once again, christians aren't the problem with which I take aim. Some yes, but religion as a whole is the problem. Its no different than money when it comes to making people do reckless and stupid things. And George Bush IS a criminal. More than 4000 people that have died in Iraq over a war sold to America based on a lie. Our healthcare is a problem with nearly a million people a year going broke because of it and people dying because they can't afford it. Gay people are discriminated against and labeled as perverted as if it's just a choice, by YOU repeatedly, and are being denied the same rights as everyone else. As I've said, Thomas Jefferson, a slave-owning white man wrote "all men are created equal...with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
that seems to only apply to specific people, not all as the document would suggest though right?
Again, the difference between you and I is that if I was shown proof that God or Jesus or Satan were real, I would say "oh wow! I was wrong!" but you guys refuse to look at common logic and scientific fact even when it's overwhelming. But what a shock coming from a group of people who think pouring pollution into the air and dumping trash into the water and spilling toxins into the ground aren't harmful to anyone or the environment. And the same group that says "Let businesses police themselves. they don't need to be regulated"
no big shock there.