To those who perished 8 years ago.....

I'll never forget 9/11-I hadn't heard about it that morning and was out for a walk and I went by a fire station. It was moving to hear about it from firefighters who knew what their brethren were facing in the towers and at the Pentagon. May God bless all who lost their life that day and all those who work to protect us every day.

Lovely sentiments :thumbsup:
I've said this before and I will say it again.

To those who died, RIP.:angels:
To those who got out, bless you.
To those who went in to save people, Thank You.:thumbsup::hatsoff::bowdown:
those who were sacrificed so tragically that fateful day.

They weren't sacrificed, they were murdered.

And I have to say that to me as an outsider it seems like Americans have turned 9/11 into a holy day of almost biblical proportions. It sometimes seems like you enjoy remembering the victims so much that you've turned it into something perverted. In my eyes it has become nothing more than an excuse for you to let your "patriotic" hearts cry out how great America is and how you should all be united on this holiest of holy days just to resume your petty bickering the next day.
Personally, I don't agree with terrorism memorials for two reasons. The first and simpler reason for this is that funerals for individuals (even those protecting their country) are usually only held once, and, most of the time, they're still remembered. Funerals aren't held annually, so why should memorials be? Secondly, the supposed reason hold these memorials is to remember the innocent fallen. But, unintentionally, the people are also remembering the terrorists involved. How many men, women, and children would think of committing a suicide terrorism mission if they didn't get any recognition? "So, then why not just not give the terrorists recognition?" you ask. The simple answer is this: it would be incomplete reporting, similar to a police man or -woman leaving out details of a crime. The only way to stop giving the terrorists recognition, thus not giving them a reason to commit acts of terrorism, is to stop giving the innocents recognition through these memorials. Morgan Freeman once said that the only way to stop racism was to stop talking about it. Maybe a similar method would work for fighting terrorism.


They weren't sacrificed, they were murdered.

And I have to say that to me as an outsider it seems like Americans have turned 9/11 into a holy day of almost biblical proportions. It sometimes seems like you enjoy remembering the victims so much that you've turned it into something perverted. In my eyes it has become nothing more than an excuse for you to let your "patriotic" hearts cry out how great America is and how you should all be united on this holiest of holy days just to resume your petty bickering the next day.

Well if your not an American then you would not understand:wave:


Personally, I don't agree with terrorism memorials for two reasons. The first and simpler reason for this is that funerals for individuals (even those protecting their country) are usually only held once, and, most of the time, they're still remembered. Funerals aren't held annually, so why should memorials be? Secondly, the supposed reason hold these memorials is to remember the innocent fallen. But, unintentionally, the people are also remembering the terrorists involved. How many men, women, and children would think of committing a suicide terrorism mission if they didn't get any recognition? "So, then why not just not give the terrorists recognition?" you ask. The simple answer is this: it would be incomplete reporting, similar to a police man or -woman leaving out details of a crime. The only way to stop giving the terrorists recognition, thus not giving them a reason to commit acts of terrorism, is to stop giving the innocents recognition through these memorials. Morgan Freeman once said that the only way to stop racism was to stop talking about it. Maybe a similar method would work for fighting terrorism.

Each and every service member that lost a fellow battle buddy in combat will never forget that day. kinda like how we have Memorial and Veterans day. I will never forget the names listed below.
Anyone remeber the name of that song bruce springsteen sung during the special to honor the people who died during 9/11. the week it happened?. He sung it with so much emotions , it almost made me cry. :(
Thanks dude, and i remeber that song also, but i liked bruce springsteen song better.
Morgan Freeman once said that the only way to stop racism was to stop talking about it.

Gotta say I would love to see the context of such a quote from Morgan Freeman.The implication that if we just didn't talk about something like racism it would just go away I don't think is something Morgan would say,or if he did I would not agree with him.The progress we saw during the civil rights movement was only brought on by "talking" about the situation.Before that no one talked about it and nothing ever much got changed.Jim Crow laws being abolished,voting rights ,and all the other civil rights weren't gonna just happen,somebody had to talk in favor of them and push for change.

On 9/11
I live less than an hour from NYC,we in this area will never forget that day.We don't make the production out of it it was the 1st few years, with it being 8 years ago that is undertandable,but it will not be just another day on the calender eithier for many many years and rightfully so.
rip to all the people who perished that day.
I will never forget 9/11/2001 as well.
I do understand one thing, America isn't remembering the victims of 9/11 to honour them.

You must have family and friends who live in America as well as to have travelled in America to understand what happened and how Americans felt and still feel about what happened to them that day. But I guess you can't because you have no acquaintances and no relatives in America. Your previous comment was pretty disrespectful towards Americans.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
RIP all the victim's of this heinous attack.
I remember watching these event's unfold on television that day. And thinking to myself this can't be real; Even after all this time I still have the feeling of disbelief, all those live's lost. It is a tragedy that I will never forget and never allow my child to forget.
God Bless America, and our Armed Force's.
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Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
They weren't sacrificed, they were murdered.
And I have to say that to me as an outsider it seems like Americans have turned 9/11 into a holy day of almost biblical proportions. It sometimes seems like you enjoy remembering the victims so much that you've turned it into something perverted. In my eyes it has become nothing more than an excuse for you to let your "patriotic" hearts cry out how great America is and how you should all be united on this holiest of holy days just to resume your petty bickering the next day.

Well if your not an American then you would not understand:wave:

I do understand one thing, America isn't remembering the victims of 9/11 to honour them.

^^ I don't think that is true at all Boothy. Jason is right, I guess you just don't understand.

I'm not going to disrespect the sentiment of this thread by ripping your post apart, BB, but you are 100% WRONG.

Jason & Baill Inneraora are 2 guys that are about as diametrically opposed to each other politically as you can get and yet, at the core, they are true-blue Americans who love their country and most certainly do honor the memory of the victims who were sacrificed that day in New York. We might do a lot of fighting amongst ourselves, but attack one of us and you attack all of us.

They are correct. You're not an American and you do not understand.

You must have family and friends who live in America as well as to have travelled in America to understand what happened and how Americans felt and still feel about what happened to them that day. But I guess you can't because you have no acquaintances and no relatives in America. Your previous comment was pretty disrespectful towards Americans.

Thank you, Georges. :thumbsup: