Congratulations Doctor Mega...The engineer!!!!
watching and searching for an upcoming post on my blog..Top 100 more sexy Playmates Vs BEst 20 penthouse pets...going in a pdf file through a College girls playboy issue,,my eyes could noy believe as i stared to miss
Christine Vinson on Playboy special edition issue..with her hair not so blonde more broenish,but allways gorgeous
Sorry for the absence...I've been very very busy
but finally
I got
Engineer degree!!!!!!!!!!
From now on you can call me Doctor!!!!!!
Little shot for all my mobsters from my Vegas trip over this last weekend.xoxo Christine
Thank the board it's Friday. It's been a busy week. Been very busy at work. I've been over on Miss Hybrid's new forum, where I have been doing a bit of moderating and site admining. And, of course, keeping my eye on the FO's board as well. Looking forward to a quiet weekend. Watch the Monaco GP, a bit of Super 14 rugby and catch up on my SKY+'d programs.
Christine, thank you for sharing - beautiful as always.