Big enough nuts, Chef? Or sufficient lack of respect perhaps??
I have no problem with you, Boothbabe (or anyone else for that matter) wanting to take issue with the lack of sincerity that might be hiding behind every occasion for remembrance. It is extremely classless and tacky, however, to choose this thread to make that statement. This thread is a memorial to those who perished at the hands of the terrorists on September 11, 2001. To hijack this thread this way is abominable and an insult to the memory of those who died and also to those of us who solemnly choose to honor their sacrifice on that day.
You want to question my sincerity? Go right ahead but, please, do it in another thread.
How am I insulting anybody? Just because I didn't lie and pretend that everybody who claims to be respecting 9/11 victims by waving a flag or saying "God bless America" is sincere in their heart? You can't honestly say that you think every person in America truly gives a shit about the 9/11 victims or even understands the true horror that they went through that day. So, to say that I'm being insulting is a little untrue, in my opinion.
And, I'm not hijacking this thread. Boothbabe made an honest comment and then a whooooole bunch of people started getting slightly off topic and began to bad mouth her. All I did was stick up for her, because she made a good point.
Plus, what is so tacky and classless about making an honest point in this thread?
A) I never said anything disrespectful towards any of the victims or any of the events that took place on 9/11 and
B) this is
porn forum; nothing about having a memorial thread to remember 9/11
on a porn forum isn't tacky and classless. It's a nice gesture, but...
come on.
Also, I'm not questioning your sincerity as an individual. Not
every single person in the United States is a heartless piece of shit and I will never claim that
not one person, in this country has a honest and humble level of respect for the victims of 9/11. There
are good people in the world and I know that.
Not for me it isn't. I've had plenty of friends and relatives who have been killed or wounded in action and when I visit Arlington or Jefferson Barracks or Pearl Harbor or Gettysburg the emotion is so powerful that is is literally overwhelming. If you've never had that experience, that's really a shame.
I've had friends and family members lose their lives while serving our country too, so I can definitely identify with what you're saying. But,
once again, it's not a question of feeling bad for someone you don't know; it's a question of
honoring them.