now, i dont mind dominating or being dominated and playing some bondage games every now and then,and if ur gona do it then do it for real,just dont forget to have a codeword if ur being dominated just in case it gets too hard.
so yeah,sometimes i like to play or to be played hard ( just sometimes) and humilliation or to humilliate can be really fun.
however shitting is definetelly a NO!
if a guy plays a lotta money to be shitted on,he got some serious problems.
then again i love to do threesomes with me plus 2 girls and have sex in public places,and a few years back that was outrageous too.
but for me even pissing is something im not to fond of,but i wouldnt say never,but shitting? for fuck sake,even just imagining it makes me sick.
make no mistake i do not criticize that guy,and much less do i criticyze Mandy.
I completelly agree with ur atittude Mandy,if a guy or girls pays you big money to take a dump on him or do absolutelly evrything that comes to ur mind,hell,who wouldnt.
i m just saying that on my opinion shitting is outside of my fantasies and is a complete no,and sucking other guys dicks also out.
i do have a friend that enjoyed having girls burning him with cigarretes,so its not the first time i see or know bout things that its a "no way" for me.
On a brighter note,during my bondage adventures i did make a huge mistake while being dominated by an ex-girlfriend,the codeword was "potatoes" and while she was slapping me as hard as she could , i said,is that all u got? , bang she hitted hard and repeteadly till i said Potatoes,she stopped,look at me with the most excited look i ve ever seen and said in a cruel tone..oh you want potatoes..ull eat potatoes later at dinner" and the slapping continued.loool.
Thankfully my face heasl fast...hehehehhehe... and that was as crazy as it got.