Well I always thought that Pearl Harbour didn't make any sense at all. Why would the Japanese be so stupid to take on America. What did they have to gain by attacking Pearl Harbour? It was suicide. What was their objective? I always question everything, and that is very questionable. It happened all the way out there in Hawaii. I believe the Nazis burned down their own Reichstag to get the people on their side and seize power and I believe an attack on the U.S. was the only way the US could justify attacking Japan and getting embroiled in WWII. So I am very skeptical about it all, and none of you can say "you're insane" because although I may be - you can't prove I'm wrong. You weren't there, none of us were. And even if you were there, how do you know who was flying those planes.
To me... the nation that dropped atomic bombs on citizens is capable of doing anything. I do not trust them one single inch. The government, that is.
The Nazis burned down their own Reichstag and I believe that since then the Americans have adopted similar methods, maybe... Pearl Harbour. JFK. RFK. MLK. Impeaching Nixon. Trying to impeach Clinton. And perhaps 911. Burn down your own Reichstags, kill your own leaders, create the future. Control the future. I believe this with all of my heart. And you wonder why I despise the American government so much. Tell me I'm crazy. They all do.
But doesn't it make you think? What if?
Does anybody else find it ironic that this thread starts with the declaration that the incident that effectively ended World War II is being referred to as "the day that Peace ended"? I don't get it, how can you defeat peace by ending a war?
^^^ Peace was defeated because as long as nukes exist, there will never be total piece. Everyone has them nowadays and the ONLY reason no one uses them is because they are afraid of the reprecutions. I truly believe that the world is in a nuclear stale mate. So we just war with every other weapon available!
You are exactly right.Good point Peter.Does anybody else find it ironic that this thread starts with the declaration that the incident that effectively ended World War II is being referred to as "the day that Peace ended"? I don't get it, how can you defeat peace by ending a war?
Maybe so. Maybe I just don't believe everything I'm told. Maybe I question things too much. Is that insane? Is that more insane than saying you would slash someone's face with a knife if they tried to steal your watch? I wonder if we had a poll to see which is more "insane" - me questioning history, or you slashing the face of a petty thief and describing the details of which weapon exactly you would like to use in order to do the most possible damage... maybe you should leave the rebuttals to members that do not have such a "dark" posting history themselves. Although I shouldn't say "dark". Because you don't like that word very much, I'm sure. Something about being dark or black-on-white interracial sex being a higher risk of transferring HIV, I forget where you said it. But like you said, I'm the one who's insane, and your head on the other hand is right on the money. Funny that no-one else is branding me as insane other than the one who fantasizes about slashing or shooting criminals' faces with high tech weaponry and who has a fear of interracial sex.
As for the rest of you... you can call it "ending a war" but I call it what it was: dropping two nuclear weapons on cities full of unarmed civilians. That is why it's the blackest day. It's simple. If not the single blackest day, it certainly ranks on a similar level to the inhumane way people were mass murdered earlier in Europe during the holocaust. Instantly killing thousands by insinerating them or irradiating them. What's the fucking difference. Why do we think we're so much better than them. We say we were ending a war? They said they were ending the tyranny of the Jews and the Blacks and the Gays and the Disabled and the Slavs. So we all have our beliefs. If our beliefs can justify insinerating hundreds and thousands in a few seconds then imo we are monsters, and war is just monsters and fools begetting monsters and fools.
The fire bombings did far more damage, and likely caused the same amount of terror as the Nuke did.
Simply put, Nukes were used on Japan to :
1 end the war
2 save American and Japanese lives (the brain trust believed the war would continue for many months at a heavy cost to both sides, right or wrong)
3 Psychological Warfare
Nazi Death camps
1 exterminate jews
2 exterminate jews
3 exterminate jews
I shouldn't bother responding to that piece of ignorant tripe, but since I don't know any better:And the Japanese didn't engineer a genocide.
As has been pointed out time and again - more people were killed during conventional bombing raids than during the a-bombs over Japan.When the A-bombs fell, they destroyed hospitals, churches, schools, little kids, and irradiated the DNA of people who didn't die. The bombings were done to keep the Russians from ending the Pacific War. And after WWII nobody tried to stop Stalin from systematically exterminating his people. I have always thought that was a strange double standard. The A-bombings could have been achieved with conventional weapons, but America went with "Shock and Awe". It's a freaking miracle Japan has forgiven that.
Military history is hobby of mine. Fourteen years and counting. The web links are actually new (and there are actually many many more on the Nanking Massacre and Japanese Comfort Women that I left out)You're good. :bowdown:
I shouldn't bother responding to that piece of ignorant tripe, but since I don't know any better:
ask the people of the Sudan, Rwanda, Bosnia, Macedonia how they feel about extermination....the world doesn't seem to care ....that in itself is an atrocities