pussy+dickdenice said:
Right Prof. But just for curiosity's sake find out which country sent the least aid to Sumatra, when tsunami actually struck.
Naturally, "Aid projections" don't forcast the cost of operating the US 7th Fleet in the area -- which was one of the first on scene and which lent tremendous help in CSAR and MEDEVAC.
By the way: I am NOT a big fan of taxpayer funded/subsidised "foreign aid". Far too often, 'foreign aid' is used as a cover for funding favoured political parties or 'rebel groups' and other general "interference". (For more information see "National Endowment for Democracy).
Also, government "foreign aid" usually travels between governments. Talk about stupidity! An ineffectual largesse entity collecting and sending money to another ineffectual largesse entity!
The private citizens of the United States are among the most generous in the world. I'd rather citizens donate from private charity to private organizations than Governments "donating" from taxed money. (I'm a regular donor to the Christian Children's Fund. I like the organisation, it doesn't proselytise, it's record is good and I get regular updates on where my money is being spent).
********** said:
And people wonder why I don't like the military. I don't. And as an American, I am ALLOWED to have that point of view.
Fair enough. I wouldn't presume otherwise.
********** said:
I think the military are murderers, and anyone that signs up is allowing themselves to become murderers for the state, whether they're doing it for god or freedom or college.
Frankly, I did it because of my best friends. It wasn't so much about patriotism or "doing the right thing" or "earning money for college" in as much as it was about being faithful to a promise to 'be together - come hell or high water'. I just couldn't stand by while my brothers in all but name and blood were sent off to harms way.
I lost my brother to war.
Of the two friends I signed up with - one never made it home. Infact, he died a few hours short of his 21st birthday.
********** said:
This country is still beautiful because I can still say that and I'm JUST as American as anyone else here. This country is still beautiful because I wasn't born or raised here and I'm JUST as American as anyone else here. This country is FREE, and our beliefs are FREE
********** said:
and I believe that that freedom is not due to the murderers that wear khakis... not due to bombing towns and villages in Iraq and Afghanistan... I believe THOSE things are infringements on the freedom of others and don't do anything for US except make us richer and more powerful and as an American, an Englishman, and a human being, I will fight against that kind of hypocrisy, murder, injustice and exploitation until the day I die.
Fair enough.
I don't believe the Constitution grants me freedom.
I don't believe that the armed forces or a free press preserves my freedom. They make for nice speeches on the Right and the Left (respectively).
I am born free. It's up to me to live my life free. And I'll do my damnedest to die free. Nobody grants me that freedom. Freedom and liberty are my birthrights.
********** said:
Don't blame the soldiers? To me, that's the same as saying, don't blame the guy with the backpack who blows up the shopping mall. They're both carrying out orders. They're both killing innocents. They both have their reasons and probably believe in them. I see nothing redeeming about either one, period.
I won't dismiss war are "irredeemable" outright. After all, this nation's liberty was wrought through the forge of blood and steel.
Don't get me wrong - I don't approve of "spreading liberty and democracy" through force and coercion. But I won't say that "nothing is worth war" either.
********** said:
I try not to tell soldiers to their face, things like that, because it upsets and angers them...but if I am told what to think, if I am told what it means to be "American", if I am constantly being forcefed this bullshit about how it's okay to nuke cities full of people... I'm gonna come out and tell you what I think. If you guys are right, I'm a pretty bad American ha, pretty naive and all that crap, but still an American. If I am right, then all of you who support the US armed forces, or any other armed forces that invade or bomb other countries for any reason, can count yourselves among those you see on TV, cheering as the towers fell down. If you cheer the deaths of innocents and support the war like a sports game, you are NO DIFFERENT to the people you hate and swear to exterminate.
War is never about extermination.
Sorry Fox, you got the wrong idea about War.