I'd like to talk about Moderate Conservatives Jumping Ship.
How did it come to be that, in this election, I noticed that there were many moderate fiscal conservatives that acquiesced to the apparent charm and intrigue of a man that they really don't know a damned thing about ? Seriously though, don't you have a litany of questions as to how Obama will govern ?
A hypothetical - Let's say that you and your wife have a kid or kids that are of the age where, you feel that you could leave them with a baby sitter for four hours a few nights a month, so that, as a couple, you can take a breather away from your kids.
Through the use of an agency, you interview some local enrollee - affiliate baby sitters, who happen to live in the neighborhood . So, you interview the first one and you later find out that she gave half truths, embellished and / or withheld information that you felt was important in the determination of her integrity. The second one is a bland, older lady, a grandma actually, who has many years of experience in handling her own children and grandchildren. She wasn't quite as effervescent and vivacious as the cute 'lil teen that you interviewed, previous, in fact, she spoke very much in monotone, her jokes sucked ! and she incessantly initiated conversation with " I remember when . . . "
But not so fast ! You
were delighted that, in all of her blandness (and white hair lol !), she submitted her resume' and health history and you didn't even have to ask for it !
Need I ask which of the two you'd hire to secure the most important "thing" or beings, as it were, in all of your life ?
Nonsense ! We're impenetrable . . . ! Right ? No one President is gonna be able to do shit to (opress) some 300 million Americans !!! Are you crazy !!!!
Let me ask - Did you or did you not elect this particular presidential candidate, simply because somebody suggested that "It was time" and without further ado, scrutiny or background analysis, you followed your emotions straight into the voting booth ? Did you feel that you had finally redeemed yourself ? Did you finally start to believe that, although entirely unfounded,
you needed to "give back" to the community of which your forefathers had, ever so effectively, (or so the story goes) domineered ? ::BS::
Listen, As lackluster and clumsy as McCain is, I know that he's relatively honest, we wouldn't have to worry so much about our national security with him in office, IMO, none of this taking it on the chin BS !
McCain has acknowledged that America's energy independence is achievable via a modern nuclear ( includes spent rod processing) infrastructure, and only that.:tongue:
You guys blew it ! Ya big quisselings !