The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread


Vio 79 said:
take a person like Bill Gates. He has what, 55 BILLION dollars. No person on Earth needs that kind of money. If he was taxed beyond all comprehension, millions of people, and I don't mean lazy people, I mean hard working or retired people, could benefit from that money. His taxes alone would save Social Security in this country. Like my dad tells me, when I get to be his age, Social Security is going to be non-existant.

Although I agree with your sentiment entirely, the wealthiest people in the world can and will take their business away to a nation (or principality) that taxes them the least amount. Having said that, the American govt. wouldn't be very popular chasing away a big part of the economy (GDP), via a confiscatory tax schedule for mega achievers like Gates etc.

It's just a numbers game, after . . . oh . . . say $10 million, huh ? :o

Gates is actually one of the better philanthropists . . but georges soreohhs ?. . . philanthropist ? :dunno: Giant termite, undermining the pillars of the cities of America, YES !
Well you happy people that voted for Obama, make sure it last because as soon as he starts fucking shit up, I will be there to tell you I told you so, don't want to hear your bitchin and get over it you got what you deserve. (A ranting/piss off independent).:mad::mad:

I am sure Rush and Hannity will find something to bitch about...

Us Dems have had a field day with your party the last 8 years!
I for one welcome our new democrat overlord and I would just like to remind him that as a trusted rightwing personality I can be useful in rounding up others to toil in his underground sugar mines. :rofl:

Yes, Obama won, it sucks, but I'm not going to cry about it. I'm going to be mature about it and not even say anything about stolen elections, I have no evidence for that so I'll say he won fair and square. I'm an optimist, that's why I'm a Republican. Without Jimmy Carter we would have never had Ronald Reagan. Four years from now I'll be saying "without Barak Obama we would have never had [insert name in four years]"
But anyway, the biggest loser last night was not the Republicans, was not McCain or Palin, it was Hilary Clinton. Good bye Hilarly 2012 which, admit it, had Obama lost even Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming from a mile away. She'd probably be filing for her candidacy today.

Question now is, those of you who voted for him, if things don't improve and four years from now we see unemployment skyrocketing, inflation showing up, gas prices over $4 a gallon, your electric bill twice as high as you're paying now, and a major attack against the U.S., will you come to your senses and vote him out? I'm not holding my breath.

I said it once and I'll say it again, Democracy doesn't work!! :rofl: Enough Simpsons quotes. Okay, if you now excuse me, hi-ho hi-ho it's off to the "reeducation" camp I go. I think my bunkmate is going to be Joe the Plumber! At least it wasn't Rush Limbaugh, he seems like he's a loud snorer.

Didnt Bush Sr. prove to be 8 years of Clinton?
Didnt "W" prove to be 4 years of Obama?

Democracy does work because McCain did not win?
The country decided to put an intelligent, articulate LEADER in the White House. The country decided that GOVERNMENT SHOULD WORK for ALL PEOPLE rather than not work at all or only for the Rich. President Bush's Legacy, whatever chance he had at finding one in the "12th Hour" of his administration has been VANQUISHED. The "Bush Brand" returns to Bush 41.

It was a historic beating and rejection of the Republican Brand. The Republicans are no longer a "National" Party. They are nothing more than the ol' Dixie Party. If the Libertarians had any actual leadership they might make the case that THEY should speak on behalf of Conservatism. They might be able to forceably remove the Evangelicals from the Republican Party. I'll watch for that. But, in reality, the Libertarians are either too lazy or just "rabble-rousing" nitwits to actually coalesce around anything. They didn't even rally around Bob Barr. Half of the Libs had boners for Ron Paul.

The Republican Party has officially collapsed and I, for one, am DAMN HAPPY about that. Who takes control of the party now? How will the Repubs become an inclusive party after 15 years of Divisive politics and cronyism and moral bankruptcy (Gingrich et all)?

I guess Facetious has just played the Wacko Reaction Card--blame "Soros" "" and Warren Buffet--e.g. THE SECRET POWER DEMS--for electing Obama?

I hope Obama brings about Universal Healthcare for All within his first 100 days in office.


It's good to be the king...
"We meet at one of those defining moments - a moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil, and the American promise has been threatened once more."

The man has a big job ahead of him ....good luck.
I know he needs to.. He is getting fucking annoying!!
Didnt Bush Sr. prove to be 8 years of Clinton?
Didnt "W" prove to be 4 years of Obama?

Democracy does work because McCain did not win?

Dude, just being sarcastic. Now get back to toil in those underground sugar mines!! :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
Oh I'm sure he'll fuck up, but no worse than Mccain would have!
Well, Hugo Chavez sends his congratulations. I wonder if Al-Qaida, Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, and Hezbollah, are invited to Obama's party. I'm sure they're celebrating anyway wherever they are. You really think Obama will really go after Al-Qaida? Do you really think that Osama Bin Laden and his followers will love the U.S. now and will stop plotting against us? First myth that will be dispelled about Obama's election is that the world is going to love us now and we'll no longer be attacked.
Double-standard ...

I know he needs to.. He is getting fucking annoying!!
I could name a great number who weren't just annoying after the 2004 election, but didn't stop for years after that. ;)

No offense, but you'all should "take it like men" yourselves, as it's only a few people. Let them look like fools. After all, many of us who aren't Democrats or Republicans have seen a lot of Democrats do it more often and longer. ;)

As I said before, there are a lot of Republicans out there standing tall right now, and not bitching. Even McCain and W. are two of them. This is the United States we're talking here, despite the demonizations that suggest otherwise.

Most everyone is behind our President-Elect.
Dude, the time for rhetoric is over ...

Well, Hugo Chavez sends his congratulations.
Hugo Chavez is trying to get the focus off of himself. He's starting to make many in his own country question him. I mean, the people shoot down many of his reforms in a vote, and he goes off and does it anyway.

Balance of power? Ha! Obama will be challenging him to end the dictatorship moves soon enough.

I wonder if Al-Qaida, Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, and Hezbollah, are invited to Obama's party.
They'll all be cursing his name soon enough. E.g., I don't think people realize how close we came to war with North Korea in 1994.

I'm sure they're celebrating anyway wherever they are. You really think Obama will really go after Al-Qaida?
Actually, yes I do! Obama has constantly stated that he wants to get out of Iraq and focus more on Afghanistan. He's not the far left-winger or "head in the sand," worst type of EU ultra-bigot that thinks NATO shouldn't be in Afghanistan.

Man, as much as I don't like Obama, at least give the man some credit for his actual stances. Heck, he's been a lot tougher on Pakistan than W. in some of his words!

Do you really think that Osama Bin Laden and his followers will love the U.S. now and will stop plotting against us?
Nope. Anyone who believes such are fools. The same oblivious fools that said, "oh, if a Democrat was elected, 9/11 would never have happened."

That's not on Obama, but the fools who think such. Give the President-Elect some credit here. Let him at least getting office, much less credit him with some intelligence.

First myth that will be dispelled about Obama's election is that the world is going to love us now and we'll no longer be attacked.

Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. ;)



Did the tens of thousands at his victory celebration look demoralized to you?

Because to me (and this my 12th presidential election) they appeared more hopeful, focused, and genuinely moved than any victory celebration crowd I've previously witnessed.

To match their vote - emotional. :D
Unfortunately ...

You are absolutly right. Obama is a president like other presidents. Black or white, a president is a president. They deserve all the same respect and/or criticism from citizens. :thumbsup:
Unfortunately, I can honestly say that a lot of Americans did not give that to W. or Clinton.
I defended Clinton's actions regularly during his administration, much like people call me a "W. apologist" now.

Probably the most legally incorrect statement used in those "hate" and "evil" type of comments is the one about Iraq being a sovereign nation.
I wasn't for going into Iraq in 2003 (1998 yes, but not 2003), but that is probably the most legally incorrect statement ever made, even on the floor of the UN.

People criticized Clinton for "unilaterally bombing from afar, without sanction" (even NATO the majority of the time, or even telling them for that matter beforehand).
For "not putting American soldiers in harms way, but not caring where the bombs hit."

Now W. puts American troops on the ground, in harms way, uses JDAM and other technologies that cut collateral damage 10x over (anyone remember Clinton's strikes in 1998 that didn't hit squat?).
Oh, now it's another type of gripe.

It gets old. Yes, I agree, but Obama hasn't even felt that "heat" yet in comparison. ;)

No one remembers how pissed off the Clinton administration was at France and Russia in 1996, after they blocked resolutions on Iraq in 1995.
Because in 1996, we caught Iraq absolutely red-handed (thanx to 3 defections), and for the next two (2) years, we hunted and pecked their nation, finding little things at a time.
And how close Clinton did come to invading in 1998, right down to the same (although 5 years outta date) intelligence and strategy that W. got killed by.

Again, I was against going in 2003, but people really don't remember a lot of the same speeches and statements.
And now there are Serbs that are "glad W. is out," even though they utterly forgot that the US policy on Kosovo started before W. was even in.
Again, no respect for Clinton as well.


We're doing it all wrong, all of this celebration in the park stuff !

We should honor our President Elect, exactly as the skippers "honor" their greenhorns do on "Deadliest Catch" :D
I remember on one episode when a greenhorn walked on deck of the Northwestern, just prior to departure, and he peers up at Sig Hansen in the wheelhouse and says "hello ! It's nice to meet you," as he continues looking for a pathway to perhaps, shake Sig's hand and Sig yells down to the guy - "Now you just stay right there, ! We shake hands after everything is off loaded, weighed, and I get my check, then I will decide if I'm going to shake your hand or not . . got it ?"


celebration in the park :rolleyes: