The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread


Hiliary 2020
Yes it was a historic night.
I agree.
I think this may be a huge turning point in the future history of the human race.
I just wonder why some of you think its a historical night.
Certainly not because Obama is half black?
Um wow, I had this whole speech on how I am proud to be an American on this day and how proud I was to have witnessed this historic day with my grandparents who are both in their 70s and have been able to live long enough to watch something they didn't think would ever happen in their lifetime and how even I teared up while watching Obama's speech because all I could think about was my ancestors and the people who fought for them to have just even the basic human rights in this country. I was really going to write something profound and then I read some of the most hateful, racist, idiotic, backwards thinking I have ever read on this board and realized you don't deserve it.

Ok now is this how things are going to go now?? everything said that is not nice is considered backwards and racist?? Yeah it is an historic night to see a black guy as a president, but we are bashing him and his ideas not if he came from mother africa or not, you know I to have ancestors that came from Africa and the others were natives from the caribean and got wiped out by those evil white europeans called spaniards. Do I go crying about it and telling people to walk around in eggshells around me cuz I am was left of a mixed race?

Beside the tittle of this thread says it clearly, no one is stoping you from making one or posting in one of the many Obama positive ones that have sprouted out. This one is about managing anger management because of the man's ideas and his party supermajority not his COLOR!
Na na naa na

Na na naa na!

HEY HEY HEY, goood byyyyeeeee!

To that stupid fuck GWB.
Congrats America!

Coming from a Canadian whos spent a tonne of time in Europe and has seen how America is portrayed and how past presidents have followed that stereotype you have finally got it right. Fuck the racists crybabies! Their heads are so far up their asses that their teeth get in the way of seeing that the past president has made the US probably the most hated country in the world when it copme to government beliefs and foreign policy. Hopefully Obama wil do what his voters expect he'll do and get back america's respect with the rest of the world.
I live by the philosophy that change is always a good thing. This is a great moment for all of us Americans. Who knows, in the future, maybe Barack Obama will be known as the greatest president this country ever had and the changes he implemented will forever close the racial discrepancy that has stifled the African American community since the days of slavery. I really think that this election is one giant step closer in eradicating the racial divide that separated us from the civil rights era from not too long ago.

:2 cents:
I live by the philosophy that change is always a good thing. This is a great moment for all of us Americans. Who knows, in the future, maybe Barack Obama will be known as the greatest president this country ever had and the changes he implemented will forever close the racial discrepancy that has stifled the African American community since the days of slavery. I really think that this election is one giant step closer in eradicating the racial divide that separated us from the civil rights era from not too long ago.

:2 cents:

He could just be the nex JFK. I remember seeing a couple photoshops of him "looking" in a mirror and his reflection is JFK. It's meant to be a joke, but I personally hope it's true. I just hope nothing ever happens to him, and people really realize what needs to be done.

I've seen tons of support for Obama, and it's good to see so many people who want change.

Look's like Dr. Martin Luther King's dream is slowly becoming true.
It's so sad to see republicans get so violently negative. Not so much on this thread, but elsewhere on the internet. They need to get over it. Conservatism is dead, The Republican party is in shambles and conservative voices have been reduced to whispers.

If you republicans truly want this country and ALL of it's citizens to prosper then you will put aside your prejudices and get behind our new President. If you refuse to do so, than you are nothing more than a divisive virus that does nothing but sicken the good people of this country.

Life in America doesn't have to be a zero sum game. We can all work together and support each other in order to better our lives. Don't waste your time over the next four years trying to keep that from happening. Don't waste it trying to tear a great man down just because you lost. That wouldn't be good for any of us, including you.

Obama will probably make mistakes. All presidents do. His popularity will most likely drop as it does for all presidents. But it is in all our best interests that he does well, makes intelligent decisions and always looks out for the best interests of the people, not corporations. If he does that then he deserves our respect, even if he makes a few mistakes along the way.

We have a real leader now. This is our chance, as a country, to do something historic. Our chance to make our lives better and reclaim our standing as the top country in the world. So let's get behind our President elect, Barack Obama, and make a change for the better.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Of course he'll make mistake, he's only human.
...I really think that this election is one giant step closer in eradicating the racial divide that separated us from the civil rights era from not too long ago.

:2 cents:

Righhhht, maybe Obama's pastor can give him counsel on how to accomplish that. :throwup:


I'd like to talk about Moderate Conservatives Jumping Ship.
How did it come to be that, in this election, I noticed that there were many moderate fiscal conservatives that acquiesced to the apparent charm and intrigue of a man that they really don't know a damned thing about ? Seriously though, don't you have a litany of questions as to how Obama will govern ?

A hypothetical - Let's say that you and your wife have a kid or kids that are of the age where, you feel that you could leave them with a baby sitter for four hours a few nights a month, so that, as a couple, you can take a breather away from your kids.
Through the use of an agency, you interview some local enrollee - affiliate baby sitters, who happen to live in the neighborhood . So, you interview the first one and you later find out that she gave half truths, embellished and / or withheld information that you felt was important in the determination of her integrity. The second one is a bland, older lady, a grandma actually, who has many years of experience in handling her own children and grandchildren. She wasn't quite as effervescent and vivacious as the cute 'lil teen that you interviewed, previous, in fact, she spoke very much in monotone, her jokes sucked ! and she incessantly initiated conversation with " I remember when . . . " :rolleyes:
But not so fast ! You were delighted that, in all of her blandness (and white hair lol !), she submitted her resume' and health history and you didn't even have to ask for it !

Need I ask which of the two you'd hire to secure the most important "thing" or beings, as it were, in all of your life ?

Nonsense ! We're impenetrable . . . ! Right ? No one President is gonna be able to do shit to (opress) some 300 million Americans !!! Are you crazy !!!! :p

Let me ask - Did you or did you not elect this particular presidential candidate, simply because somebody suggested that "It was time" and without further ado, scrutiny or background analysis, you followed your emotions straight into the voting booth ? Did you feel that you had finally redeemed yourself ? Did you finally start to believe that, although entirely unfounded, you needed to "give back" to the community of which your forefathers had, ever so effectively, (or so the story goes) domineered ? ::BS:: :p

Listen, As lackluster and clumsy as McCain is, I know that he's relatively honest, we wouldn't have to worry so much about our national security with him in office, IMO, none of this taking it on the chin BS !

McCain has acknowledged that America's energy independence is achievable via a modern nuclear ( includes spent rod processing) infrastructure, and only that.:tongue:

You guys blew it ! Ya big quisselings ! :p :)
I guess support is too much to ask as Obama guides us thru this change...

I guess less naivety is too much to ask as we wait and see if this guy is as good as the hype tells us he is.

And remember. He only got 51% of the vote. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

But thank goodness an African-American finally won. That's great in itself.
He is President-Elect, and Americans will work with him ...

I'd like to talk about Moderate Conservatives Jumping Ship.
How did it come to be that, in this election, I noticed that there were many moderate fiscal conservatives that acquiesced to the apparent charm and intrigue of a man that they really don't know a damned thing about ? Seriously though, don't you have a litany of questions as to how Obama will govern ?
Or maybe the fact that the election is over and Obama is the President-Elect** of the United States?

Seriously, Obama is my President-Elect and the President to be for all Americans come over 2 months from now.
This is not the time to question, but to actually give him a freak'n chance to get into office before we start questioning!

Dude, I have so many things I utterly disagree with Obama on based on his campaigning.
But I'll let him get into office and actually make those decisions before I start taking issue.

Bill Clinton chronically and quite chronologically "fucked up" (to use a variant of your phrase) his first 2 years.
He learned, moved on, still made some mistakes, but also "walked across the hall" as well.

I'm not going to "assume" what Obama will do, until he actually does it.
All I can do is "speculate" what he might do, and he can always chance based on the feedback he gets -- let alone what Congress hands him at times.

And it is a historic vote, one that people shouldn't be ready to jump on with negativity.
It is time to celebrate the continuing "American Experiment," in all its reality, which does make you think and even proud at times.

Seriously, we've got time to "get back to the politics" when he takes office.
Even W. called the man and congratulated him, and I seriously doubt even W. has anything negative to say about him.

**Small civics disclaimer: Although the formal Electoral College vote by representatives of the States/DC/Territories actually grants this title, per state/local autonomy, for all intents and purposes, he is now the defacto President-Elect of the United States.
Well I got all this steam of my chest...this thread is supposed to be a "near future" thread, kinda like a certificate of deposit in which Obama's actions were to be monitored and followed very closely.

Why not? why already said that he is going to makes mistakes? was not this the perfect candidate that was outside of Washington "tainted" politics? was he not the "change" and "hope" that America needed?

Did we not measured George W Bush during his first four years? was he not heavilty critized for the war in Iraq? didn't this country gave W a second term after all his lies and leaks of information? did I not hear the bitchin and complaining of W and how personal the attacks got with him? did I not personally critized and bashed on Bush also? The why should it be different with Obama? because the media sold him as the 'first black" president? because he is new to the game? BULLSHIT! he knew what he was getting into!

We are in a big crisis on January or whenever he takes his oath of office he needs to hit the ground running, no excuses, no looking back and yes those decisons might make some of his followers not very happy. A cool headed guy? calm in the face of the storm kinda guy? good make you feel good speech? well that means shit when this nation goes down the toilet and he does diddly squat about it.

You all need to stop worshipping candidates, just like W was the superheroe of the so labeled "bible thumping" and "war profiteers", you all need to keep it real and stop being Obama droolers and hold this guy feet to the fire. Style and look means nothing without substance, you all knew he had no experience now you all making excuses for him??

America has no time to experiment with inexperience or crazy drunk people like Biden...I am so curious to see who are the people that he is going to sorround himself as he makes his cabinet choices...very interesting times indeed..good luck Obama you are going to need it big time.


Wow this thread is really getting some attention. Whats done is done, all you can do is stay positive for the future.

That's precisely the attitude that I have and will continue to have up until the time that the storm troopers
come and kick my door in for items of which are perfectly legal and secure at this moment. Will all hell break loose after . . . when is it (?) 20, January '09 ?

Again, I like that ! -
"what's done is done, all you can do is stay positive for the future"
It's so simple & so true !

So true. The strategy is to demoralize the masses. it's ever so clearly articulated in the communist manifesto . . . demoralize demoralize demoralize

How does that old one go . . .? When they came for the gypsies, I did nothing because I wasn't a gypsy, When they came for the jews, I did nothing , as I wasn't a jew . . . . when they came for me, I was the only one left.

Or something like that :dunno:
Did we not measured George W Bush during his first four years? was he not heavilty critized for the war in Iraq? didn't this country gave W a second term after all his lies and leaks of information? did I not hear the bitchin and complaining of W and how personal the attacks got with him? did I not personally critized and bashed on Bush also? The why should it be different with Obama? because the media sold him as the 'first black" president? because he is new to the game? BULLSHIT! he knew what he was getting into!

You are absolutly right. Obama is a president like other presidents. Black or white, a president is a president. They deserve all the same respect and/or criticism from citizens. :thumbsup:

I'm happy that Obama won. But i won't be blind on his actions.
338 over 156, landslide. Enough said. Obama ONLY needed 270

Oh wait, you guys know that already do understand how the electoral college works right? If a state's popular vote splits 60/40 then the candidate who got 60% gets 100% of the ELECTORAL votes. That is hardly representative of the true sentiments of all voters. In essence, it says that the minority popular vote in any given state does not count. To truly determine a "landslide" you need to compare the popular vote.

52% of Americans cast a vote for Mr. Obama.
To be sure, a decisive victory, but hardly a "landslide." Just making sure we separate the fact out of emotional rhetoric.

Remember all that malarky we've been hearing about how every vote counts? Technically, it does only if you vote in the popular majority for that state. We need to fix the electoral system. And I say that full well knowing it would not have even affected the outcome of this election and most likely would have changed the outcome of some past Presidential elections.

All that said, congrats to President-elect Obama. I don't envy the man but I respect his public service. He has his work cut out for him and has the opportunity to do great things by sticking to his "promises" and not going too far to the left or he has the risk of taking our country back 50 years if he succumbs to special interest groups.