Things you would never say.

Aren't horoscopes great.
They are so precise and accurate and never seem to be in any-way ambiguous or vague.
It doesn't matter who you are, what your disposition in life, a horoscope always seems to have your future layed out before you.
Who would have thought that stars, millions of light years away, could be used to predict what sort of day your going to have.
Aren't horoscopes great.
They are so precise and accurate and never seem to be in any-way ambiguous or vague.
It doesn't matter who you are, what your disposition in life, a horoscope always seems to have your future layed out before you.
Who would have thought that stars, millions of light years away, could be used to predict what sort of day your going to have.

That fortuneteller that read my palm and said I was going to meat new people soon was the best $600 dollars I ever spent.


what the fuck you lookin at?
your sister was better
Big Brother starts again tomorrow on channel 4...AND I CAN'T WAIT!

It is just simply rivetting TV.
Every minute that I'm awake, I watch it ...and when I'm asleep, I dream about it.

I hope it never, ever, ever, ever, ends.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I want to go to school(yuck....sends a chill up my spine)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
high school, thank god i got summer break.

I'm not into anything that has to do with school


Closed Account
high school, thank god i got summer break.

I'm not into anything that has to do with school

the physical and social element, takes first place before intellect: in public education.

Take advantage of that 'Summer break,' it will seem so short.