The Biden Presidency

Hello to my Democrat friends...

There has been talk about Hillary running again in 2024. Do you think she is a better option for winning the General Election as the Democratic Candidate than either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris? I have also heard that this Hillary talk is a buncha right-wing hullabaloo to get a reaction from Republicans. What do you guys think?
The Donald or his surrogate will win. I would bet on it but might not be alive at my age to find out.

You'll be alive. Come up with a decent candidate and the Dems will win. I think you guys are gonna have to reach into your bullpen. Biden is settling into rigor mortis by the day and Kamala is as unlikeable as she is inauthentic. Trump has no business winning an election but he will if the Democrat candidate is just that poor.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
You'll be alive. Come up with a decent candidate and the Dems will win. I think you guys are gonna have to reach into your bullpen. Biden is settling into rigor mortis by the day and Kamala is as unlikeable as she is inauthentic. Trump has no business winning an election but he will if the Democrat candidate is just that poor.
Dino, I'm 71 and busily falling apart. At this point it's a maybe.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Well, I hope you’ll be OK. We all like you, bubb.
Aw shucks


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I think I’d throw in with you guys if you included nobody over 70 in Congress as well.
When Thomas Jefferson was 78 (and 13 years into retirement), he wrote:
"Man, like the fruit he eats, has his period of ripeness ... if he continues longer hanging to the stem, it is but as an useless and unsightly appendage."

How many unsightly appendages do we get to experience on a daily basis?