To those who perished 8 years ago.....

that's probably why I don't like watching local news. I get sick of hearing nothing but sad, depressing news day in and day out!

I feel the same way. I can't watch it anymore, it's too depressing. Though, lately I've been watching CNN more. I like to see what's happening with the economy. At least there are some signs of hope.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think I might be the only person here who is going to have big enough nuts to agree with you and admit that you're right (for the most part). Obviously, that was a blanket statement that you made, because we can both agree that not every single American is like that. But, I believe that the majority of Americans are like that.

To everyone who is getting in an uproar over Boothbabe's comment, just look at it this way...

Think of the last time you were at a funeral. Now, think of all the people that showed up to honor the deceased at that funeral. Do you honestly think that all of those people were there to pay respect for the deceased? No, they weren't. In all honesty, a lot of people show up to funerals just so they can say that they were there. A lot of people don't go to funerals (or even tributes for victims of tragedies like 9/11) to "honor the deceased"; they do it just so everybody else can see them there, which makes them feel like they did something nice. That's not honor...that's selfish. And, that's exactly how a lot of Americans are with 9/11.

Big enough nuts, Chef? Or sufficient lack of respect perhaps??

I have no problem with you, Boothbabe (or anyone else for that matter) wanting to take issue with the lack of sincerity that might be hiding behind every occasion for remembrance. It is extremely classless and tacky, however, to choose this thread to make that statement. This thread is a memorial to those who perished at the hands of the terrorists on September 11, 2001. To hijack this thread this way is abominable and an insult to the memory of those who died and also to those of us who solemnly choose to honor their sacrifice on that day.

You want to question my sincerity? Go right ahead but, please, do it in another thread.

No, I'm not saying that you wouldn't feel bad for somebody who died just because you didn't know them. I'm just saying that it's hard to HONOR them; not impossible, but hard.

Not for me it isn't. I've had plenty of friends and relatives who have been killed or wounded in action and when I visit Arlington or Jefferson Barracks or Pearl Harbor or Gettysburg the emotion is so powerful that is is literally overwhelming. If you've never had that experience, that's really a shame.


Think of the last time you were at a funeral. Now, think of all the people that showed up to honor the deceased at that funeral. Do you honestly think that all of those people were there to pay respect for the deceased? No, they weren't. In all honesty, a lot of people show up to funerals just so they can say that they were there. A lot of people don't go to funerals (or even tributes for victims of tragedies like 9/11) to "honor the deceased"; they do it just so everybody else can see them there, which makes them feel like they did something nice. That's not honor...that's selfish. And, that's exactly how a lot of Americans are with 9/11.

Spot on.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Big enough nuts, Chef? Or sufficient lack of respect perhaps??

I have no problem with you, Boothbabe (or anyone else for that matter) wanting to take issue with the lack of sincerity that might be hiding behind every occasion for remembrance. It is extremely classless and tacky, however, to choose this thread to make that statement. This thread is a memorial to those who perished at the hands of the terrorists on September 11, 2001. To hijack this thread this way is abominable and an insult to the memory of those who died and also to those of us who solemnly choose to honor their sacrifice on that day.

You want to question my sincerity? Go right ahead but, please, do it in another thread.

How am I insulting anybody? Just because I didn't lie and pretend that everybody who claims to be respecting 9/11 victims by waving a flag or saying "God bless America" is sincere in their heart? You can't honestly say that you think every person in America truly gives a shit about the 9/11 victims or even understands the true horror that they went through that day. So, to say that I'm being insulting is a little untrue, in my opinion.

And, I'm not hijacking this thread. Boothbabe made an honest comment and then a whooooole bunch of people started getting slightly off topic and began to bad mouth her. All I did was stick up for her, because she made a good point.

Plus, what is so tacky and classless about making an honest point in this thread? A) I never said anything disrespectful towards any of the victims or any of the events that took place on 9/11 and B) this is porn forum; nothing about having a memorial thread to remember 9/11 on a porn forum isn't tacky and classless. It's a nice gesture, but...come on.

Also, I'm not questioning your sincerity as an individual. Not every single person in the United States is a heartless piece of shit and I will never claim that nobody, not one person, in this country has a honest and humble level of respect for the victims of 9/11. There are good people in the world and I know that.

Not for me it isn't. I've had plenty of friends and relatives who have been killed or wounded in action and when I visit Arlington or Jefferson Barracks or Pearl Harbor or Gettysburg the emotion is so powerful that is is literally overwhelming. If you've never had that experience, that's really a shame.

I've had friends and family members lose their lives while serving our country too, so I can definitely identify with what you're saying. But, once again, it's not a question of feeling bad for someone you don't know; it's a question of honoring them.


So how many times have you thought about them this past year? How many times this past year have you personally done something to honour them? Before 9/11 (and after) they were complete strangers to most of you and you wouldn't even have noticed they were gone if they died any other way that didn't make the headlines. It's the events of that day that you remember, the event of the planes crashing into the two towers, the event of people dying. Once a year you all have a big get together and you tell each other how great America is and that something like 9/11 can never be allowed to happen again and 2 days later everything is back to "normal".

Some people are here to just cause trouble and get us real American's all rilled up. All that I have to say is if it were not for the majority of Americans BB you would have grown up speaking German, so maybe you should be thanking us instead of trying to get a negative responce from us.

you'r NOT American and you DO NOT understand!
Some people are here to just cause trouble and get us real American's all rilled up. All that I have to say is if it were not for the majority of Americans BB you would have grown up speaking German, so maybe you should be thanking us instead of trying to get a negative responce from us.

If there are any Americans I want to thank it's the soldiers who actually fought during WWII. You had nothing to do with nor does any other American on this board. I also think it's shameless and dishonorable of you to want to take credit for what they did. That's not how you honor what they did.
If there are any Americans I want to thank it's the soldiers who actually fought during WWII. You had nothing to do with nor does any other American on this board. I also think it's shameless and dishonorable of you to want to take credit for what they did. That's not how you honor what they did.

This, I completely agree with.

I think I've said it before and I'll say it again, I find it completely disrespectful to all of those who fought and died before and after the US got involved to say; as someone always does "we saved your ass". Isn't it enough that these brave people of many nations thought it right to come together to try to defeat a completely malicious force? Why turn it into some form of contest. Just to hike up some petty form of national pride.


Closed Account
The thing we should NEVER forget is that the events on 9/11 were approved, planned and executed by powers that ALLOWED those victims to die.

There is nothing we can do NOW for the victims.

But there is ALOT we can do to open our eyes, and see what is REALLY going on right in front of us. Right NOW.

That, truly is the best we can do for the victims, and their families.

The message of the fallen would most likely be: Investigate My Death. Question Everything. Stand up, DO NOT LET FEAR RULE :mad:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
How am I insulting anybody?

I'm wasting my time if you even have to ask the question. I meant what I said, September 11 has come and gone and the spirit of this thread has already been ruined so there's no benefit in rehashing shit upon which we will never agree. This may be a porn forum but this thread could have been posted on any forum anywhere so if your point is that it's OK to be classless and disrespectful just because it's a porn forum, that's your take, not mine.


If there are any Americans I want to thank it's the soldiers who actually fought during WWII. You had nothing to do with nor does any other American on this board. I also think it's shameless and dishonorable of you to want to take credit for what they did. That's not how you honor what they did.

Your right I had nothing to do with it so i can't comment on it.
your not American and can not comment on 9/11.

Also my Grandfather fought in Market Garden and the Bulge and my main inspiration to join the United States Army.

And when I go to the VFW and buy the WW2 vets a beer they always say "Just cause you weren't there, your still my brother"
This, I completely agree with.

I think I've said it before and I'll say it again, I find it completely disrespectful to all of those who fought and died before the US got involved and after to say as someone always does "we saved your ass".

It's true - we hear the "if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German" line all the time, when in fact we owe Russia, for instance, a huge debt of gratitude for softening Hitler up before we ever set foot on the continent, and keeping him backpedaling while draining his resources the entire time we were there. It's frightful to think what the cost of recapturing fortress Europe would have been had there been no eastern front, where Soviets fought and died in staggering numbers.


you'r NOT American and you DO NOT understand!

your not American and can not comment on 9/11.

So you think that day only affected Americans? You think it makes a difference which country you come from?

What a pathetic thing to say. You should be fucking disgusted with yourself for making such a comment.

It's stupid backwards patriotism like that that gives Americans such a bad image.
It's true - we hear the "if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German" line all the time, when in fact we owe Russia, for instance, a huge debt of gratitude for softening Hitler up before we ever set foot on the continent, and keeping him backpedaling while draining his resources the entire time we were there. It's frightful to think what the cost of recapturing fortress Europe would have been had there been no eastern front, where Soviets fought and died in staggering numbers.


Take pride in the fact that your country was one of many.


So you think that day only affected Americans? You think it makes a difference which country you come from?

What a pathetic thing to say. You should be fucking disgusted with yourself for making such a comment.

It's stupid backwards patriotism like that that gives Americans such a bad image.

Yes I do. backwards patroitism? Last time I check Patroitism is being proud of your country, which I am, and which I defended for 10 years and have seem two close friends die in combat in front of me defending our patroitism.
Here is what webster say's about Patriotism, is love of and/or devotion to one's country. So would backward patroitism mean your not proud of your country?
I can tell you 100% I LOVE the USA and will defend it till I die!


WWII military deaths (allies)

United States - 416,800
United Kingdom - 382,700
France - 217,600
Australia - 40,500
Soviet Union - somewhere between 9 and 11 million

Mostly were Soviet prisioners that Stalin sent to the gulag's. LAst time I check the USSR did not liberate the Netherlands.


Yes I do. backwards patroitism? Last time I check Patroitism is being proud of your country, which I am, and which I defended for 10 years and have seem two close friends die in combat in front of me defending our patroitism.
Here is what webster say's about Patriotism, is love of and/or devotion to one's country. So would backward patroitism mean your not proud of your country?
I can tell you 100% I LOVE the USA and will defend it till I die!

I love how you completely side stepped all my other comments.

Your "patriotism" is so fucked up you don't notice that 9/11 was an attack on all of humanity, not just your precious little country.

You make me sick.
WWII military deaths (allies)

United States - 416,800
United Kingdom - 382,700
France - 217,600
Australia - 40,500
Soviet Union - somewhere between 9 and 11 million

And as you will know but some won't realize or know when you add in civilian deaths for the russians the total is probably somewhere around 20 million dead.I know that when later in the 50s and the US and USSR were at odds we would sometimes say " Hey USSR how about paying us for that material aid and loans during ww2 we gave ya,their answer would be "Forget it, we paid in blood" and they did.The only other country that even begins to compare for how awfull the toll was on them were the germans.

Back to 9/11 ,even as someone who is on the left who might argue the politics of america's actions and policys before and after that day I think the way I see it is that no matter what I think about politics or policys people like me and very possibly people I might have gone to school with or met in some other way were killed that day, as I do live in a suburb of NYC.I have known at least one person who had worked at the WTC.Always wondered (had lost contact with her,girl from Queens NY moved to Jersey for a while then later went back) whether or not she somehow was again working at WTC on 9/11. I admit that kind of thought really makes it hit home for me,maybe if I lived further away and couldn't think of just how maybe I could have been in NYC (on path train underneath WTC) that day or known someone there I would not be as in touch with the horror of it as I think I am.:dunno:

So I guess the trick to being able to say unequivicollly that I want to honor someone is for you to be able to see it in some way that says that could have been me or someone I cared about or even just knew.Whats the saying "there but for the grace of god go I"? And the truth is this or something similar could happen just about anywhere.

9/11,the holocaust,Hiroshima,WW1 and 2 ,vietnam,Iraq,the civil war,the 100 years war (you get the idea lol)and on and on and on through history were human tragedys where humans suffered on all sides,in the end I think we forget were all human and feel these things pretty equally when it isn't us.I can easily forget politics and appreciate the human suffering and think anyone can do that.Maybe if we all more tried to relate to the commonality of such things we could reduce it.Everybody thinks their right and justified in what they do when it comes to such things like war and killing,we gotta all work on that one.
Mostly were Soviet prisioners that Stalin sent to the gulag's.

No jason. Those numbers are combat deaths.

LAst time I check the USSR did not liberate the Netherlands.

No, but they helped make it possible by bleeding Hitler dry elsewhere while closing in on Germany from the east. Hostilities in the Netherlands didn't fully cease until the beginning of May '45 (the Soviets entered Berlin on April 21st). Canadian, British and U.S. forces all played roles in the liberation.
Regardless of whether you think this thread should be a solemn virtual place or open to debates about patriotism and foreign policy and such, it's clearly spun out of control.

My question is, just how solemn and reverent for ANYTHING can a FreeOnes thread be? The only time I think that's worked is the one for Pussy & Dick Denice...

Otherwise, though, it just seems weird when I'm scrolling through all the threads, to go from "Dude shoots jizz up her nose" to "anal prolapse" to "Please help me contact this hot slut" to "To those who perished 8 years ago...." and to get into that mode in my head. I can't. Maybe if I watched a commercial-free airing of a memorial ceremony on tv, or actually went to one of the places directly effected on 9/11, then I'd FEEL it, but not on a thread on a porn forum - even a special porn forum like FreeOnes...

The mere context of this virtual place kind of compromises any pretense of solemnity, imho....

:2 cents: