The Biden Presidency

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'Let them take you to court': Biden dares the GOP to obstruct him

It's about fucking time. For the dems as a party I mean, not just Biden. Looks like ole sleepy Joe has kept at least one eye open over the last decade or so and thinks he might have the game figured out. I think he might be onto something.

Go big. Go fast. And, if need be, go without the GOP.
Since assuming office two weeks ago, President Joe Biden has made this his credo while instituting a record 45 executive actions that fulfill campaign promises on everything from climate change to racial equity to immigration, undo a number of Donald Trump’s policies, and have shaped the news cycle along the way.
And while the carefully calibrated policy rollout can’t, on its own, juice the economy or ramp up the Covid-19 response on the scale that’s needed, White House aides believe it has helped build momentum for the president as he tries to sell a historic $1.9 trillion “rescue” package.
Their belief in that is so strong, in fact, that Biden officials and allies are now practically daring Republicans to fight them, convinced that the public is firmly on the side of quick action.
“It will save our majority if he takes that approach with everything that he does,” said House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), one of Biden’s closest allies in the House. “Don’t try to go around them. But if they refuse to do it, use his executive powers and do it. And let them take you to court.”
President Not-Fucking-Around-Anymore decided to kick off some foreign moves today. He drew a line in the sand and dared putin to step over it, laid the groundwork for a diplomatic solution to the Yemen war, and cranked the old state department engine back to life.

I like the idea that Joe spent 47 years just being Joe, and then when he should have been settling down he saw what a mess trump and republicans made and said FFS!!! THIS is how you fucking run a country! Not saying that's definitely how it is, but a nice thought.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Forgiving medical debt is a great idea.

[ignore my momentary lapse]
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But wouldn't that punish all the people who paid theirs off or had insurance?

(Couldn't resist....)


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
But wouldn't that punish all the people who paid theirs off or had insurance?

(Couldn't resist....)
Thank you for slapping me back to reality - you are absolutely correct. It would penalize those who paid off their debt and those who pay higher premiums for a no deductible plan. Insureds using a HSA to support a HDHP would be the most impacted since they are risking their own money (I risk my insurer's money).

Forgiving debt retroactively would provide an inequitable benefit. Establishing a national plan which covers everyone should be the goal.

Just yesterday, we were discussing whether to allow our son to take out loans for his final year of college in anticipation of having some portion forgiven.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
When I think of medical debt, I typically think of people who have catastrophic events outside their control (i.e., cancer, accidents, birth defects). Those should be considered for relief. Debts arising in the normal course of healthcare are a different animal.
But wouldn't that punish all the people who paid theirs off or had insurance?

(Couldn't resist....)
That reminds me of the Boomer Trolley Problem meme. If I was more familiar with posting pictures on here I would do so (I think the last time I posted a picture on here here was over ten years ago and I'm too tired to refresh myself on it.), but it's both incredibly sad and hilarious. It reminds of me of the mindset of some people that want to see others suffer because they had bad things happen to them, and they just aren't happy unless everybody else in the world has things as bad as they did.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It doesn't seem applicable here, but here you go:

Does Biden even have a twitter account? I honestly can't recall a single news story post-Jan 20th saying "The president tweeted..."
(...which was basically how we started the day for past 4 years)
There's an official POTUS account. I think he's used it once or twice, not 100% sure. I imagine Jen has control of it.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Humans are like crabs in a pot, when one try's to climb out, the others pull him down.
That reminds me of the Boomer Trolley Problem meme. If I was more familiar with posting pictures on here I would do so (I think the last time I posted a picture on here here was over ten years ago and I'm too tired to refresh myself on it.), but it's both incredibly sad and hilarious. It reminds of me of the mindset of some people that want to see others suffer because they had bad things happen to them, and they just aren't happy unless everybody else in the world has things as bad as they did.

The Trolley Problem is not a problem. I can only imagine psychopaths would struggle with it.

How about people who are out of the pot trying to pull more people out? That makes sense. Tax me more so others can have healthcare and education. Set the scheme in place and implement it so everyone knows the rules.

Debt is a different issue though. For higher education there are plenty of financial aid programs available to needy students (i.e., scholarships, pell grants, etc.). I'm all for relief, but is complete absolution the right way? In my opinion: no. If it happens, it happens. I am pragmatic enough to believe no answer will satisfy everyone and some relief is necessary.

Let's join together and agree these debts should be forgiven:
"... a class-action lawsuit brought on behalf of some 160,000 former for-profit college students seeking loan forgiveness on the grounds that they were defrauded."

"President Joe Biden has vowed to reverse DeVos’ approach and restore Obama-era policies that were designed to more easily relieve the debts of students who were misled or cheated by their college."
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