Now for the phony scare tactics by the Tea Party, here is one on Social Security adding to the deficit.
Paul Ryan wants to use the bible and Ayn Rand where the Gov does shit and society through charity helps the old and poor.
However we are all not willing to do what the bible says and give 10% of our income to charity. That why the Gov does it.
Maybe if we stop playing world cop for oil, find energy alternative (Like don't commute 60 miles both way to work 5 days a week and live close to your job) and go back to the Monroe Doctrine we can cut the debt with the waste our military does in the world.
Myth No. 4: Social Security adds to the deficit
Social Security can't add to the deficit, because it has its own funding source (Social Security payroll taxes) and isn't allowed to spend any money it doesn't have. Much of the confusion comes from the fact that under federal accounting practices Social Security is represented in the consolidated federal budget, as well as from the fact that Social Security's trust fund, like many insurance funds, invests in Treasury bonds. (Bonds are debt investments.)
The exception has been the payroll tax holiday, which lowered payroll taxes starting in January 2011 in order to stimulate the economy. During that period, the federal government made up the lost revenue to Social Security that would have been collected. The holiday is expected to end next year.
Paul Ryan wants to use the bible and Ayn Rand where the Gov does shit and society through charity helps the old and poor.
However we are all not willing to do what the bible says and give 10% of our income to charity. That why the Gov does it.
Maybe if we stop playing world cop for oil, find energy alternative (Like don't commute 60 miles both way to work 5 days a week and live close to your job) and go back to the Monroe Doctrine we can cut the debt with the waste our military does in the world.