tasting your own cum !!!


4G63 said:
Humans need to admonish one another. Just like NF to that lady, and just like you to NF, and me and AsianXXChick to you, mcrocket. It's the discussion that bring us together, and truly expresses our feelings.

My counterpoint is this: That woman knew that she was in a public shopping center, and if she had a cell phone, she knew the etiquette. The mentally handicapped and hard of hearing people I know, are extra courteous and know etiquette better than most. So I doubt that was her problem.

Humility is a virtue, NF humiliated her, she did win. NF gained nothing, but a story. That woman can learn, just as we all can. We all need pushes. Would you have stopped smoking rocks unless you were humiliated?

Well put, as usual for you (and AsianXXXchick).

I cannot answer your last question. I do not know why I quit exactly.

And pushes can be good. Just please keep them mental or emotional and not physical.
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Closed Account
mcrocket said:
Well put, as usual for you (and AsianXXXchick).

I cannot answer your last question. I do not know why I quit exactly.

And pushes can be good. Just please keep them mental or emotional and not physical.

Not to sound Maudlin or anything, but my worst scars are emotional, the physical ones, they only look bad.


4G63 said:
Not to sound Maudlin or anything, but my worst scars are emotional, the physical ones, they only look bad.

As are mine. But to resort to violence - no matter how small - out of frustration is always wrong to me.

I am a wee bit drained. LOL.


Closed Account
mcrocket said:
Whenever one has a choice to make - the least desireable one is almost always the right one. We all want to push her out of the way. But the cooler heads prevail and show tolerance. The less cooler do not.
I'll choose tolerance thanks - whenever I can.

If that is true then you are the best person I know. IMHO (better?).

It's peanut butter jelly time,
peanut butter jelly time. :nanner:
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4G63 said:
If that is true then you are the best person I know. IAH.

It's peanut butter jelly time,
peanut butter jelly time. :nanner:


Thanks, but I think Colonel is way ahead of me.

Besides. Talking a good game is one thing. Doing it is another - we all have breaking points.
I just wanted to help Nightfly see what I assumed he already knew inside. That he is better then that.

As are you and AsianXXXchick (and Colonel).

That is the second interesting 'night shift' I had on here in a row.:)
Misogyny? Absolutely NOT!

Oh for the love of Christ, to compare what I did by gently nudging this rude, completely self-absorbed fellow shopper's legs to "violence" is absolutely absurd.

Gender had absolutely no role in my action. For God's sake, I am a male feminist (I hate some of the ways people refer to women on this board as bitches, sluts, whores, gashes, cunts, etc.), completely appalled by misogyny, and the VAST majority of my friends are women, to boot. That this rude shopper was female had absolutely no bearing or influence on my action. Had it been a man, large or small, I would have done the same thing.

Rudeness is rudeness, and willful rudeness and intentional disregard for others was what this particular person was exercising. It was as if her feet were glued to the floor and she had gum in her ears - but in this situation, it was by her own choice. She had no learning or mental defect of any apparent sort - she was just completely self-absorbed and inconsiderate as hell. She was not deaf.

I wasn't bragging about my actions, either. I was relating a situation (comical IMO to a degree because we can mostly all identify with it) to which nearly ALL of us are going to be faced many times in our lives, particularly at this time of year.

I'm absolutely stunned (and people accuse me of political correctness/hyper-sensitivity!) that anyone would see my gentle nudge to this woman's leg to actually get her attention, since she was blissfully self-absorbed, as an act of "violence."

I was polite for literally two minutes, which is a very long time of standing there saying "excuse me, pardon me, ma'am, hello, excuse me," so I finally gently bumped her legs. She was off in her own willful, snotty, self-absorbed "I'm not moving for anyone or anything" world, and it was disrespectful and rude of her. I nudged her to wake her out of her rudeness, she came back to reality, called me rude, and I said "excuse me, for the last time" and flipped her off.

That's not misogyny. That's not "violence against women." That's called self-assertion, encouraging politeness, a bit of humiliation to show her the sun doesn't revolve around her, and my way of doing so without raising my voice and yelling at her (causing a scene) to get her to snap out of her egotism/rudeness.

I cannot believe I've had to explain myself like this. This is fucking pathetic. It was a post I made to which most people can relate, and we probably all have wanted to do the same thing (and many people probably a lot worse - like screaming "Hey bitch, get out of the fucking way!"), and instead of allowing this person to continually do this, I felt she needed a bit of a nudge.

Humility is important, for it is part of common courtesy and politeness. Well-established societies thrive on manners, mutual respect of others, and the obeyance of laws. She certainly was not breaking any laws with her behavior, but she broke The Golden Rule...

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If I ever behaved like that, I'd expect the same treatment, turn beet red, and be embarrassed as anything for my rudeness, apologizing profusely for my social blunder and inconsiderate manner. THAT was the intended effect of my action - not some ridiculously absurd ASSUMPTION that it was a misogynistic "act of violence." It's a bit like when you're in your car at a stop light/traffic signal and the car ahead of you hasn't noticed the light has turned green...you wait a few moments, get a bit frustrated as you see the person blissfully ignorant, not paying attention to anything but the mobile phone call they're on in the car, and then you finally lay into the car horn or tap it once or twice to bring them back into the real world so you and the other cars behind you can get through the intersection before the light turns red again.

People here certainly know it is completely out of my character to be violent and/or rude, and I cannot believe my action was construed as such. I'm shocked and very disappointed.

Life goes on, though...

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Nightfly said:
I tried my cow-catcher idea (Punch to the Face, Venting Thread post from a few days ago) at a Wal Mart Super Center tonight, but I didn't use a cow catcher. I hit this woman in the heels on purpose because she acted like she was deaf when I kept saying (like 5 times) "excuse me," so I just pushed my cart into her legs and she jumped as if she had a snake in her pants!!! It was fucking brilliant!!!! LOL!!! "Excuse me for the last time," I said, and her retort was "How rude!" I kept walking but gave her the middle finger as I kept walking... :thefinger :rofl: :D :1orglaugh

This is what you typed. If she jumped then I doubt you just tapped her. BUt maybe she was touchy.
And saying it was 'fucking brilliant' doesn't sound like a simple 'relaying of the situation' to me. Sounds like you were rather proud of yourself and you wanted to share this proudness with others. Sounds like bragging to me. At least to some extent.
I did not say you committed an act of violence to this person.
I typed that you should not have 'pushed my cart into her legs'. And you should not have bragged about it.

Is is a big deal? No, and I said it was not a big deal. I simply said it was wrong.
And I still think that.
And somewhere inside you - I believe part of you does as well. And that is one of the reason's I first stated this. Because I respect you and I believe that you know better.

No biggie.

Have a nice day.
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I find this thread HUGELY amusing..
From tasting cum to argy bargy in shopping aisles..
from the sublime to the ridiculous.
"Luke, I am your father. Come with me to the Dark Side..."

:D :1orglaugh


Closed Account
AsianxxxChick said:
So ... if some big bertha heifer is standing there in the middle of the aisle, smackin' and poppin' her chewin' gum, drinking a can of Fresca or Diet Coke while ruminating over the many multitudes of choices of cold cereal and choosing to deliberately ignore me while I'm being polite and asking to get by her fat ass ... then hell fucking yeah, I'm gonna humiliate her sorry ass. Ditto for a man.

There is such a thing as common courtesy. While it may not be an "emergency" ... I do expect to be treat in a like manner. If I say, "Pardon me, but may I get by, please?" (FIVE times, no less), I expect that person to move out of the way; they don't have to move out of the country ... just enought to let me by and let me be on my way. They don't have to acknowledge me in any other way. Just let me by and I'll be on my merry way with no further issues or comments. But if you're goingto be an ass about it, I can damn well assure you that I can be an even BIGGER ass.

Common courtesy, folks ... just plain ol' common courtesy.

HAHA you're so raunchy and that's so true!:rofl:
Sometimes when you blindly turn the other cheek when somebody metaphorically slaps you in the face all you are doing is allowing them a chance to slap the other side. If you constantly back down to assholes all you are doing is allowing them to get their way whenever they want however they want. Really, if your the person that has to turn tale and run the other way because you want to be passive to the point of absurdity what is the incentive for the other person to act in a respectful manor? If everybody did that they would win. Nothing changes until they are confronted. Sometimes that means standing up for yourself and perhaps the rest of the people in the world when somebody you confront is wrong. I have seen too many people that let themselves be nice to the point they let others roll on over them because they didn't want to offend anybody. All that ever did was encourage the jerks to do it more and to be worse than ever. When they truly feel sorry for what they have done and want to change maybe...just maybe then I will turn the other cheek for them, not before then.