped where you could??:facepalm::1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Sheesh....good thing you guys did pick the right side eventually otherwise you could have had a wall running down the middle of your country too.

Yeah, your grand may have helped to spare American lives but those American lives he helped to save were coming to his rescue.:1orglaugh

Maybe you should be a little more thankful to us that you're not part of Nazi Germany or a former Soviet satellite instead of having so much naive disdain.

Launching into Georges is one thing...after all, his forefathers do have the ignominious distinction of capitulating but trying to slam us when we crossed an ocean to help Europe is pretty silly.
You're pretty sharp most of the time but this time you just don't get it do you :dunno:

Boothy what I get is Germany was in the process of routing western Europe during WWII. Holland claimed neutrality and the Germans invaded them anyway after they said they wouldn't.

After the invasion I don't think Holland ever officially surrendered....commendable but so?:dunno: You don't get a cookie for not giving up. I suspect the Germans felt they had bigger fish to fry.

The Dutch didn't like being occupied by the Germans, The US with it's allies were coming to beat the Germans. Had we failed, I doubt the fall back plan would have been the Dutch Resistance.:rolleyes:

Of course the Dutch Resistance aided in many circumstances by husbanding Allied soldiers in dire straits at times....but why not?? The Allies led by the US beating the Germans means no more German occupation of Holland. What were they supposed to be doing?? Sitting on their hands acting like Georges' forefathers??

On behalf of our forefathers here in the great US of A, you're welcome Boothy.:hatsoff:
People. This could degenerate into something pretty nasty, but it shouldn't. The original question is an interesting one. EVERY nation has things about which it should be ashamed. Talking about some of the specific things from one nation, when asked by a national of said nation, is an interesting discussion.

Everyone take a big breath.


Hiliary 2020
The word in that case would be "than" (not 'then').:2 cents:


Because it shouldn't be there. Unless of course you can show us evidence where the g'ment sealed those people in there as opposed to the reality of them being able to come out on their own at ANY time during the near 2 month (nearly 2 fucking months!!!) standoff.

I still don't see how you can't process there being a few kooks inside of that compound who sentence all of the others in there to death with their actions.

no, I meant then, as in however not as a comparitiive .

as far as waco I believe your opinion is biased based on the fact that clinton was president at the time.
I'll get into the details not for you again but for others if they care to read.

the atf was there to serve a warrant to search the house for illegal weapons.
according to the warrant it was for mechanisms that can make a weapon into an automatic one.
ok, not that big of a deal, especially considering no crimes other than possibly having these mechanisms were suspected
but they surround the place with a hundred automatic weapons aimed at it, machine gun mounted helicopters over head, snipers, and they call every news station in the area to come film it.
disagree so far?

they , the ATF DID open fire first, there is no doubt about that.
every minute is on film except for that initial gunfire
the main evidence to prove the justification of the atf and they lost it?
the news stations have said that the fbi took the film it had of the inial gun fire, thats because that was the condemning evidence.

At that point citizens under texas law have the right to defend themselves which was upheld in court regarding this.
there are videos showing a helicopter mowing down a 15 year old unarmed boy standing atop a silo. 15 year old innocent kid.
they were also bodies of un armed women and men on the property, killed by atf or fbi.

this is the government killing civillians, nothing more or less.

ok, so lets say you believe the news media and governments assertion that they were kooks.
highly educated kooks who worked all over the waco area, had no criminal records and read the bible a lot.
law enforcement knowing or at least telling the public that they are crazy fanatics inside and knowing that there are many innocent elderly, women, children and babies inside should not be:
taking pot shots at the house.
chucking in concussion grenades, which are deadly.
chucking in c4 gas canisters which are also deadly and can cause extreme pain and damage to people, especially kids.
ramming the house with tanks mounted with long tubes (flamethrowers) and setting fire to it, plus the fact that they new that c4 gas when incinerated creates cyanide gas.
ect ect ect.
all that i mentioned above was proven by testimony and video during the hearings.
the fbi got caught in so many lies during those hearings that any reasonable person would not believe a word.

plenty of video documentary of the siege and the hearings are available.
just watch part 2

notice how the democrat politicians at the hearing side with the fbi and are blatantly biased..........because they were defending their PREZ.

other docs

so basically I believe that the united states government killing innocent civillians in a massacre was shameful and everybody should know what happened.

I most certainly agree with your criticism of parts of the list MP but I want to make sure to point out that being a "lib" doesn't connote a lack of patriotism. I'm about as "lib" as you can get on social issues but anyone who dares to question my patriotism is in for a serious street-fight (figuratively, that is :D).

I do think there is a certain segment of the left (a minority) that considers itself to be the moral conscience of America and therefore spends way too much time fretting about the things we do wrong than celebrating the things we do right. There are also anti-American groups on the right that do the same thing (American Nazis, skinheads, survivalist nutballs, etc) and they too are in the extreme minority.

Sorry johnny but any website with an article that has a subhead that reads "Liberals Go For Jugular Vein" is certainly less than credible as a authoritative source. I am aware of the robbery motive but that does not take the prejudicial element out of the equation by any means.

don't hang too much on the word "lib".
call them what you want.