The Official Gardening Thread


Official Checked Star Member
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

Hubby and I planted a crab-apple tree yesterday. :) Can't wait to see it bloom in Spring! Right now, it's nearly nekkid out there in the yard... lol.
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

Hubby and I planted a crab-apple tree yesterday. :) Can't wait to see it bloom in Spring! Right now, it's nearly nekkid out there in the yard... lol.

Nice. I have eight apple trees coming this week - they'll grow to a good size. I've always wanted an orchard of my own, and I have the space now. I also got a bunch of raspberry bushes this year, and I hope they produce fruit next year. I plan to plant enough grapevines in the coming year that I can produce a dozen or so bottles of wine every year, for special occasions. :)

I have kale left in my garden, everything else has been cleaned out. As a kid, my mom cooked kale until it was dead, so I hated it. I'm only just now starting to find great ways to use it, and it gets so much sweeter if frost hits it a couple of times. There's a great traditional Dutch dish that uses it, and, if cooked well, is very tasty.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

Dirk! We so fucking missed you.

My rosemary is getting stronger everyday. Chives wont quit and I think I can hold them over till next year. Thyme has thick branches with leaves that are small. I have been clipping the flowers off and nothing will kill them.

I'm going to have to bring them inside soon. They are all in deck boxes. I live in a small place and if they are going to need sunlight and fresh air I will have to put them on a window sill with the window open to give them warmth from my apartment. Fresh herbs kick ass and a single guy that cooks doesn't need much space for his needs.
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

I had a nice tomato garden (my wife makes great sauce). Now I have a patch of land with a tree and a fence on it and sqashed plants :(

We were done with them for the season anyway.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

I had a nice tomato garden (my wife makes great sauce). Now I have a patch of land with a tree and a fence on it and sqashed plants :(

We were done with them for the season anyway.

Tomatos are seasonal. Get what you can from them. You've got that sandy soil there. What are you looking to plant next season?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

2 months later and the rosemary and thyme still won't die. A hurricane, nor-easter, and a few light snows still won't kill them. Tiny green parsley aslo remains. Some seeds of mesculine that I planted very late sprung up above the soil level quickly but no growth for several weeks. I know it's long past time that I should bring it all in and I will. The problem is that I get very little direct sun in the house.

Anything I can start now indoors? You know, like take advantage of more sun in March to get the jump on things?


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

2 months later and the rosemary and thyme still won't die. A hurricane, nor-easter, and a few light snows still won't kill them. Tiny green parsley aslo remains. Some seeds of mesculine that I planted very late sprung up above the soil level quickly but no growth for several weeks. I know it's long past time that I should bring it all in and I will. The problem is that I get very little direct sun in the house.

Anything I can start now indoors? You know, like take advantage of more sun in March to get the jump on things?

rosemary never dies. hardy shit that stuff.

as for indoors, we start near everything indoors now. we got a couple of these things:

some that brand, some others, all the same. you can but those pellets too pretty much anywhere. big lots has em even.

your plants will last a couple weeks in there or so before you can get em in the ground.

where i am, we start em around feburary trying to avoid that last frost indoors. we need to get them in the ground asap since the heat race is on.

god, im not looking forward to summer this next year.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

This came in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to thumb through it. :D

Already decided I'm not doing squash or okra this year, but will do zucchini.
Also doing one tomato plant, just have to decide if I want the smaller tomatoes or something larger. Heck maybe I'll do two tomatoes.
I have requests to do pumpkins but think I might be getting in over my head. Anyone do them before?


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

This came in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to thumb through it. :D

Already decided I'm not doing squash or okra this year, but will do zucchini.
Also doing one tomato plant, just have to decide if I want the smaller tomatoes or something larger. Heck maybe I'll do two tomatoes.
I have requests to do pumpkins but think I might be getting in over my head. Anyone do them before?

haha! the burpee catalog! i should request one for my girl.

i did pumpkins this last fall. had a pumpkin about a month too early. one pretty big one. i think they are a lot like watermelons. you gotta cut the little ones off to nurse a big one.

needless to say, big vine, one fruit. we'll try it again though.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

Thyme is still alive after multiple snows! Not as green as summer but nothing dried up or falling off. Rosemary has not turned brown, just very dark green. Leaves are dry but not falling off. Chopped some off for seasoning a pork roast. The smell and flavor of the rosemary are so there. I usually stick the whole stalk in when fresh and pull it out after cooking when fresh but now it's just a freshly dries herb. Still better than from a jar. I'm not bringing them in. If they stay through the winter they might be the stars of my herbs this summer.

March in a few weeks. What are we looking at this season? I'm going to do the tomato thing although I might regret it. 2 good plants may have me eating them every day and canning every week.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: 2012 Official Gardening Thread

man.. im late already.

guess whos doing some upside down plants this year? yes.. me. i guess that was a stupid question.

after last years battle vs the squash bugs, my girl doesnt want to deal with them. i cant blame her. i went out there with her to murder a thousand souls every morning. disgusting. ima try some squash upside down. apparently, it can work.

other than that, everything as normal.

side note. remember how i planted broccoli and cauliflower? ...the broccolis fucking growing.. out of no where. with baby brocs on it and everything. everything else is dead of course from the winter.



knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Official Gardening Thread

alright, so. two topsy turvey tomato planters are up. i put in 2 seedling and they seem to be making it so far just fine. threw some corn in the ground and spinach as well as green beans.

im being very lazy... i think im gonna run and get a bunch of upside down planters. 99 cents if you know where to look.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: Official Gardening Thread

You lucky duck. Not only do you have warmth but you've got land. I'm glad you bumped the thread up because now I have to start planning. The apartments I live in only have a 4x5 patch of earth I can use out my back door. The rest are hedges or paved. Even so, by noon direct sunlight is gone from there. Aside from rigging something up for beans or cucumbers to climb there's little space for much else. Still, I'll take what is given and hope for the best.

Other than that I have 16' of deck rail to work with. Pots on top and hang some baskets off the rail. It will have to be tomatoes and peppers with the rest herbs out there. Not much but I'll take what I can get.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Official Gardening Thread

day 2: upside seedlings still doing good. in one, i planted 2 seedlings and one of them withered into nothing, but the other is fine. thats a good sign. we shall see...


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Re: Official Gardening Thread

There's still snow on the ground here, no gardening for a while.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: Official Gardening Thread

I haven't started anything yet. :(
Been too busy to really think about it.

It's supposed to be mid-60s this weekend though. I'm hoping to get outside and clean up the future garden area. :)


Approved Content Owner
Re: Official Gardening Thread

Still a little snow on the ground - and with any luck, we'll get at least a few more storms but time to start deciding what I'm going to start in the greenhouse. We're on the cold edge of zone 4 so Mother's Day (US) is considered the first safe planting day for cold-sensitive plants. Cold-loving plants like lettuces, chard, carrots, and peas can go in a good month earlier most years.

Probably do giant pumpkins and corn again this year - always have a few giant sunflowers and two or three tomatoes.