There's a difference between ignorance and willful ignorance. Ignorance means you just don't know, willful ignorance means you don't know and don't WANT to know. You hold tight to ignorant ideas even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. (What Bill Maher has dubbed, "the conservatives zombie ideas." Ideas that are essentially dead, but conservatives desperately try to keep them alive anyway.) Of all the cockeyed, silly things to do, to blame the president when the largest company in the world makes adjustments. I'd be concerned if Wal Mart didn't close stores that were doing poorly. They didn't get to be the world's largest retailer by holding on to under-performing stores. The worst lie told by conservatives is this lie of the "depression economy." Go to any city in any state, red or blue, and you'll find stores full of people, buying things. AND according to the article you quote, Wal Mart is still opening new stores all over the place. Where's this horrible economy????? ALl three major automakers are making record profits, the Dow is a good 10,000 points higher than it was when Obama took office, retail operations are steadily growing, people are buying and business is expanding while Chicken Little here warns us that the sky is falling. Um, dude. That's just an acorn off the tree. As I said, I'd be worried if Wal Mart wasn't making adjustments to the market. It's a market that changes by the hour sometimes, and a successful business has to respond to that change. Wait until the whole move plays out before you whine about how many jobs are lost. Could be Wal Mart is trying to relocate some of those employees to other stores, and there are other jobs to be had. Wait until it plays out entirely before you start talking about all the effects. No one knows how this is going to play out until it does. Until then, try to find something substantive to blame on Obama, or just be quiet. I don't expect you to agree with him all the time, but Jesus Christ, don't blame him for things he had absolutely NO control over whatsoever.