The Blindness of Religious People

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spending money on the arts is absolutely NOT stupid. We are in a society with decaying culture. Have you spoken to a 15 year old lately? they could give a fuck about culture other than lil wayne and stupid shit that means nothing. they dont care about art or history or anything theyve already taken away music in a majority of schools

You cannot believe that a society without art and culture is a good one, can you?

Stop trying to be a hippie


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Yes, but not on my dime. You want your kid to play the trumpet then go buy him one. You want your kid to be an artist then buy him some crayons and hang his shit on the refrigerator. Do you think that I should have to pay for the artist's rendition of the Alamo made out of mayonnaise jars in my local park? Hell no. I won't mind it being there but I ain't paying Francious de le Douche to build it. The government has no more business shaping culture than telling me what I should believe. There are plenty of people doing creative things that the citizens embrace. Art is a freedom of expression and the government has no place sponsoring or paying for such things. You do that stuff on your own.
As long as people don't try to force feed it to others, I have absolutely NOTHING against religion. It's the "my god is better than your god" people who demonize others (especially Muslims) and the extremists who bother me (Westboro Baptist Church anyone?). Also those who got all up in arms over the proposed construction of the inaccurately referred to "Ground Zero mosque" (that was nowhere NEAR where the attacks occurred) and would have been a community center that sounded more like your local Y than anything else.

Also, this isn't to point the finger at EVERYBODY since many do give back to their communities, it's also the people who run the churches, megachurches especially who should be subject to scrutiny. Case in point:

Quoting the Book of Genesis:
Won't find me practicing
What I'm preachin'
Won't find me makin' no sacrifice
But I can get you a pocket full of miracles
If you promise to be good, try to be nice
God will take good care of you
But just do as I say, don't do as I do
:2 cents:


Official Checked Star Member
well that would be great if 20% of our country weren't living in poverty. Just think of how many more kids could be exposed to something cultural or learn to play an instrument if they had the chance to do so at school. A society with respect for culture has a much great chance than one that doesn't.

This is the first generation in the history of mankind that will not exceed the generation before it. We are a dumbed-down society filled with LMAO and OMG and SMH instead of writing actual sentences. I met a girl the other night who is 18 years old and was a straight A student who has no idea what anything is that wasn't in a book she had to study in school.

We will all be very sorry when this generation is grown and is in charge. I know all generations say that about the one to come, but this time it's for real.
well that would be great if 20% of our country weren't living in poverty. Just think of how many more kids could be exposed to something cultural or learn to play an instrument if they had the chance to do so at school. A society with respect for culture has a much great chance than one that doesn't.

This is the first generation in the history of mankind that will not exceed the generation before it. We are a dumbed-down society filled with LMAO and OMG and SMH instead of writing actual sentences. I met a girl the other night who is 18 years old and was a straight A student who has no idea what anything is that wasn't in a book she had to study in school.

We will all be very sorry when this generation is grown and is in charge. I know all generations say that about the one to come, but this time it's for real.

You're still relatively young. Why not enroll in college and further your education?


Official Checked Star Member
Well Melissa, unfortunately religion DOES force feed their ideas onto the rest of us. I have said exactly what you have said.

Is Genesis the name of a new rapper because that doesn't sound like the old testament to me lol


Official Checked Star Member
ive thought about it but I HATE school. There honestly isn't anything I am interested in doing that I would need school for. If something interested me I would for sure

lol at the hippie comment


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Are we going to start defining culture? Well, if you want to buy Sally a computer to write the next Great Gatsby, then prepare to shell out the same bucks for some religious works too. The door swings both ways.


Official Checked Star Member
well I think that taking away all cultural programs is a shame.

if you saw the dollar amount in the budget for this stuff its miniscule compared to the shit they piss money away on.
well I think that taking away all cultural programs is a shame.

Where then does it stop, Mariah? Or even better yet, where does it begin?

An artist (whether a painter, a sculptor, a street magician, musicians. etc.) decides to make a living, why should I (and everyone else) have to subsidize that person because he or she chose to paint on canvas, or sculpt, or whatever?

Who defines what art is and what art isn't? Let's say I decide to take sheets of drywall and prop them up, and after having scoured the landscape for fresh piles of poop, including my own and people who volunteer to shit near me so that I can fling it onto the drywall, letting it make random and hap-hazard shapes and designs, then letting it dry, and signing my name on each sheet of drywall, then taking them to a park and selling them.

And because I "say" it is art, not only do I get to sell them, but because you and those like you will now have a new Art Tax to pay me for my SHIT ART. Now, not only am I making money on my shit splattered drywall when someone buys it, I am now being subsidized by every working person in the country.

Tell me again why other people (who by the way work for a fucking living and try to make a life for themselves) would have to pay an ART TAX for something they don't want, and for something they don't consider to be Art?


I disagree, Nester I think the bible is great fiction. I think the stories are very good. It's no Hemingway, but for it's time a good read for sure. The original text written by Moses was in Hebrew. The New Testament was written in Greek because many Jews at the time could not even speak Hebrew any longer. Greek was the scholar language of the time the New Testament was written between 50 and 100 AD Then more of the dead sea scrolls were found and were written in Aramaic which there is no exact translation to any other language so much of it was assumed.

But I cannot call the bible bad fiction. I think it is an entertaining read for the most part.

Wow...Scrambled Brain Syndrome. You actually have a bad case of that pickled brain you accused me of having recently.
Research accepts as pretty much fact that Greek was a common language at the time of Jesus, but Hebrew was acknowledged as mostly a scholar's area of expertise, as the Hebrew used in the Talmud was ancient and not known by most common folks.
Aramaic (or Chalee) was used by most Jews, kind of a Yiddish of Chaledean and Hebrew, from the years of the Babylonian exile, along with Greek. Like how we use Latin here in the West, as it is in every used form of Language in most Western countries (Romantic, anyway), but who speaks pure Latin? Scholars.
So, the New Testament may have been (probably was) written in Greek, but as no copies or scrolls have been found in Aramaic of the NT, it's knowledge through omission; we THINK it was done originally in Greek, a common use language of the time.
And many feel it was polluted thusly, as Jesus's message was changed through the Greek influence and is NOT his true teachings.

I tend to lean towards the Templars reputed belief, that Jesus wasn't the main guy, his brother James was the crowd pleaser, the one who really got people going and had the ear of the people...til he died. Jesus became the Figurehead through default, and the Apostles made necessary changes in the writings and continued on with the project.
Writings supporting this have been studied and verified, but who cares now?
It's a done deal...the Messiah supposedly came, got nailed up and died, and came back to life...and then left, basically saying "see ya later, I'm not sure when...just trust me."

Now, Mariah has her "Invisible Man' to mock, millions have a reason not to use birth control, and the Jews are still waiting for the Messaih, to come and do Messaih stuff.

Ho Humm....

Text me if he shows up.


Just put up a drawing of Muhammad, that should make everyone happy.

All legal beliefs should be allowed to be represented, or no one should be allowed.


Just put up a drawing of Muhammad, that should make everyone happy.

All legal beliefs should be allowed to be represented, or no one should be allowed.

I'll bet I'd set a FOs record for death-ban if I posted that pic of Mo with the lit-fuse Turban bomb.:D


Go ahead. They don't have the balls. I dare you, Philbert. ;)

I will happily send the cartoon to you, as I am only a cowardly low-rep poster on, conversely, have the charisma and big rep to carry it off.

Or so I've read.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I will happily send the cartoon to you, as I am only a cowardly low-rep poster on, conversely, have the charisma and big rep to carry it off.

Or so I've read.

LOL....nice retort. However, as some who are no longer here (allegedly) can attest, rep power does you no good when the ban hammer strikes. Hey....didn't Ban Hammer write the soundtrack to Neverending Story? :D


Official Checked Star Member
I don't think art itself should be subsidized by tax money. I do believe that art is school should not be cut. art or music programs. but any other art should not in any way be paid for by the government.
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