A lot of good points on both sides here.
I think we can all agree that if republicans had exactly the amount of power dems have right now, they'd be doing whatever the fuck they want and nobody would stop them. That is a major source of frustration for non-republicans.
But also, the democratic support base is a very different beast than the republican one. republicans seem unable to lose their base, no matter how much they lie, cheat, and fail to even maintain the facade of doing their jobs. What's more, they seem to have settled on not attracting any new members to their base, so they're fine with spending all their energy trying to rig the system so that they can achieve and maintain power with a minority of the population. The other advantage republicans have is that they pretty much always put party over country. Even on those rare occasions that one of them has a moral qualm, they'll still vote party lines and then tell fox news how conflicted they were about it.
Dems, on the other hand, are trying to herd cats a lot of the time, even though it does seem like there are a large number of policy items that pretty much everyone agrees on. And they'd probably have no problems ramming a lot of that stuff through if it weren't for wild cards like manchin and sinema.
Seems like the whip needs to start whipping harder.