The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

Okay, now that I vented and got it off my chest. My problem with Obama is that I don't agree with him on the issues. Gun rights, abortion, taxes, freedom of speech (fairness doctrine), gay marriage, economic policy, government spending, education, and foreign policy. Plus the fact that most of the media (CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and countless newspapers) covered up for him. Had it not been for Hilary we would not have known about his pastor or his affiliation with domestic terrorists, yet the press was more interested in Joe the Plumber's not having a license than on Obama's past. Joe wasn't running for pres, Obama was, yet who did they spend most of their energy investigating?

Now, do I believe he's going to mess up? We'll see when he takes office. The fact that we don't share the same point of view makes me think so. One things for sure, we both want the best for, not only this country, but for the rest of the world. So who am I to say what's best? Who are YOU? I really hope he doesn't mess up, I wish him all the luck in the world because I live here so if he messes up it's going to affect me too. And I'm not leaving this country at all. My love for this country is greater than...well, hate is a really strong word, I don't hate the guy, not even dislike him, just don't trust him. So unlike some people whose hatred of Bush was a lot stronger than their love for this country, my love for this country is greater than my distrust of Obama.

Yes, I know, a bit of sappy flag waving, now back to the porn while it's still legal!!
Those who think Obama is going fuck up, Mccain would of fucked up as well he would do exactly what Bush, did. Stay in Iraq and invade Iran, wasting time to fix another country than focusing on our country.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
He doesn't really have the opportunity to go with his far-left spending ideas in the present economy. Even Obama knows he can't "tax us into prosperity" The Presidency only lends itself to more moderate behaviour (i.e. Bush with his giant spending despite being "financially conservative") or, actually, insane behaviour in his case.

As for the 2nd amendment, do you not recall the supreme court decision on the people's right to keep and bear arms? Even so, there is still more than 3 months until any new policies can be enacted, and I've had my eye on this sweet Springfield 1911 and, depending on my Christmas bonus, a cute little AR-15 caught my eye too.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that America will be OK, Anyone who remembers anything about the Carter administration isn't worrying, we shouldn't worry now.
Okay, now that I vented and got it off my chest. My problem with Obama is that I don't agree with him on the issues. Gun rights, abortion, taxes, freedom of speech (fairness doctrine), gay marriage, economic policy, government spending, education, and foreign policy. Plus the fact that most of the media (CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and countless newspapers) covered up for him. Had it not been for Hilary we would not have known about his pastor or his affiliation with domestic terrorists, yet the press was more interested in Joe the Plumber's not having a license than on Obama's past. Joe wasn't running for pres, Obama was, yet who did they spend most of their energy investigating?

Now, do I believe he's going to mess up? We'll see when he takes office. The fact that we don't share the same point of view makes me think so. One things for sure, we both want the best for, not only this country, but for the rest of the world. So who am I to say what's best? Who are YOU? I really hope he doesn't mess up, I wish him all the luck in the world because I live here so if he messes up it's going to affect me too. And I'm not leaving this country at all. My love for this country is greater than...well, hate is a really strong word, I don't hate the guy, not even dislike him, just don't trust him. So unlike some people whose hatred of Bush was a lot stronger than their love for this country, my love for this country is greater than my distrust of Obama.

Yes, I know, a bit of sappy flag waving, now back to the porn while it's still legal!!

Yea, and if it wasn't for Liberalism we wouldn't even have any God damn porn! Look at California fuck nut.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I voted for Kodos. :D

Those things in the barrens on World of Warcraft? Why the hell would they make a good prez? :p

Their lightning attacks are weak. But barrens chat is funny. hehe
Uh, I highly doubt a 10 minute old speech is going to be online somewhere already., no? :dunno:

Also, to all of the people who are 100% claiming that Obama will fuck up...remember Bill Clinton? Remember how many people were like "what the fuck" when he was elected? Then...remember how he was the best President we've had in a long, long, long time?

Food for thought. Delicious, hot, buttery food.

I remember clinton being an embarrassment and lying to the entire country on tv (I did not have sexual relations with that woman)

I remember him sending a group of soldiers into a suicide mission, then leaving them to die. (Blackhawk down, I met a guy that was ON that chopper, the bastard just withdrew support from the area for several days) JUST to draw atttention AWAY from himself.

I remember him being a big wussy and NOT taking out Osama Bin Laden 3 DIFFERENT times and THAT resulting in the death of over 3000 people on September 11, 2001.

I remember my taxes getting kicked up.

Best President in a long long time?? Hardly, more like a frat boy with too much power and no knowledge or backbone to use it.

That is how I remember Bill "Bubba the shitbag" Clinton.
I will say this, before I trash obama, I will see what he actually does. I will hope he realizes that stuff is a ridiculous set of promises that will cost this country BILLIONS of dollars and thousands and thousands of jobs.

I will hope his intentions will not be to destroy the coal plants, and place ridiculous taxes on oil and energy companies, most in this country can't afford that garbage.

I don't have high expectations, and if he DOES do all that stupid crap he ran on, we are seriously in trouble.
Daumn did not expect this much response to this thread I guess there are still few out there that do keep their feet on the ground and don't get swayed by B.O.'s bullshit speech that he gave last night, a lot of excuses for future failures if you actually paid attention to his words, stole some lines from MLK also, never original I tell you. Anyways this thread was supposed to really kick off after his January taking over the office. But I guess some could not wait lol.
WELL... if I was stranded on a desert island with only 16.5 pornstars and 3 breeds of dog....whoops, is this the other thread?


Hiliary 2020
The country decided to put an intelligent, articulate LEADER in the White House. The country decided that GOVERNMENT SHOULD WORK for ALL PEOPLE rather than not work at all or only for the Rich. President Bush's Legacy, whatever chance he had at finding one in the "12th Hour" of his administration has been VANQUISHED. The "Bush Brand" returns to Bush 41.

I hope Obama brings about Universal Healthcare for All within his first 100 days in office.

Why wait?
Why don't you just adopt a family and do yourself what you want the GOV to do in the near future.

If everybody who cared so much for "those poor folks" simply adopted a family........problem solved.


I hope Obama brings about Universal Healthcare for All within his first 100 days in office.
America already has public healthcare, it's called -> Fill in the county name here "________________________" County Medical Center.


They do a good job as is ! Just leave them alone ! To hell with the idea of every medical facility turning into a government facility ! Are you crazy !! What Do you want to retain responsibility for, TR ? What do you think is going to happen when the government becomes the only source for the necessities that we need in our lives and on one fine day, the govt. declares absolute insolvency ? Zimbabwe is what is going to happen !
For all of the flaws within the capitalist - corporate structure, I'd advise you to be more foresighted ! Private institutions collapse primarily as a result of poor public policy. Why do you think that pub health system would be any different ? Public health will essentially have to call it quits on patients past 70 y/o then 60 y/o then 50 y/o . . .
Aren't you worth getting the very best that medicine has to offer, TR ?
Why the least common denominator ? Is it the socialist company that you surround yourself with in so cal & grunge city Wash ? :D

You are worth it . . . You are worth it . . repeat . . .repeat . . . .
Never mind those who wish not to help themselves !
Excuses already being made....

President Obama's First Step: Reset Expectations
Posted Nov 05, 2008 12:15pm EST by Henry Blodget in Newsmakers, Recession, Election
Related: ^dji, ^gspc, ^ixic
From ClusterStock, Nov. 5, 2008:

If President Elect Obama were the incoming CEO of a corporation, he would now be preparing for the first act of his tenure: A massive write-off of the mountains of rotted junk buried on the company's balance sheet and an announcement that recovery will take a long, long time.

This flush would clear the way for several years of better than expected results. It would also take advantage of the new leader's one chance to blame the sorry state of the organization on his sorry predecessor.

President Obama began this process last night, in his victory speech, when he noted that restoring the country's health might take more than a term. In the next few weeks, he should go well beyond this:

The deficit will be more than $1 trillion a year for several years
The country needs a massive new fiscal stimulus
The housing market will continue to decline through at least 2010
Interest rates and taxes will eventually have to rise (after the economy stabilizes)
Weak corporations have to be allowed to fail
Millions of homeowners will lose their house
Unemployment will probably rise to 10%
The government simply cannot "bail the country out" -- not because it lacks the will, but because it lacks the power
In short, Obama needs to acknowedge reality, erring on the side of overstating the problems and challenges, and he needs to prepare the country for several tough years. Because if he doesn't, within six months of his taking office, the country will have forgotten all about the prior administration and will instead be blaming everything on him.^dji,^gspc,^ixic
Obama can only do so much in his first term. It's not like he's a dictator able to wield his powers unopposed. Even with a majority of Dems in both houses he's gonna have to build consensus and find Republicans who'd vote on his bills. Dems unlike GOP will not be a rubber stamp for Obama (just see Clinton's first 2 years for proof) and undoing 8 years of Bush that include 2 expensive wars, trillions in national debt, and worst economy since Great Depression is tough for anybody to overcome. If you think you can do a better job than Obama then I challenge you to make your case.
So unlike some people whose hatred of Bush was a lot stronger than their love for this country, my love for this country is greater than my distrust of Obama.

Oh for god's sake :rolleyes:

What a shame you had to end an otherwise reasonable and interesting post with this exhausted line of complete crappola. Virtually all of the people who disapproved of Bush did so out of concern i.e. love for their country. For the ten millionth time...dissenting opinion does not equal lack of patriotism. On the contrary, it is ELEMENTAL TO democracy. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. To some extent this election was a referendum on the fact the republican party, deluded as they've been in thinking so, doesn't hold some mystical copyright on patriotism.

Yes, I know, a bit of sappy flag waving, now back to the porn while it's still legal!!

LOL You're joking, right? 'Cause there's no doubt messrs Palin and McCain would have been an infinitely greater threat to your porn hobby than Obama Biden.

Why don't you just adopt a family and do yourself what you want the GOV to do in the near future. If everybody who cared so much for "those poor folks" simply adopted a family........problem solved.

This is the same question I've always posed to pro-lifers. Why aren't they out there adopting all the children they insist a woman carry to term?

Actually bodie they looked mostly like people who never moved out of their parents house held a job or paid a dime in federal tax.

Maybe you were seeing what you wanted to? :dunno:
Because my observation was that it was about the most diverse gathering I've ever witnessed at an event such as this.
First myth that will be dispelled about Obama's election is that the world is going to love us now and we'll no longer be attacked.

Of course we're going to be attacked again. No matter who's president terrorism isn't going to disappear any time soon (if ever). But I think it's reasonable to think that a true statesman with global appeal has a better chance of combatting and suppressing international terrorism than some bunker mentality moron who believes the answer is fighting conventional wars in the wrong place while challenging terrorists to "Bring it on".
America already has public healthcare, it's called -> Fill in the county name here "________________________" County Medical Center.


They do a good job as is ! Just leave them alone ! To hell with the idea of every medical facility turning into a government facility ! Are you crazy !! What Do you want to retain responsibility for, TR ? What do you think is going to happen when the government becomes the only source for the necessities that we need in our lives and on one fine day, the govt. declares absolute insolvency ? Zimbabwe is what is going to happen !
For all of the flaws within the capitalist - corporate structure, I'd advise you to be more foresighted ! Private institutions collapse primarily as a result of poor public policy. Why do you think that pub health system would be any different ? Public health will essentially have to call it quits on patients past 70 y/o then 60 y/o then 50 y/o . . .
Aren't you worth getting the very best that medicine has to offer, TR ?
Why the least common denominator ? Is it the socialist company that you surround yourself with in so cal & grunge city Wash ? :D

You are worth it . . . You are worth it . . repeat . . .repeat . . . .
Never mind those who wish not to help themselves !

Bush gave that response. He said US Healthcare was called the Emergency Room. But the emergency room doesn't treat long term illnesses like cancer.

Lots of people, both those who don't wish to help themselves and those who do proudly, might find getting healthcare at an affordable price is not easy if not impossible.

Getting the very best medicine has to offer, is not the same as obtaining the very best money has to offer.
If this national health care disaster comes into being, it will be broke before it gets off the ground good. WAY too many people want something for nothing. People will abandon paying their premiums to get that "free" health care.

Hawaii tried this and within 7 MONTHS the entire system was broke, and had to be stopped.

Canada now has EMERGENCY ROOMS that are open 12 hours a day. Better break that leg between 8AM and 8PM or you are screwed.

This country doesn't have the MONEY to FINANCE this "FREE" health care, or have you people NOT seen what the economy is like right now? And it isn't going to get better overnight because people elected Louis Farakahn's messiah.

Think about this.
Oh for god's sake :rolleyes:

This is the same question I've always posed to pro-lifers. Why aren't they out there adopting all the children they insist a woman carry to term?

Have you ever TRIED to adopt a child, my Ex wife and I did several years ago.

The red tape and money involved is staggering. You would think that with a reasonable background check and parents who are VERY willing to adopt a child, that the process would be reasonable, it is NOT. AND there are people who are on waiting lists for YEARS to adopt children, both infants and older children.

It is the LIBERAL social workers who have come up with so many hoops to jump through and enough red tape and money to make adopting a child nearly impossible for ANYONE but the most wealthy.
Have you ever TRIED to adopt a child, my Ex wife and I did several years ago.

The red tape and money involved is staggering. You would think that with a reasonable background check and parents who are VERY willing to adopt a child, that the process would be reasonable, it is NOT. AND there are people who are on waiting lists for YEARS to adopt children, both infants and older children.

It is the LIBERAL social workers who have come up with so many hoops to jump through and enough red tape and money to make adopting a child nearly impossible for ANYONE but the most wealthy.

Sure. Blame everything on the Liberals. Then don't complain when we put all of our blame on the Conservatives.