"Debt is a different issue though. For higher education there are plenty of financial aid programs available to needy students (i.e., scholarships, pell grants, etc.). I'm all for relief, but is complete absolution the right way? In my opinion: no. If it happens, it happens. I am pragmatic enough to believe no answer will satisfy everyone and some relief is necessary." gmase
Not sure about you or what your son's college costs are but my youngest daughter ended up with about $90,000 of debt that she got very little government help(except loans) for. We were too "rich"(income about 60-65 thousand a year). yes she when to a private college and there were other cheaper choices. But other than community colleges(which I support) they are all expensive. And she lived at home. No living expenses. My son helped her pay some of it off but she still has a lot to pay. And she is. But she took it to get her degree and knew she would have to pay it back. So I still cannot support complete loan forgiveness. Restructuring yes, wipe it away, no.