I'm watching some specialist videos
Yes it's a tipi (tee pee is what you get when you drink too much tea - )
Actually, I think you'll find that a tee pee gets you thrown off the golf course.
Yes it's a tipi (tee pee is what you get when you drink too much tea - )
Yes it's a tipi (tee pee is what you get when you drink too much tea - )
I have three tomato plants. I try to plant things that will make it through the summers here and that is hard. This winter (if it ever comes) I will be planting watermelon, cucumbers and a peach tree.
If I was in Arizona I'd be planting hot peppers of all varieties.
Whatever I plant next year - it's not going to require as much water.
The July/August water bill damn near killed me.
A few pics fro the garden this week!
Start of the week - one of the new sunflowers.
Sunflowers - If you look close, you can see Gracelynn Moans picking beans in the background.
Gracelynn Moans with her harvest of purple beans.
One of my camera guys chilling in the back yard.
Killer zombie CAT in the corn field.
Killer zombie CAT plays dead.
Gracelynn Moans with her mouth full of something other than cock.
Fist bite of home-grown corn this season.
Guard cats Fat Baby and Leo make sure the front yard is safe.
Lazy fuckers.
The rewards of the garden.
If I was in Arizona I'd be planting hot peppers of all varieties.
I think I am going to do that. My friends love peppers.
I think I am going to do that. My friends love peppers.
I can get a hold of jalepino pepper seeds here, but the NL just doesn't have the climate for it unless you have a green house. ;-\ Hell, the green and yellow sweet peppers were a bust last year.
^Drip/soaker hose is what you gotta use 'round these here parts...highest water bill was $60 this summer.Whatever I plant next year - it's not going to require as much water.
The July/August water bill damn near killed me.
A few pics fro the garden this week!
Lazy fuckers.
Funny? Why?
I need to go back through here and find all the info on keeping rabbits out of the garden. :tongue: